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  1. #1
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    Smile ok another newbie asking for help....

    and yes, I have been reading like a mad man but have not found the answer to this. So, please don't come down on

    me for asking. Even I am tired of reading the same question from us newbie's so it is with deep regret that I join

    the club.

    Here is the ?... I purchased the sandlewood version of the edge in the newbie pack. It also came

    w/the musk oil and a soe gel pack. I am asking about mixing the scented edge with the soe gel pack. Does anyone

    have any experience with this? I understand the mix -or at least I think I do?:0)- but I am leary of the clashing

    "smells". Oh, and while I'm at it. what role, if any should the musk oil play?

    Oh, it occurred to me that I

    might need to say what my goals are. I would like the open communication of soe but want the extra sexual hit -just

    in case- that the edge will provide, in that way, I can decide what direction I want to go depending upon


    So again, thanks for the patience and for replying. As my expertise grows, I will be happy and

    do promise to contribute positively.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default could this be an answer

    PHP Code:

    't understand the mixing fetish thingy completely.

    Why don'
    t you just experiment with each separately

    determining the best dosage, and then just apply both (e.g., NPAEdge) as you wouldeach separatelyThat allows 

    you to apply each at their respective optimal sites
    From there adjust slightly downward if necessary to compensate 

    for conversions

    I saw the above from the good doctor ST and wondered, Is this my answer too?!

    help me somebody!!

  3. #3
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    I recommend not mixing products

    together but applying in different parts of the body. Use the SOE gel pack about 1/2, apply on the neck,(below the

    ear, arms, back of hands) and one spray of TE on chest. Don't expect a hit right off the bat, it takes patience and

    some more experimenting.
    "You made three mistakes. 1. You took the job. 2. A 4 man crew to catch me, f***ing insulting. 3. You didn't pack enough weapons."- Riddick "The Chronicles of Riddick"

  4. #4
    Phero Dude Gossamer_2701's Avatar
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    Hey Rbernard... welcome to

    the forum

    To answer your question, you should try each one seperately and see how they work for you

    alone. Start with small amounts... 2-3 dabs of TE or 1/3 of the SOE gelpack... then work your way up from there...

    and try them out in different places... wrists, neck, arm pits, etc

    If you want to mix them together try using

    the TE in your armpits and using the SOE on your wrists and forearms.... I personally like to add a couple drops of

    the SPMO to the SOE, the scents blend quite well. I also mix the SPMO with TE, but I have the unscented, so I don't

    know how well it combines with the sandalwood.

    Good luck, and have fun experimenting

    Eep Opp Ork Aah Aah...

  5. #5
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    Default Thank you

    Gess and jose, I

    thank-you. I will keep you informed as to my success or (Godforbid) lack thereof!

  6. #6
    Phero Pro
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    Welcome to the

    forum. So you have the Sandelwood TE and the SOE gelpacks . . . hmm . . . let's see . . . . It's good to be

    leary about mixing different scents. If you do really want to experiment with these two, I'd mix up small batches

    so you don't waste huge amounts of pheros if you end up with a concoction that smells less than . . . ah . . .

    "heavenly". The SOE gel packs are not as ideal as the liquid. I typically use glass dropper bottles that I buy at

    my local aromatherepy store to mix up my stuff. Now there was an idea a while back about using small hand sanitizer

    bottles to store, mix, cut etc . . . the phero gels.
    Jose has a very good suggestion on adding different products

    to different body parts. I do encourage you to try both ways. Everyone is different and only through

    experimentation will you find combos and/or mixes that will work best for you in different situations.
    Oh and

    BTW, since there is an unscented version of SOE available you might try purchasing that (perhaps even before monday

    due to bruce's 30% off special to forum members).


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Thanks and feedback on product

    Swinger: thanks for the comment. I really like the scent of the SOE gel. I like how it makes ME feel. I noticed

    that when I smelled it, I felt better, which in turn has to work to my benefit with the ladies as well I would

    think. "It did seem that people were friendlier, but as usual I have the "is it the mones or a placebo effect


    I did try the musk and hated the smell, however I have read enough to know that I should not judge

    the products based on how I like the smell, however it is hard to apply something to your body that you don't like.

    I mixed it a littel w/ the TE/sandlewood and hated the smell, wondered about an OD but did not get any overt

    reactions of any kind.

    I have applied the TE, have not noticed any DIHL or anything but I am beginning to wonder

    if I should go for an OD because I am Black (african american for the politically correct which I am not and will

    therefore not do that again as I have done it twice and its too long to type anyway - whew!)

    As I was saying,

    I've read that perhaps our skin "absorbs" or "disapates" the mones so we may have to use more to get results.

    I am wondering if that is true. Feedback on that appreciated.

    Have a great one everybody!

  8. #8
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    My experience of sandlewood TE

    is that the scent a) doesn't cover the stink very well, and b) doesn't stay strong smelling for long enough (I

    haven't used it in years though, so that might be slightly wrong). Because of that, I think you would be ok

    applying a few dabs of TE and then covering that with some SOE gel.

    I have some SPMO left from a while ago, but

    I am not sure if it's the same version (iirc the scent was changed slightly). The scent of my SPMO is very strong,

    I would only ever want to put on 1 drop (usually spread between my wrists) unless you dilute it.

    How much TE did

    you apply?

  9. #9
    Phero Pro
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    Interesting. To me the scent of the SOE gel smells like a diluted version of the oil. When I started, the -none

    NPA and PI(scented version) smell horrible to me and made me feel like there was a 900 lb gorilla breathing down my

    neck. I eventually got used to it esp. after having someone go . . . uh . . . "ape" on me (my first wild hit).

    Perhaps you should try diluting the SOE oil in hand sanitizer, if you have any left.

    As for the TE, it is a

    dilute version of NPA (which I usually mix with APC to get JB#1). If you don't see any rxns, raise the application

    by 1 drop the next time around. Keep on adding more until you start noticing ODs then work down from there.

    Anyhow I am an Asian and I believe that research has found that Asians produce the least amounts of pheros

    naturally and Africans (and those of African decent) produce the most naturally. But in terms of these products

    that we are using, the difference (I think) is very small.

    As for skin absorption, I believe in general that

    skin does absorb/disapate a lot of the pheros. Hair tends to keep/transmitt pheros very well. That is why there

    are quite a few people that report interesting results when they apply pheros to armpits and pubic region (I believe

    that this is were most of everyone's natural pheromones are produced). Some people apply phero's to their hair

    via gel or mousse (I've been able to get away with a lot more drops of -none in hairgel than I would putting on my

    skin. SOE in hairgel doesn't seem to work quite as well though.)

    BTW how much SOE gel do you use each


    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Post To OD or not to OD...that is the question...

    I only received 1 soe gel pack in the newbie pack. So I have been using it very sparingly. I have not

    really had any means to measure but probably would say about 1/4 to 1/3 pack spread on back of hands, wrist, behind

    ear, and a little on the neck. I have done this 2x and have about a 1/3 of a pack left so I guess I'm closer to

    the 1/3 than 1/4.

    As for the sandlewood, I had been putting 1 dab on my chest and 1 dab on my upper back between

    the shoulders. Then I read that it may last longer on clothes, so for the past 2 days I have been using 1 dab on

    each side of my shirt coller in addition to the dabs on chest and shoulder. Only did this because I read that it is

    a tougher to OD on the sandlewood version of TE.

    Today I added 2 drops of the nol musk oil. I on top of

    sandlewood on chest and 1 which I applied behind both ears.

    Here is a complete list of what I have done.


    day: Soe as noted above w/ TE sandlewood on chest and back. Noticed nothing in particular.

    2nd day: same as

    above. Same Results

    3rd day: applied SOE as noted. Added a couple of dabs ot TE to Collar. did not notice


    today: no SOE at all. Applied TE to collar and chest and back w/ the 2 drops of musk oil w/nol.

    We'll see what happens.

    Now this seems like a lot to me to not be getting/seeing results. I am VERY OD

    conscience after having read here and have been careful to try not to. The 4 dabs of TE seem like a lot! (i tip the

    bottle on my finger and dab what's left on the finger onto me/shirt collar). But we'll see. Maybe I will read

    over the signs of an OD again because perhaps I've been too stupid to see that I have done it already !

    But I

    am not discouraged. This is a learning process and I will get it right with help like I have been getting from you

    all. I appreciate it very much.

    Anyway, I will definatly be getting more of the SOE as I just like it myself

    and also the AE will be on the list. I am terrified (sorta) of the PI because of the OD possibilities but that

    leads me back to the question about being black and needing to OD anyway!! arrgggh!! Also thinking about WAGG for

    work situations.

    oh well, Let today's experiment continue. Thanks again.

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