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  1. #1
    Charming Loner
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    Default Hmmm...My interesting first day using pheros...

    Okay, here it is...

    I woke up, worked out, ate, showered, then I applied the pheros.

    First I put on antiperspirant deodorant on my body ( I have HUGE pores). Then I took a tightly folded tissue and

    dabbed it on the rim of the EE Heat bottle and a bit on tube inside, and then rubbed it all over my chest. Then I

    took the SOE musk scented and put two little swipes on each side of my neck. I then put a little on the folded

    tissue just so I could see if I could smell it. Yes, I was being VERY minimal to ensure NO O.D.!

    I then spritzed

    the air with my cologne and walked into it where it hit my head, neck, shoulders, chest, and arms lightly. Then I

    spritzed it again to get my abdomen/groin/upper thighs. And then what I did next, which wasn't planned, was I used

    the folded tissue with the Edge/SOE on it and wiped the sweat off my face with it (IT'S HOT!). I liked the idea and

    kept it with me throughout the day and periodically wiped sweat off my brow while simultaneously lightly applying


    I walked out my house, and was expecting results right away. I was barely 20 minutes out my

    house when I started wondering if this stuff really worked! I realized I was just excited and anxious and calmed

    down and waited. I got to the busstop, two senior citizens, one man one woman, some sniffs, nothing special. Haha,

    but when I got ON the bus...

    I got on the bus, and once I stepped on, the women on the bus immediately gave me a

    look. Mones or no? Doesn't matter. I sat down, and then all of a sudden a bunch of people started coughing really

    loud! LOL! I KNOW I put very little on, and I was fresh and clean so I KNOW I smelled good. I actually get this

    phenomenon while NOT wearing pheros, but not this bad! The male bus driver started hacking violently for a few

    minutes after I got on and a few women on the bus started coughing too. HAS ANYONE ELSE EXPERIENCED THIS?! Anyway, I

    then sat back and quietly observed the women around me. No immediate reaction, but one Asian woman across from me

    was constantly adjusting and squirming in her seat the entire busride. Nothing else really, a couple looks but that

    could just be normal.

    I got off the bus, and got to work, and that's when I started seeing the aggressiveness

    of my co-workers. I walk in, and my normally jolly male co-worker seemed a bit grumpy today, but that could've just

    been because of his hectic work schedule. But then...

    We have this 13-year old black kid who works there just

    handing out flyers, and he happened to come in early today to start. We're pretty cool with each other, joke around

    and crack jokes at each other and whatnot. The reaction:

    Kid: *walks in*

    Me: Hey how you doing, man!

    Kid: *comes near me and just looks at me* Uh hey... *hits me with the flyers in his hand a few times*


    *starts putting on uniform for work*

    Kid: You think you're tough, don't you? You think you're big and bad,

    but you ain't. *punches me a couple times in the arm* You blah blah blah *starts going on a rant on how I am not

    bad and how I suck*

    Me: *looks at him confused* I'm just putting on my shirt, man...

    Aw man, that was

    definitely from the Heat...

    Let me continue...

    A female co-worker comes in, I'm not attracted to her at

    all, she's in her early thirties, Caucasian, a bit overweight. I just wanted to see her reaction. I walked into her

    proximity, didn't notice anything at first. She was talking to another co-worker, when I believe she pretended not

    to hear him well, and then moved closer to him (who was right next to me) and just stared at me while the other guy

    was talking to her. Then later on I started a convo with her, she stood rather close, then started talking about

    relationships and such, not interested in what she had to say but rather on her reactions. Then I sat down in an

    office chair later, I was talking to someone, then she peeped her head through the door and was just staring at me

    for like 30 seconds. Later on I was doing something and she wanted to pass me so she grabbed my shoulders to pardon

    herself. I don't find her attractive whatsoever, so I didn't care, but at least I know SOMETHING'S working so


    Then one of the managers come in. He's usually kinda laidback, trying to get along with people

    and keep things cool. LOL today he comes right up to me all excited and fired up and starts rambling about how he

    doesn't take shiit from people and has to have people respect him. Damn, what exactly is in The Edge which makes

    people so damn aggressive?! I know that -none gives you an alpha male aura, demanding respect, but whatever's in EE

    just makes males seem really threatened. Over the course of the day there really isn't anything else of note, a few

    "sniff-and-looks", which I attribute mostly to the pheros but I get those on the regular anyway. A female co-worker

    came in to get her paycheck (note: She is the one I mentioned before who responded well to my scent before and dug

    her nose into my arm.) and she was in a bad mood. She seemed really standoffish, but as she came close she started

    to noticeably start grooming herself and adjusting her hair and all that, but she left right after because of her

    b/f. Another female co-worker came in later, one who I have no interest in but talk to occasionally, and she

    seemed REALLY open today. She usually just gives a quiet laugh, but today when sitting next to me she start laughing

    raucously at everything. At other times she just started moaning and groaning (she does this usually when around me,

    but more noticeably this time around). One funny thing I noticed is that a male co-worker of mine actually seemed to

    react pretty well to the -mones and started following me around...

    In the end, I can definitely say I saw

    results. Not some spectacular "WOW!" kinda results, but they were there and it was just my first day and I went

    really light. Tomorrow...FRIDAY NIGHT! OH YESSS...I'm so excited. That is when just about the entire list of

    employees is there...including my two favorite female objects of lust. I need to step it up, not too much, but I

    definitely wanna be at my best. I will NOW drop some tidbits of info and I want y'all to suggest what exactly I

    should do...

    Like I said, I put a dab of the EE on my chest and two small swipes of the SOE on each side of my

    neck. I also used the tissue with the -mones on it to wipe my face lightly a couple times, so there were traces of

    it on my face. I could definitely detect the -none in the EE Heat for the first few hours I had it on, then after a

    while I couldn't smell it. Did I just become accustomed to it, or did the pheros just dilute in my sweat? I

    generate a tremendous amount of body heat especially while exerting myself and I sweat quite a bit as well, so will

    the -mones dilute/wash away after a couple hours of this? I know they actually are detectable for quite a while

    after being applied, but can extreme conditions affect it? Such as with tomorrow, where I physically exert myself

    the most out of any worknight, and I will most likely be sweating profusely and producing body heat along with my

    own natural pheros.

    And I am definitely aware of advanced aggressiveness from males after wearing the products,

    most likely from EE. I actually want to apply just a LITTLE bit more than I had today when I work tomorrow, maybe a

    large dab instead of a small one. However, I want to add a decent amount of SOE, as my two-dab dosage I used today

    probably had little effect as it was overpowered by the Edge Heat. I'm thinking five one-inch dabs, around the neck

    I suppose. Would adding more SOE to overpower the EE help with the aggressiveness, or maybe make it worse? Can

    someone drop the components or at least what the components' main objectives are for these products?

    Also, I

    really want to add some pheros, most likely the SOE, to my hat for work. Two dabs would be ok, right? And with

    applying to clothing in general, is it a good idea? I know heat is what keeps the -mones active, but if I'm

    producing enough, is it alright to put it on clothes? And again, will the SOE/EE eventually fade away or dilute if

    I'm perspiring and heating up to a great extent? Thanks to everyone who replies...

  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    That was a helluva OD! You should be

    thinking about where you could cut down instead of how you could add more.
    SOE contains Androsterone which will

    INTENSIFY the effects of the None in the Edge. It will NOT help with the aggression.
    For tomorrow, I

    recommend two little swipes of SOE and nothing else.

    Quote Originally Posted by handtohandking
    Can someone drop the

    components or at least what the components' main objectives are for these products?
    This stuff

    is supposed to make people feel good and IMPROVE your social interactions.

    PS That coughing an hacking on

    the bus might have had to do with your cologne.

  3. #3
    Charming Loner
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    Default hmmm

    Quote Originally Posted by a.k.a.
    That was

    a helluva OD! You should be thinking about where you could cut down instead of how you could add more.
    SOE contains

    Androsterone which will INTENSIFY the effects of the None in the Edge. It will NOT help with the aggression.

    tomorrow, I recommend two little swipes of SOE and nothing else.

    This stuff is supposed to make people

    feel good and IMPROVE your social interactions.

    PS That coughing an hacking on the bus might have had to do

    with your cologne.

    I OD'ed...?

    I'm a bit confused right now, as I had gotten

    the impression that a small dab of EE was a decent amount less than the default ONE SPRAY, and two one-inch dabs of

    SOE was a tad on the low side...Was it the combination of both together or are these high doses to begin with?

    And I don't believe it's the cologne, since I put on a bit less than usual and never got such violent reactions

    from it when I put on more...

    *sits baffled at computer chair*

  4. #4
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    If you slathered the EE all

    over your chest, it may have been an OD. Some people need very little product to get results. Especially in

    summer, when it's hot and tempers are easily riled.

    If you get a lot of people hacking and coughing when

    you go places, you are probably wearing too much scent, be it your deodorant, cologne, or something else. It may be

    that your nose is not sensitive to it in general, or because you wear it all the time. You might try wearing a

    little less or waiting a little longer for it to 'calm down' before going out. Again, especially in warm

    "I have a hammer! I can put things together! I can knock things apart! I can alter my environment at will and make an incredible din all the while! Ah, it's great to be male!"

    --Calvin & Hobbes

  5. #5
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by handtohandking

    I OD'ed...?
    Yes. But that's OK. I've done it many times.

    Quote Originally Posted by handtohandking
    I'm a bit confused right now, as I had gotten the impression that a small dab of EE was a

    decent amount less than the default ONE SPRAY, and two one-inch dabs of SOE was a tad on the low side...Was it the

    combination of both together or are these high doses to begin with?
    I'm pretty confused myself. The

    dosages you used — even in combination — would have been fairly light for me. But all the signs are there: guys

    getting pissy, women getting fidgety, standoffish, agitated, running off at the mouth. (Excellent reporting, by the

    way!) This is all very entertaining, but for seduction you've got to look for subtle things: women making eye

    contact, blushing when you talk to them, glancing over their shoulder, laughing at your stupid jokes... natural

    courtship behavior.[/QUOTE]

    Quote Originally Posted by handtohandking
    And I don't believe it's the cologne, since I put on a

    bit less than usual and never got such violent reactions from it when I put on more...

    probably right. That was just a shot in the dark.

    Quote Originally Posted by handtohandking
    *sits baffled at computer

    Well... One guy's opinion doesn't make a jury. Let's see what the other guys have to say.

  6. #6
    Charming Loner
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    Default thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by Sexyredhead
    If you slathered the EE all over your chest, it may have been an OD. Some people need

    very little product to get results. Especially in summer, when it's hot and tempers are easily riled.

    If you

    get a lot of people hacking and coughing when you go places, you are probably wearing too much scent, be it your

    deodorant, cologne, or something else. It may be that your nose is not sensitive to it in general, or because you

    wear it all the time. You might try wearing a little less or waiting a little longer for it to 'calm down' before

    going out. Again, especially in warm weather.
    Thanks for the response, Sexyredhead...

    When I

    think about it, I probably did OD with the EE. I coulda sworn I had put a small amount, but considering my own

    situation, the fact I had worked out, the hot weather outside and me sweating quite a bit, it most likely was a bit

    much. Will the EE I applied today carry over much into tomorrow?

    And you're right about the too-much-scent

    thing. I do put on a lot of scents in general, and it's not that MUCH of an overexcessive amount, but considering

    that when I got onto the bus this morning I had been overheating in 80-degree weather for like 30 minutes, my body

    heat must've been shooting off the scents everywhere...

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast einstein's Avatar
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    I'm not sure what cologne you

    are wearing, but I always thought that one spray into the air and then walk through it was the proper amount. Works

    great for me. A direct spray of an eau de toilette is a scent OD.

  8. #8
    Charming Loner
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    Default okay

    Quote Originally Posted by a.k.a.
    Yes. But

    that's OK. I've done it many times.

    I'm pretty confused myself. The dosages you used — even in

    combination — would have been fairly light for me. But all the signs are there: guys getting pissy, women getting

    fidgety, standoffish, agitated, running off at the mouth. (Excellent reporting, by the way!) This is all very

    entertaining, but for seduction you've got to look for subtle things: women making eye contact, blushing when you

    talk to them, glancing over their shoulder, laughing at your stupid jokes... natural courtship behavior.

    You're probably right. That was just a shot in the dark.

    Well... One guy's opinion doesn't make a

    jury. Let's see what the other guys have to say.[/QUOTE]
    Oh no, I think you got it mixed up when I said things

    like women were squirming and another was agitated. The one who was writhing in her seat was not doing it because

    she was uncomfortable, but actually she seemed very turned on. The one female who was pissed off was angry about

    something which I knew about, but when she came close to me she started preening and grooming herself. The two

    female co-workers I worked with today were noticeably into me more than usual and seemed more aggressive on a

    sensual tip. I actually got VERY nice results from every female who came within my vicinity for a period of time.

    With my male counterparts, however, it was a different story. The majority acted like I wanted to kill them or


    So, VERY minimal EE tomorrow and a few dabs of SOE for tomorrow...fine?

    Also, do you

    happen to know anything about what I asked about excessive body heat/perspiration on how it will affect the

    longetivity/intensity of the applied -mones?

  9. #9
    Charming Loner
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    Default i think

    Quote Originally Posted by einstein
    I'm not sure what cologne you are wearing, but I always thought that one spray into the air and

    then walk through it was the proper amount. Works great for me. A direct spray of an eau de toilette is a scent

    I'm probably ODing with cologne. I was thinking I was before, but wasn't sure until now. I use Acqua

    Di Gio, which is a fantastic scent and very airy so it's good for summer. In the past with other colognes I just

    used the "spritz then walk" method; however, this particular fragrance smelled so good that over time I went way too

    far with it.

    This was my dosage at its worst:

    1 spray to lower abdomen
    1 spray to chest
    1 dab behind each

    Acqua Di Gio Aftershave
    Acqua Di Gio Shampoo/Body Wash

    OMG, it's ridiculous when I think about it now,


  10. #10
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by handtohandking
    So, VERY

    minimal EE tomorrow and a few dabs of SOE for tomorrow...fine?

    Quote Originally Posted by handtohandking

    do you happen to know anything about what I asked about excessive body heat/perspiration on how it will affect the

    longetivity/intensity of the applied -mones?
    Nope. Sorry. I just apply once for the whole day, unless

    I'm going out at night — in which case I shower, scrub & reaply.

  11. #11
    Phero Pharaoh
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    It's hard to say how much

    cologne is too much. We each react differently to it. I don't do the spray-in-air-walk-through application, I

    spray it directly on my skin in several places. But I buy rather expensive colognes (Jaipur for Men being the least

    expensive) and they don't seem to have as strong an alcohol base.

    I have seen the coughing and hacking once

    that I can think of. Maybe there were other times. It sounds to me like you may have a strong natural pheromone

    signature if you perspire that much.

    BTW -- perspiring is not a bad thing. I developed a staph infection under

    one arm from using an antiperspirant. My doctor told me to just use a deoderant and let the perspiration flow.

    I've never looked back since.

    The one gag incident I know of from my own experience came when I first

    experimented with pheromones. I bought a non-Love Scent product and liked it, so I tried something else from that

    supplier. The first one was a cologne laced with pheromones. The second one was a pheromone spray intended for

    clothing. I wore both the cologne and the spray (on my shirt).

    As I was walking down the hallway at work, a

    girl I had an interest in came the other way. When she got near me, she choked and nearly threw up. I never used

    that clothing spray again.

  12. #12
    Full Member
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    You are way over

    doing this. You put too much on in the first place then you kept wiping yourself with more mones all day. I would

    take someones advice here and just put two small swipes of SOE on your necks pulse points for tommorow.

    Try that and no cologne of your own.


  13. #13
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by handtohandking
    Oh no,

    I think you got it mixed up when I said things like women were squirming and another was agitated. The one who was

    writhing in her seat was not doing it because she was uncomfortable, but actually she seemed very turned on. The one

    female who was pissed off was angry about something which I knew about, but when she came close to me she started

    preening and grooming herself. The two female co-workers I worked with today were noticeably into me more than usual

    and seemed more aggressive on a sensual tip. I actually got VERY nice results from every female who came within my

    vicinity for a period of time. With my male counterparts, however, it was a different story. The majority acted like

    I wanted to kill them or something...

    So, VERY minimal EE tomorrow and a few dabs of SOE for


    Also, do you happen to know anything about what I asked about excessive body heat/perspiration

    on how it will affect the longetivity/intensity of the applied -mones?
    If you are still getting adverse

    reactions, try leaving it for 2 days and then just try a couple of inches of SOE. I have never had a negative

    reaction to SOE, neutral and even dissinterested yes, but never negative.

  14. #14
    Phero Guru
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    Default none

    pretty funny all in all I


  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Default Your kidding right?

    Sounds like you majorly need to lay off on the EE and just use the SOE. You are

    going to get

    your ass kicked by somebody in your group anyway and that one

    chick who you don't want nothing to do with will be having your baby next year....Be cool and don't be a fool


    Phero's are good to use for a

    ICEBREAKER but seriously you got the talent to get to know people w/o the EE or the SOE. You are bashful, painfully

    shy person and very masculine orientated but really take the time to get to know your co-workers you be suprised

    what the Phero's did when you didn't have them to purchase for personal gain.

    >>This is you beating your pores w/EE & Heat.....pewwwww!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by handtohandking

    here it is...
    Quote Originally Posted by handtohandking

    I woke up, worked out,

    ate, showered, then I applied the pheros. First I put on antiperspirant deodorant on my body ( I have HUGE pores).

    Then I took a tightly folded tissue and dabbed it on the rim of the EE Heat bottle and a bit on tube inside, and

    then rubbed it all over my chest. Then I took the SOE musk scented and put two little swipes on each side of my

    neck. I then put a little on the folded tissue just so I could see if I could smell it. Yes, I was being VERY

    minimal to ensure NO O.D.!

    I then

    spritzed the air with my cologne and walked into it where it hit my head, neck, shoulders, chest, and arms lightly.

    Then I spritzed it again to get my abdomen/groin/upper thighs. And then what I did next, which wasn't planned, was

    I used the folded tissue with the Edge/SOE on it and wiped the sweat off my face with it (IT'S HOT!). I liked the

    idea and kept it with me throughout the day and periodically wiped sweat off my brow while simultaneously lightly

    applying pheros.

    I walked

    out my house, and was expecting results right away. I was barely 20 minutes out my house when I started wondering if

    this stuff really worked! I realized I was just excited and anxious and calmed down and waited. I got to the

    busstop, two senior citizens, one man one woman, some sniffs, nothing special. Haha, but when I got ON the


    I got on the bus, and once I

    stepped on, the women on the bus immediately gave me a look. Mones or no? Doesn't matter. I sat down, and then all

    of a sudden a bunch of people started coughing really loud! LOL! I KNOW I put very little on, and I was fresh and

    clean so I KNOW I smelled good. I actually get this phenomenon while NOT wearing pheros, but not this bad! The male

    bus driver started hacking violently for a few minutes after I got on and a few women on the bus started coughing

    too. HAS ANYONE ELSE EXPERIENCED THIS?! Anyway, I then sat back and quietly observed the women around me. No

    immediate reaction, but one Asian woman across from me was constantly adjusting and squirming in her seat the entire

    busride. Nothing else really, a couple looks but that could just be normal.

    I got off the bus, and got to work, and that's when I started seeing the

    aggressiveness of my co-workers. I walk in, and my normally jolly male co-worker seemed a bit grumpy today, but that

    could've just been because of his hectic work schedule. But then...

    We have this 13-year old black kid who works there just handing out flyers,

    and he happened to come in early today to start. We're pretty cool with each other, joke around and crack jokes at

    each other and whatnot. The reaction:

    Kid: *walks in*

    Me: Hey how you

    doing, man!

    Kid: *comes near me and just

    looks at me* Uh hey... *hits me with the flyers in his hand a few times*

    Me: *starts putting on uniform for work*

    Kid: You think you're tough, don't you? You think you're big and bad, but

    you ain't. *punches me a couple times in the arm* You blah blah blah *starts going on a rant on how I am not bad

    and how I suck*

    Me: *looks at him

    confused* I'm just putting on my shirt, man...

    Aw man, that was definitely from the Heat...

    Let me continue...


    female co-worker comes in, I'm not attracted to her at all, she's in her early thirties, Caucasian, a bit

    overweight. I just wanted to see her reaction. I walked into her proximity, didn't notice anything at first. She

    was talking to another co-worker, when I believe she pretended not to hear him well, and then moved closer to him

    (who was right next to me) and just stared at me while the other guy was talking to her. Then later on I started a

    convo with her, she stood rather close, then started talking about relationships and such, not interested in what

    she had to say but rather on her reactions. Then I sat down in an office chair later, I was talking to someone, then

    she peeped her head through the door and was just staring at me for like 30 seconds. Later on I was doing something

    and she wanted to pass me so she grabbed my shoulders to pardon herself. I don't find her attractive whatsoever, so

    I didn't care, but at least I know SOMETHING'S working so far...

    Then one of the managers come in. He's usually kinda laidback, trying to get

    along with people and keep things cool. LOL today he comes right up to me all excited and fired up and starts

    rambling about how he doesn't take shiit from people and has to have people respect him. Damn, what exactly is in

    The Edge which makes people so damn aggressive?! I know that -none gives you an alpha male aura, demanding respect,

    but whatever's in EE just makes males seem really threatened. Over the course of the day there really isn't

    anything else of note, a few "sniff-and-looks", which I attribute mostly to the pheros but I get those on the

    regular anyway. A female co-worker came in to get her paycheck (note: She is the one I mentioned before who

    responded well to my scent before and dug her nose into my arm.) and she was in a bad mood. She seemed really

    standoffish, but as she came close she started to noticeably start grooming herself and adjusting her hair and all

    that, but she left right after because of her b/f. Another female co-worker came in later, one who I have no

    interest in but talk to occasionally, and she seemed REALLY open today. She usually just gives a quiet laugh, but

    today when sitting next to me she start laughing raucously at everything. At other times she just started moaning

    and groaning (she does this usually when around me, but more noticeably this time around). One funny thing I noticed

    is that a male co-worker of mine actually seemed to react pretty well to the -mones and started following me


    In the end, I can definitely

    say I saw results. Not some spectacular "WOW!" kinda results, but they were there and it was just my first day and I

    went really light. Tomorrow...FRIDAY NIGHT! OH YESSS...I'm so excited. That is when just about the entire list of

    employees is there...including my two favorite female objects of lust. I need to step it up, not too much, but I

    definitely wanna be at my best. I will NOW drop some tidbits of info and I want y'all to suggest what exactly I

    should do...

    Like I said, I put a dab of

    the EE on my chest and two small swipes of the SOE on each side of my neck. I also used the tissue with the -mones

    on it to wipe my face lightly a couple times, so there were traces of it on my face. I could definitely detect the

    -none in the EE Heat for the first few hours I had it on, then after a while I couldn't smell it. Did I just become

    accustomed to it, or did the pheros just dilute in my sweat? I generate a tremendous amount of body heat especially

    while exerting myself and I sweat quite a bit as well, so will the -mones dilute/wash away after a couple hours of

    this? I know they actually are detectable for quite a while after being applied, but can extreme conditions affect

    it? Such as with tomorrow, where I physically exert myself the most out of any worknight, and I will most likely be

    sweating profusely and producing body heat along with my own natural pheros.

    And I am definitely aware of advanced aggressiveness from males after wearing

    the products, most likely from EE. I actually want to apply just a LITTLE bit more than I had today when I work

    tomorrow, maybe a large dab instead of a small one. However, I want to add a decent amount of SOE, as my two-dab

    dosage I used today probably had little effect as it was overpowered by the Edge Heat. I'm thinking five one-inch

    dabs, around the neck I suppose. Would adding more SOE to overpower the EE help with the aggressiveness, or maybe

    make it worse? Can someone drop the components or at least what the components' main objectives are for these


    Also, I really want to add

    some pheros, most likely the SOE, to my hat for work. Two dabs would be ok, right? And with applying to clothing in

    general, is it a good idea? I know heat is what keeps the -mones active, but if I'm producing enough, is it alright

    to put it on clothes? And again, will the SOE/EE eventually fade away or dilute if I'm perspiring and heating up to

    a great extent? Thanks to everyone who replies...

  16. #16
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
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    Some people can't wear -none

    or edge hardly at all. You might be one.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  17. #17
    Phero Dude
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
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    H2H for what it's worth I cant

    wear none products after I work out at all. I ride my bike in the summer about 15 miles round trip, then shower,

    I've tried putting on the smallest dab you can imagine & I still OD. SOE is okay along with the other non-none

    products...I love none & it gives me a great edge but I cant wear it right after I work out. You might want to try

    it on the days you dont workout...

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