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Thread: Pets

  1. #1
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    Smile Pets

    I have 3

    Dachshunds they are red ( 2 females & 1 male ). They're very smart dogs. The girls are so calm & very

    well behaved (sassy & Precious) Precious loves to play with her ball..She sees me getting that ball & her

    eyes get real big! her ears way up! she barks so loud when I tease her with it by not throwing it right away LOL so

    darn cute she knows a few tricks. Sassy is a chubby one & she is the sweetest thing ever she is lazy & she wants

    attention constanly or else she makes this weird noise like if is she was "crying" LOL she is adorable! Glitter is

    the male ( okay I know that is not the appropiate name for a male dog LOL but I'm a Mariah Carey fan and I got

    Glitter right when Mariah's movie came out so I had to name him after her 1st movie.. poor doggy ) Now Glitter is a

    disaster! he tries to scape all the time as soon as the front door is open he doesn't

    hesitate & takes off omg he's runs so fast! he makes me so

    mad.. He likes to chews on "everything" specially shoes & toys! every single blanket I giving him he shreds! I

    don't understand what's wrong with him but the thing I can't stand is when he gets to excited when I

    give him attention & he pisses all over me ! *ugh*... But even than I still love him very much just as much as

    the rest. He's is just a disaster I'm going to rename him to disaster! LOL...Ahhhh I love those doggies

    they are my kids. Lyndsey loves sassy the most!

    I really want a Basett hound!!! I'm

    getting one for Christmas! so I'm trying hard to be a good girl so Santa can bring me one


    Do you have any pets?

  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Two siamese cats and a black

    labrador. All good pets with a lot of character. The cats are typical of siamese, aggressive, annoying and

    thoroughly entertaining despite not remembering to retract their claws when we play. The dog is a riot to take to

    the park. She loves the water and immediatly heads for the stream or lake when we walk in the nearby park. The ducks

    see her coming and scatter but the geese chase her off. My parents were hobbiest dog breeders so I've been around

    them all my life. It would be weird not to have one underfoot.

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast einstein's Avatar
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    5 catfish, 1 gourami. I know

    many people don't consider fish as real pets, but that's all that's allowed in my apartment. Had them for about

    6 and a half years.

  4. #4
    Journeyman beachboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SweetBrenda
    I don't

    understand what's wrong with him
    Testosteron baby, testosteron

    I have a saint


  5. #5
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    Two siamese cats

    and a black labrador.
    Love 'em. I used to have a yellow. Just the sweetest disposition.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  6. #6
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holmes
    Love 'em. I used

    to have a yellow. Just the sweetest disposition.
    Yeah, she is a sweet dog. My grand kids adore her. They

    crawl on her and roll on the floor together. She tolerates almost anything and comes back for more.

    Though, the

    few times I have startled her in the dark, those bright white teeth coming out of nowhere have made a real

    impression on me. I make barbequed ribs fairly often and she always gets the bones. To see her snap a bone twice the

    size of my finger in half with no apparent effort inspires respect. I don't think she would ever hurt anybody but

    don't really want to find out either.

  7. #7
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    I would like to get me a

    parrot. My Grandma' has one and he sings along with her.. He only whistle when a girl passes by, and he is a

    chatter-box... He is such character. Plus his colors are so bright he's gorgeous He doesn't like no one but

    my grandma to touch him though =( I tried once to stick my hand in his cage and lets just say I'm very lucky I

    still have my pointing finger. They're very expensive so this is the reason I don't have one (yet) .. As soon as

    hit the jack-pot or win the LOTTO.. I'm getting me one. (uh-hu)

  8. #8
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    Yeah, she is

    a sweet dog. My grand kids adore her. They crawl on her and roll on the floor together. She tolerates almost

    anything and comes back for more.

    Though, the few times I have startled her in the dark, those bright white

    teeth coming out of
    nowhere have made a real impression on me. I make barbequed ribs fairly often and she

    always gets the bones. To see her snap a bone twice the size of my finger in half with no apparent effort inspires

    respect. I don't think she would ever hurt anybody but don't really want to find out either.
    My brother

    has this sweet dog who everyone adores & plays with her. I get very paranoid when I go visit since she is an indoor

    dog she is there at all times . My little one likes Mimi (dog) but I won't allow her to play with her. Because I

    have heard so many bad things about this breed & seriously it scares me. I don't care how lovable she seems to be I

    can't trust her. He got Mimi since she was 9 weeks now she is 3 yrs old. And just like you I don't think she

    would hurt anyone but I wouldn't like to find out. Mimi is a PitBull. And my brother says the only way he can see

    Mimi trying to harm someone is only to protect those who she loves!
    ( I don't buy it )

  9. #9
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SweetBrenda
    My brother

    has this sweet dog who everyone adores & plays with her. I get very paranoid when I go visit since she is an indoor

    dog she is there at all times . My little one likes Mimi (dog) but I won't allow her to play with her. Because I

    have heard so many bad things about this breed & seriously it scares me. I don't care how lovable she seems to be I

    can't trust her. He got Mimi since she was 9 weeks now she is 3 yrs old. And just like you I don't think she would

    hurt anyone but I wouldn't like to find out. Mimi is a PitBull. And my brother says the only way he can see Mimi

    trying to harm someone is only to protect those who she loves!
    ( I don't buy it )


    you know that on a percentage basis, minature poodles bite and cause serious injury almost twice as often as

    pitbulls? And they are not often trained for protection or attack, can't you just picture an attack poodle?

    I've been around dogs all my life and have been bit once. That was by a 1/2 pound rat

    masquerading as a dog.

    Dogs, like people, gorillas, cats and almost any other animal

    have their own personality. Some are sweet, some are vile tempered, some are lazy and some just stupid. But as a

    breed, pitbulls are no meaner or likely to do harm than any other dog, unless they have been taught that way. Pit

    bulls are extremely strong, fast and can be aggressive, making them good fighters, so many people train them that

    way. Don't blame the dog, blame the jackasses that train them to be vicious!

    That's not to say that you should

    leave a child unattended around ANY dog. Dogs use their teeth when provoked the same as cats use their claws. The

    difference is that dog's jaws are unbelievably strong.

    On the other side of it, a funny story. When my oldest

    daughter was about 6, I was visiting may parents who still kept dogs at the time. Their house pet was a Siberian

    Husky, German Shepherd and Timber Wolf cross breed weighing about 180 pounds. I wasn't paying enough attention and

    let my daughter wander out the front door. They lived on a private cul de sac so it wasn't that big a deal. The

    first we knew of it was this blood curdling scream. Rushing out the front door we found my daughter flat on her back

    with this dog sitting on her stomach with his tongue hangin out (did you know that's how dogs laugh?)

    What had

    happened is that she tried to leave the yard. The dog stepped in front of her to stop her and she tried to go around

    him. That's when he butted her with his head, knocking her down then sitting on her. After a lot of laughter, we

    got the dog to let her back up.

    Dogs are great friends and wonderful protectors but they should be treated with

    respect, like you would any other friend.
    Last edited by belgareth; 04-02-2005 at 10:00 PM.

  10. #10
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    We have one large dog that/who is

    truely a member of the family; very smart affectionate and outweighs both my kids I think. She loves to play

    frisby, tug of war and is a hell of a wrestler too. She's a great companion fo all of us. Part rotweiler part

    border collie; great mixture: loyal, strong, fast, agile, smart, affectionate. I wouldn't trade her for any other

    type of dog.


  11. #11
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Sounds like a cool dog.

    What people don't seem to understand is that dogs are by nature pack animals. They have a deep need to be a part

    of the pack and will defend that pack. The meanest thing you can do to a dog is to not let it be a part of the


  12. #12
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SweetBrenda
    I would like to

    get me a parrot. My Grandma' has one and he sings along with her.. He only whistle when a girl passes by, and he is

    a chatter-box... He is such character. Plus his colors are so bright he's gorgeous He doesn't like no one

    but my grandma to touch him though =( I tried once to stick my hand in his cage and lets just say I'm very lucky I

    still have my pointing finger. They're very expensive so this is the reason I don't have one (yet) .. As soon as

    hit the jack-pot or win the LOTTO.. I'm getting me one. (uh-hu)
    If non-stop guano, perpetual

    squawking (to the point of lunacy), and feathers-in-the-air-and-ev'rywhere are what you're looking for (not to

    mention the stank), get yourself a parrot.

    I had cockatiels. Adorable, but holy shit were they a lot

    of work.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  13. #13
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    I’ve got a 19 year old tabby named

    “Slash” (Because of all the scars on his face when I found him). He used to be a great bird hunter, but now he just

    lays in the sun and dreams a lot.

  14. #14
    I'm a whopper!
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    I have a dog who thinks she

    is human and a african grey parrot that talks up a storm. He learns words and phrases and talks in the voice of who

    he learned it from. Its scary when the bird talks with my voice because i certainly do not look like a bird.

  15. #15
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by burgerama1960
    I have a

    dog who thinks she is human and a african grey parrot that talks up a storm. He learns words and phrases and talks

    in the voice of who he learned it from. Its scary when the bird talks with my voice because i certainly do not

    look like a bird.

    Did you pay a lot for your parrot? how long did it take you to teach him how to


  16. #16
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth

    Dogs are great friends and wonderful protectors but they should be treated with respect, like you would any other

    Oh Bel, I have 3 dogs and I love them dearly. I'm just somewhat afraid of his dog. Since my dogs are

    so little comparted to Mimi. But even when I don't play much with her I give her some attention when she comes near

    me. I personally wouldn't get a PitBull. Simply not my type of dog.. But I'm a animal lover .

  17. #17
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by a.k.a.
    I’ve got a 19

    year old tabby named “Slash” (Because of all the scars on his face when I found him). He used to be a great bird

    hunter, but now he just lays in the sun and dreams a lot.
    I liked that note.
    hugs to you


  18. #18
    I'm a whopper!
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    Actually the bird who I

    named Al Bundy just learns things on his own. I never really tried to teach him anything at all. He dances and waves

    hello, whistles songs, and is one heck of a stand up comedian. He constantly makes me laugh. He will live about 60

    years if he stays healthy. I paid $900.00 for the bird,cage,and supplies. For all the entertainment he provides for

    me and my friends it was money well spent.

  19. #19
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I've never had any experience

    with birds but have read that parrots are very fast learners and have good reasoning ability. But I've also heard

    that some of them have bad dispositions and can be destructive. Have you had any experience with that? Their beaks

    and claws are pretty strong, I wouldn't want one with a bad temper. Is any of the true, in your experience?
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  20. #20
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    But I've also

    heard that some of them have bad dispositions and can be destructive. Have you had any experience with

    Yes, with someone's else's bird.

    (And, no, I'm no friend of Dorothy's.)
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  21. #21
    I'm a whopper!
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    Well, they can be just like

    little kids at times. If they want to come out of their cage and you don't let them they can let it be known they

    are not happy. Yes some birds are like that but mine is a comedian hence the name bundy.

  22. #22
    Phero Enthusiast Sacogoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holmes
    I had


    Now listening to: The Pet Shop Boys' "Discography"

    (C'mon! Laugh

    you homophobic freaks! That's funny as all get out in so many ways!)

  23. #23
    Phero Enthusiast Sacogoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SweetBrenda

    have 3 Dachshunds they are red ( 2 females & 1 male ). They're very smart dogs. The girls are so calm &

    very well behaved (sassy & Precious) Precious loves to play with her ball..She sees me getting that ball &

    her eyes get real big! her ears way up! she barks so loud when I tease her with it by not throwing it right away LOL

    so darn cute she knows a few tricks. Sassy is a chubby one & she is the sweetest thing ever she is lazy & she wants

    attention constanly or else she makes this weird noise like if is she was "crying" LOL she is adorable! Glitter is

    the male ( okay I know that is not the appropiate name for a male dog LOL but I'm a Mariah Carey fan and I got

    Glitter right when Mariah's movie came out so I had to name him after her 1st movie.. poor doggy ) Now Glitter is a

    disaster! he tries to scape all the time as soon as the front door is open he doesn't

    hesitate & takes off omg he's runs so fast! he makes me so

    mad.. He likes to chews on "everything" specially shoes & toys! every single blanket I giving him he shreds! I

    don't understand what's wrong with him but the thing I can't stand is when he gets to excited when I

    give him attention & he pisses all over me ! *ugh*... But even than I still love him very much just as much as

    the rest. He's is just a disaster I'm going to rename him to disaster! LOL...Ahhhh I love those doggies

    they are my kids. Lyndsey loves sassy the most!

    I really want a Basett hound!!! I'm

    getting one for Christmas! so I'm trying hard to be a good girl so Santa can bring me one


    Do you have any

    I nominate this as, by far, the best drunk post of the year. (Kicks the

    hell out of my half a fifth of Jimmy Beam and a couple of Coors anti-Bush rant of yesterday. Weird, though. The

    brown shirts haven't come to drag me away as of yet. Maybe the Love-scent forum is a low priority search for the

    Ashcroft Gestapo.)

    Oh. Pets. Right. Two collies, one cat, some fish, and a rat that bites like a starved

    crocodile. (SOB already bled me, my daughter, my brother, one of my nephews, one of my girlfriends, one of my

    girlfriends kids, and my neighbor. However, the little killer still pisses off my ex, so he's got the proverbial

    ticket to ride.) I also got a bunch of wild bird feeders and sometimes I throw old meat into the yard to watch the

    Magpies and Crows go ballistic on each other. (Nothing like nature for quality violent entertainment.)


    listening to: Ted Nugent's "Great Gonzo - Greatest Hits"

  24. #24
    Journeyman beachboy's Avatar
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    <-- My new dog, he's on


  25. #25
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beachboy
    <-- My new dog,

    he's on steroids.
    I could tell. It's the red eye thing. That always gives you away. Then again

    maybe it was the syringe in the mouth thing.

    Actually, I came here to write about my dog. She is the most

    amazing athelete; no kidding. You just haven't lived until you see her leap 10 feet into the air for a frisbee.

    It is insane, and then comes the victory lap around the yard. That is priceless too; leaping and shaking the thing

    from side to side like a nut.

    You can devise any resonable contest between dog and human and she will win it.

    OK, her spelling is not too good. But we have this new challenge where I set a toy of hers about a foot in front

    of her and try to flick it away with my foot and she can snag it with one of her paws. As fast as I can kick that

    thing in any direction, she will track it and stamp a paw down on it before it moves out of her reach. I kid you

    not, it is uncanny. It's like trick photography. There is a brief blur of action, and the next thing you know the

    toy is trapped under her paw.

    I guess I am one of those pathetic dog owners. :-)


  26. #26
    Journeyman beachboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce
    I could tell.

    It's the red eye thing. That always gives you away. Then again maybe it was the syringe in the mouth

    He wants to be Mr. Olympia next year. So i give him some vetinary steroids. I don't like his

    roidrage though.

  27. #27
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    looks like Precious (dog) is

    preggy!!!!!!!!!! omg I'm going to be a Mommy again!! aw! she is so adorable..I noticed she was somewhat chubbier

    & I felt her tummy I'm almost positive she is preggy since my little one saw them doing their thing and I cought

    them a few times too... Lyndsey was so mad at Glitter since Precious sounded like she was crying so here Lyndsey

    thought he was hurting her & being mean to Precious... She was looking for the broom ! omg I was like nooooo

    sweety leave them alone..*giggles* it was easy to explain to her what was happening since we both love puppies all I

    had to say they are "making puppies" she had more questions & I had some good answers.. Mommies are good for quick

    come backs
    BTW Bruce your dog seems like one of a kind...You're so lucky to have her in your family. Very

    intelligent & active just perfect for your kids.

  28. #28
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    Besides taking her to the vet

    is there another way for me to find out if in fact she is pregnant?... They should come out with a pregnancy test

    for animals too.. So I could just swing by Walgreens Pharmacy and get them*grins*

  29. #29
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SweetBrenda
    Besides taking

    her to the vet is there another way for me to find out if in fact she is pregnant?... They should come out with a

    pregnancy test for animals too.. So I could just swing by Walgreens Pharmacy and get them*grins*

    try getting a dog to pee into a bottle?


  30. #30
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce
    Ever try getting

    a dog to pee into a bottle?

    hehehehe umm nah not really... why,, have you?

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