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  1. #1
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    Default Question for Bruce

    Hi Bruce,


    been using TE/m for some time now.(5 months) Why is it that I require 4-5 sprays of TE/m for positve effect? I've

    tried lower dosages but simply no response. Any reason for this?

    I'm asking you this question directly coz'

    you're the only man who knows whats inside that potent bottle.


  2. #2
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Wow, that is a lot. If

    you hadn't been around so long, I would think you were putting me on. Actually, I think you have the wrong man

    though. There are certainly guys here who have more experience with that kind of application than I do. I don't

    think I have ever used more than one spray. Any more, I only use Edge Heat and I don't use the spray head with

    that at all.

    Anyway, I wish I could help more, but I have no idea why that amount would be effective for you.

    As the saying goes "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". It that amount is working for you, hey, no



  3. #3
    Banned User
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    heh i hope he means 4-5 dabs

    not spray cuz thats CRAZY OD

  4. #4
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Well, I have used six sprays of

    The Edge in the past. In the end, I agreed to back off after everyone said I should. I usually find different

    reactions in different situations. This evening, for example, I went out to meet some friends for dinner. So I only

    put on two sprays of The Edge and then four dabs of APC. But I had done the same thing in the morning, so I was into

    OD range by everyone's standards.

    My friends, having been around me for so long, acted normal. And I

    didn't really notice much going on at the restaurant. Afterward, I decided to go hear a local band (Mary Frometa)

    at Elvia's Cantina. For some reason, the place was stacked with young girls but was otherwise kind of dead.

    I was the target of lots of hair-flipping and eye-contact. There were so many girls walking in front of my table to

    get to the restroom that it was almost like having my own fashion show.

    A few of them indicated an interest

    in dancing with me, but as I watched them dance with the club schmoozers, I saw they couldn't dance at all and I

    had no real interest in them. I was mildly contemplating a sympathy dance for one of the girls when a couple of my

    friends came in (not from the group at the restaurant).

    These guys were looking for someone to dance with,

    so I pointed out a group of six girls who had just come in with some guy. Most of the girls in the place hadn't

    tried to dance at all, so I suggested that new group might have some potential.

    Well, eventually one of them

    looked like she wanted to dance, so I tried to send one of my friends over to her. But he couldn't figure out which

    one I was talking about and the guy in her group took her on the floor. So, I suggested another one. My other friend

    grabbed a second girl and I thought, "What the heck?", so I went up to a third.

    She said she didn't dance.

    Well, by now there were about eight girls and one more guy in the group, and I said, "Well, do any of your friends

    dance?" She looked around and shrugged. I said, "Well, pick one, because I'm not going around this table."

    She sent one of her friends out on the dance floor with me and it was the usual disaster (I don't know WHY I keep

    asking girls at Elvia's to dance before I see them try with someone else). She couldn't do anything but wiggle


    But it might have been The Edge, because her palms started oozing sweat pretty quickly, and

    she refused to make eye contact with me. This was after several of her friends had established eye contact from


    So, I think my 4 sprays and 8 dabs did their dirty work. I really did just want to listen to the band.

    I tried dancing with one more girl from another group and she kept losing her balance. I figured it was a lost cause

    and just watched my friends go suffer. And the first group of girls got up in disgust after I danced with number 2

    and they stormed out of the place (missing the group of young guys who came in a little later).

    I did point

    out one more girl across the restaurant who had made eye-contact with me. One of my friends danced with her and he

    said she was the best all night.

    So, the moral of my story is: if you want to SCREAM pheromonically so

    that women notice you and flirt with you from thirty feet away, use four sprays and eight dabs. But don't expect

    anything good to happen up close. They are too nervous, intimidated, or whatever to open up to you.

    I did

    get good eye contact and full frontal displays and sensuous hand movements from Mary. I am pretty SURE that was for

    me. I was sitting by myself as the evening wound down and she still spent a great deal of time looking my way and

    facing her body toward me. Lots of hair tosses, sensually rubbing her hands on her body.

    She was probably

    just feeling really good and didn't know why (good music, soft lights, lots of Androstenone in the air). I suppose

    her boyfriend is reaping the rewards of my OD as I write this.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce

    Wow, that is

    a lot. If you hadn't been around so long, I would think you were putting me on. Actually, I think you have the

    wrong man though. There are certainly guys here who have more experience with that kind of application than I do.

    I don't think I have ever used more than one spray. Any more, I only use Edge Heat and I don't use the spray head

    with that at all.

    Anyway, I wish I could help more, but I have no idea why that amount would be effective for

    you. As the saying goes "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". It that amount is working for you, hey, no



    I believe that folks using 1 spray or less, are benefitting more

    from the ANONE than the secret ingredient because it does not take much ANONE to stand out in the crowd. However,

    there are some folks including myself who do well with higher dosages of Edge. Perhaps the secret ingredient is

    helping me more? Is the secret ingredient a "friendly" type of mone? I have great results using SOE standalone,

    however when I add a tiny little bit of ANONE to SOE, my results are poor. Hence, I dont think ANONE is helping me

    but the secret ingredient is key towards my Edge success.


  6. #6
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I hadn't really thought about this

    until reading Friendly's post, but environment is a big factor, and then there is fading. When I put on a dab or

    two of Heat I am generally on my way to take my kids to a movie or something along those lines. If I were going to

    a smokey club where everyone was drinking I could easily triple the amount. BTW, I used to use an entire SOE gel

    pack on "date night", but I smeared it in pretty good over a large area of my body rather than just the usual pulse

    points, so application points are an issue here too.


  7. #7
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    It is likely some sort of

    "comfort" pheromone to take the scare away from the -none. Why you need that much of it (many think it is easy to

    OD on secret) is surprising.

    But at least you are getting results. Now, how do you and friendly cover sucha

    large quantity of cat pee smell without scent oding?

    And also, doesn't all that edge put you guys in a negative

    or too serious mood?

  8. #8
    Phero Pharaoh
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    I don't end up with the cat

    pee effect. Maybe once it happened, but I wasn't sure. We had some day workers in the office moving furniture

    around and I was pretty sure it came from him. It seemed stronger when I was in his vicinity.

    When I was using

    the SOE gel packs, I would apply the whole pack to my chest and then use my forearms to rub it around. So I got it

    across my chest and my arms.

    When I use The Edge or another spray pheromone, I will put 2 or 4 sprays on my

    chest (different areas) and maybe 1 spray on each forearm. I do not simply spray the pheromones onto the same


    I do not apply them to my wrists, but rather to my forearms (area between the wrists and elbows) as I

    am consistent about washing my hands through the day.

    I usually rub a dab of APC at the base of my neck in

    front and back and just behind each ear.

    I still have some Musk with Androstenol but I have stopped applying

    it. I am not sure when it helps and when it doesn't.

  9. #9
    Phero Pharaoh
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    We can alter our

    moods by listening to music. Someone published a study about that a few years ago and I was fascinated by the

    concept. So I tried it out and found it worked. If I play songs that I enjoyed when I was in love with a past

    girlfriend, I find myself thinking of the good times with that girl. If I play songs that I enjoyed when I was

    really young, I find myself thinking of those happy, carefree days of childhood. If I play songs I enjoy when I am

    dancing, I find myself looking forward to the next night out.

    So, in a club where I am going to enjoy the

    music, I don't have the too-serious attitude.

    Sometimes, in dance class, people tell me I have a too-serious

    expression. That usually means the Androstenone is a little strong, but otherwise I do okay. The women like to be

    my partner in the dance classes. Part of that is the fact I'm a pretty good dancer now and part of it is the


    I should probably wear the Androstenol to dance class.

  10. #10
    Banned User
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    hey (sorry dude to hijack your

    thread) but i got a quick question i got TE from a friend of mine and it smells like cat pee REALLY bad ... does

    that mean it's unscented lol cuz i'm not sure of the scent version ( i mean i haven't smelt sandalwood) and does

    it ever stink i had to use a lot of colgne

  11. #11
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    A couple of sayings come to


    1. You can't please everybody

    2. One man's meat is another man's poison

    EG: You

    slather on a large amount of pheromones and your favorite cologne and off you go through the mall.

    Woman #1

    (to herself): What a geek, needs a shower big time.

    Woman #2 (to herself): Whoaa... too much


    Woman #3 (to herself): Mmmmm... yummy. What a hunk.

    Woman #4 (to herself): Hmm... that guy

    sure thinks a lot of himself

    It is always going to be mixed back. You can't make everyone happy. Just do

    what makes you feel comfortable, and find someone who is into that. Then you don't have to spend the rest of your

    life pretending to be someone you aren't.


  12. #12
    Newbie Don Tego's Avatar
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    Thats why I am afraid to use

    TE. I have used AE for 1 year and its great...but need and want to use TE & NPA but the smell like pee factor holds

    me back. Surggestions?
    red caliente.

  13. #13
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Don Tego:

    Edge Heat is a

    pretty good solution. It has a decent smelling cover built-in and you don't really have to worry about the


    NPA I don't think is that hard to cover, because it is more concentrated and you use less. You

    can throw sandalwood oil or some sort of frangrance or essential oil on top or beneath it and I think you are good

    to go.

    With a spray of edge unscented or sandalwood, then you should be able to cover with cologne without

    being that guy with way too much cologne on.

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