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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Getting a girl that you don't know

    Alright, there is this girl that I don't really know. I mean she knows who I am and I know who she is, but it's

    not like we have any kind of relationship of any kind between each other. So basically if we saw each other at the

    movies or something, we wouldn't go out of our way to say "Hi" to each other.

    So what are the best mones to

    get a girl that you don't really know to notice you. **I just want a chance to get to know her**, so it's not like

    I will need WAGG or something like that.

    PLUS... Got any tips once school starts to get oppurtunities to run

    into her... like knowing her class schedule, stuff like that.

  2. #2
    Banned User
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    Social Hits: SOE / Cik

    Hits: NPA / TE / AE

    those are the basic things you need to know ... btw / means or -- try standalone before you

    hit mixes and read some of the post here theres tips on meeting a person that you dont' know and how to flirt with

    dem and also tips on how to use your mones so take your time look around before you decide what you want to buy ...

    hope this helps good luck!!

    oh btw give us more information about yourself so we can relate the best phermos for

    your body chemistry and destire needs

  3. #3
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Just walking past her, looking

    her in the eye, and saying "Hi" if she is looking back (especially if she smiles -- be sure to smile, too) will do

    you a world more good than any amount of pheromones.

    Just practice saying "Hi" to girls without trying to talk

    to them for a couple of weeks. If they act like they want to chat, stop and chat for a couple of minutes and then,

    "Hey, nice talking with you. I've got to go do something." And then leave.

  4. #4
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I agree with both KB and Friendly.

    The products he mentions are a good place to start. age is also an issue as is your normal pheromone output.

    Experimenting is the only way to find out what works best for sure.

    I like Friendly's advice too. If this

    girl is somebody you pass from time to time around campus, cultivate the habit of giving out friendly smiles and

    "Hello"s to anyone you meet. Some folks are really good at this and it is great skill to develop.

    Then one

    of these days, you will be in a situation where you have a few minutes to talk and it will all come


    I highly recommend looking at the long term and working on what they call "the social skills".



  5. #5
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    My advice is: listen to

    Just walk up to the girl and say "Hi". Yes, it's that simple, and it works wonder.
    Go figure (and try


  6. #6
    Newbie jo23er's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myself
    My advice is: listen

    to Friendly.
    Just walk up to the girl and say "Hi". Yes, it's that simple, and it works wonder.
    Go figure

    (and try it!)
    Well said .

  7. #7
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    But make sure you have a lot to say

    after that...

  8. #8
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    It's not what you say, it's the

    attitude that you show.

    You could (and you should) not think too much of what you're doing or you'll get all

    sorts of doubts.
    And I mean it, grow a spine, it's not like you'll die of heart attack anyway

  9. #9
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    But make sure you have a

    lot to say after that...
    You never know. Some follks you meet will pick up the coversation, run with

    it and you will have a hard time getting a word in edgewise. Others, you will have to keep it going all on your

    own. You just never know. You might want to be prepared to keep it going all on your own, or you might just go in

    expecting a little support and if the conversation ends up requiring too much effor to keep going, just cut your

    losses and boogie. :-)


  10. #10
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    I can see where your coming from. In

    any case, under 25, be prepared to carry the conversation, at least in the beginning.

  11. #11
    Newbie jo23er's Avatar
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    Anyway, if she is young (under 25)

    try SOE or even WAGG. But dont expect from mones alone to do the trick. As bjf said, you need to talk...a lot.

  12. #12
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    I talked to a few women who told me

    that they had serious heat for a guy but it fizzled when he opened his mouth. You don't have to posses knowlege of

    nuclear physics but you should be able to flow with a subject and little humor when appropriate helps as well.

    Just be yourself.


  13. #13
    Banned User MattUNI2001's Avatar
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    Girls most deefffiinnitely

    love guys who can make them laugh, that is for sure! That is what I base my whole life around, is making people

    laugh and it works very well!

  14. #14
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    But make sure you

    have a lot to say after that...
    Most guys destroy themselves by thinking they have to say a lot to a girl.

    She is more interested in her life and her world than she is in some stranger's life and world, unless you just

    happen to strike her as some totally cool dude who does things beyond her reach.

    I was at a party this weekend

    and a young girl I had exchanged some glances with came over to sit beside me. I started asking her about herself

    and her interests (more about her interests) to get her talking. A guy sitting next to me, seeing the girl open up

    with interest, immediately jumped in and took over the conversation, telling her what she should like and do, blah,

    blah, blah.

    She got up and walked away.

    You need to watch and listen to what the other person is doing.

    When a woman loses interest in a conversation, it's either time to change the subject and get her talking again, or

    just end it.

  15. #15
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1
    I was at a

    party this weekend and a young girl I had exchanged some glances with came over to sit beside me. I started asking

    her about herself and her interests (more about her interests) to get her talking. A guy sitting next to me, seeing

    the girl open up with interest, immediately jumped in and took over the conversation, telling her what she should

    like and do, blah, blah, blah.
    In fact, last night I was at a party where I saw another guy do a balancing

    act. I don't think he realized just how close he was to blowing it. He was sitting next to a girl who was totally

    into him. She turned her body toward him and mirrored his movements. He was oblivious to what was going on.

    While he let her do most of the talking, she was animated and interested in him. After a while he took over the

    conversation. Now, at first he scored some points because he was funny and got her to laugh. But then he kept

    talking and talking. Eventually, she turned away from him and allowed someone else to start talking with her.

    Later on in the evening I saw them together again. I re-introduced myself and she and I started talking. We all sat

    down together and she said she had trouble seeing in the dark (the party had moved to a dance club). She mentioned

    needing to find the restroom. I could see she couldn't see her way around. So I told her which direction to go in

    and said, "Would you like someone to guide you over there?"

    She said yes and suddenly Mr. Opportunity caught

    on. He stood up and said, "Here, let me help you", took her hand, and guided her over to the ladies room. A little

    while later I passed by him and suggested he learn to read body language. I don't think he appreciated my comment,

    but that was all the help I gave him for the rest of the evening.

    They spent more time together but drifted


    That is the way it goes most of the time. You meet someone, sparks fly, you spend a little time

    together. I think he's got a very good chance with her if he wants it. He doesn't need to be all over her. And

    that includes dominating the conversation. Until she makes him a part of HER world, he is still an intruder in hers,

    even if an occasional one.

    Do not wear out your welcome in someone else's life.

  16. #16
    Newbie jo23er's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1
    In fact, last

    night I was at a party where I saw another guy do a balancing act. I don't think he realized just how close he was

    to blowing it. He was sitting next to a girl who was totally into him. She turned her body toward him and mirrored

    his movements. He was oblivious to what was going on.

    While he let her do most of the talking, she was

    animated and interested in him. After a while he took over the conversation. Now, at first he scored some points

    because he was funny and got her to laugh. But then he kept talking and talking. Eventually, she turned away from

    him and allowed someone else to start talking with her.

    Later on in the evening I saw them together again.

    I re-introduced myself and she and I started talking. We all sat down together and she said she had trouble seeing

    in the dark (the party had moved to a dance club). She mentioned needing to find the restroom. I could see she

    couldn't see her way around. So I told her which direction to go in and said, "Would you like someone to guide you

    over there?"

    She said yes and suddenly Mr. Opportunity caught on. He stood up and said, "Here, let me help

    you", took her hand, and guided her over to the ladies room. A little while later I passed by him and suggested he

    learn to read body language. I don't think he appreciated my comment, but that was all the help I gave him for the

    rest of the evening.

    They spent more time together but drifted apart.

    That is the way it goes

    most of the time. You meet someone, sparks fly, you spend a little time together. I think he's got a very good

    chance with her if he wants it. He doesn't need to be all over her. And that includes dominating the conversation.

    Until she makes him a part of HER world, he is still an intruder in hers, even if an occasional one.


    not wear out your welcome in someone else's life.

    Very very true . What i meant before is to

    talk to a girl, but not after she has not shown any interest. Eye contact, body language call it as you like.

    Sometimes though, and that is what i suggested to manchorito, even going and talking out of the blue can have a

    result, as long as you know what to say and how to behave - very few people ,and i am not saying i am one of them,

    can actually do this right -.

    This can actually be a pain if the girl is young, most of the times she is

    interested in things we cant comprehend, either because they are in their own small world, or because they are VERY

    selective - and that is where looks come into play :P

  17. #17
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Friendly, when you ask a question,

    you are "saying it." My point was, don't go there saying "hi" and expect her to just respond. Many women need to

    be pulled out of their shell. Alot of advice her is given under ideal conditions, but not everybody wants to chat,

    is looking for someone, is outgoing, gives a crap, is nice, has good social skills, is in the right frame of mind,

    etc etc.

  18. #18
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    Friendly, when you

    ask a question, you are "saying it." My point was, don't go there saying "hi" and expect her to just respond. Many

    women need to be pulled out of their shell. Alot of advice her is given under ideal conditions, but not everybody

    wants to chat, is looking for someone, is outgoing, gives a crap, is nice, has good social skills, is in the right

    frame of mind, etc etc.
    You're right, and that is why it is so important to be observant regardless of

    who you are or who you are trying to interact with.

    Asking an innocent question first is very often a good way

    to see how someone will react to your presence.

  19. #19
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Yea. Anyone who is still working on

    their confidence should follow this advice. You'll be more like to run into pleasant situations and less likely to

    run into the wrong ones.

  20. #20
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    I honestly feel that what you say is

    much less important than how well you present yourself, how well you listen, and how well your pheros work.

    gotten to where I just say whatever pops in my head: "Nice purse.", "What's that tatoo mean?" "Long day?", "Hi.",

    "I've seen you around.", "Wow. I mean.. Hi." and the ever popular, "You smell GOOD."

  21. #21
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Noticing anything about the

    choices a woman has made in the way she presents herself usually gets a good reaction. You have to be sincere if

    you're paying a compliment, but a lot of guys overdo it with the compliments. It's better to just ask, "What's

    that tattoo mean?" (to borrow an example from a.k.a.), than to say, "Nice tattoo". It gives her a chance to show she

    wants to talk to you. You can prod her with a few followup questions and comments to help the conversation keep


    Then let her ask you a question. Give an incomplete but honest and NOT misleading reply. Leave her

    something to wonder about so she'll be curious about you. You make yourself interesting by NOT divulging everything

    there is to know about you.

    Personally, I don't ask about tattoos. I don't like them, but it's a good


  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1
    Then let her ask

    you a question. Give an incomplete but honest and NOT misleading reply. Leave her something to wonder about so

    she'll be curious about you. You make yourself interesting by NOT divulging everything there is to know about

    Very well said!!! The more they know about you,they think they have the control and that's kinda

    true. However you shouldn't ever let her contol you; you should have all the contol as you LIKE in order to get

    what you WANT !!!

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