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  1. #1

    Default Another Chikara Thread

    I have

    noticed that most of the info posted about Chikara has revolved around its ability to loosen people up, and of

    course that's great

    But I have been wearing it exclusively ever since I received it, and I today saw

    something that I haven't seen since my first days of being a phero enthusiast ... One of my female friends, who I

    have known forever, started the seemingly uncontrollable twitching in the genital area that I haven't seen since my

    early experiments several years ago ... And we were at work, with co-workers all around ....

    Chikara appears

    to be more sexual than it is being given credit for, but the sexual component seems to be in the form of a gradual

    work-up, rather than the immediate hit ...

    Chikara + Patience = Sexual AND Friendly hit ... nice formula if

    you ask me ... thoughts, anyone?

  2. #2
    Banned User
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    question out of the BLUE is

    it better den AE? (btw when will you guys have more of them by?)

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by cuddlebear

    But I have

    been wearing it exclusively ever since I received it, and I today saw something that I haven't seen since my first

    days of being a phero enthusiast ... One of my female friends, who I have known forever, started the

    seemingly uncontrollable twitching in the genital area
    that I haven't seen since my early experiments

    several years ago ... And we were at work, with co-workers all around ...
    I'm not sure I quite

    understand what you're describing here Cuddles. Could you go into more detail please. Also, didn't you have some

    similar reactions at the beach or someplace? If so Cuddles it might not be the mones. You might be experiencing the

    "Tom Jones Effect" whenever women are near you but that wouldn't be unusual. Has anyone tossed their panties at you

    lately cuz that will come next if this is really the TJE.
    Last edited by Ash; 06-18-2004 at 12:10 AM.

  4. #4


    I apologize that I am not

    really describing this phenomenon very accurately .. I think I did better in my age-old posts ... This is an

    unmistakably sexual response that I did first notice at the beach, this was something I was able to repeat over and

    over, so there was no placebo effect or non-mone-related reaction involved ...

    With Chikara, I am seeing this

    again, not so much an immediate reaction but one that came after the loosening up effect ... Too bad I can't catch

    it on video, it would be X-rated if I could ..

    I would like to experiment with what International Playboy

    did, mixing Chikara with suntan lotion ... I would be using a completely unscented suntan lotion because I

    wouldn't want anything to interfere with the stellar scent of the Chikara.

    Sorry it took so long to type

    this, I couldn't see the print what with the three pairs of panties on my head

  5. #5
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    I still don't understand the

    twitching part, was she squirming in her chair or something trying to achieve an orgasm?
    "You made three mistakes. 1. You took the job. 2. A 4 man crew to catch me, f***ing insulting. 3. You didn't pack enough weapons."- Riddick "The Chronicles of Riddick"

  6. #6
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Great work, cuds! Increased

    genital circulation, perhaps?
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  7. #7
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    I definately will get Chikara

    after the summervacation... :-)
    BTW is Chikara available at the web-shop? Couldn't find it when I


    Anybody in Stockholm, Sweden that have bought it? (So I could get a sniff of it before I buy my


    // w

  8. #8
    Phero Dude Gossamer_2701's Avatar
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    This is an

    unmistakably sexual response that I did first notice at the beach, this was something I was able to repeat over and

    over, so there was no placebo effect or non-mone-related reaction involved ...
    Hey Cuddles.... what was

    the mix you were using that created these reactions on a regular basis? Its finally beach time here in the NE
    Eep Opp Ork Aah Aah...

  9. #9
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Interesting. I’ve been experimenting

    with a mix of Nol + Chikara. One of the younger women at work has been giving me this curious look that strikes me

    as a cross between wonder and desire. I can’t quite make it out. Maybe I should be looking at her genitals


  10. #10
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Wore Chikara to the

    Dead concert in Phoenix last Tuesday. Had applied one spray, shared between both wrists, and one to the neck around

    late morning. Went shopping and was going to shower before the concert and reapply Chikara, but didn't have time

    for the shower. So around 3:00 PM I applied another spray, shared between both wrists.

    I was going to the

    show with an old friend and an ex-neighbor of his. Three heavy guys in their mid-forties, two of us pretty hairy. I

    had planned a Hawaiian shirt for the show, but my friend's wife and two boys made tie-died t-shirts for all three

    of us. So because of our appearances and the fact that the other two guys are married, I wasn't looking for pickup

    opportunities but was just going to observe people. I opted for Chikara since I was going to be in a group of guys,

    I didn't want something potentially threatening or too sexual like NPA/TE or take the chance of coming across as

    "gay" like I've read in some reports with WAGG. Besides, I think Chikara has become my favorite product right now.

    It's hard to go through non-mone days without wanting to spray some on.

    The concert started at 6:30, we

    staked a place on the lawn behind the reserved seating, towards the front and center stage about 45 minutes before

    that. Lots of open space and the place wouldn't really fill up until the Dead came onstage an hour or so later. The

    sun was going down to my left and was hot. The temperature would have been pleasant and is cooler than usual for

    this time of the year in Arizona if not for the sun. So I was sweating a bit.

    First thing I noticed was

    several women passed me and stopped directly behind us and downwind, all at once. I had particularly noticed a

    blonde and brunette who were dresses more trendy than the majority of people there and stood a bit higher and off to

    the side while four or five others spread out their blanket behind us. The trendy ones stood in the spot for five to

    ten minutes without moving, talking and looking around before finally moving on.

    On observation, the women

    behind us on the blanket seemed to to appear to be lesbians in look and demeanor. Without my voicing my opinion on

    their preference, one of my friends reinforced it with his opinion. One woman had the shrillest whistle and I was

    afraid I was going to lose an eardrum. So I was happy that since we didn't stake out territory with a blanket or

    anything, we got pushed forward a bit as the place filled up and people stood between us and the women on the


    The most interesting thing that happened is after the Dead started playing but the place wasn't

    full yet, there was a big open space between me and the people to the front-left of me. A woman, an asian girl in

    her early to mid twenties, from about 15 feet away, turned towards me and approached, asking me for a light. It was

    kind of a 'woah' experience for me for her to single me out like that. Luckily, I had a lighter and after lighting

    her cigarette, she stared into my eyes before silently turning around and returning to her friends. Another 'woah'

    there. I watched her for a bit to see if I should follow and say something to her, but I saw no more interest from


    During the intermission, a couple in their early to mid-thirties, sitting directly in front of us,

    turned around and started talking to us. Thay hadn't spoken to anyone else there that I had noticed. They were from

    Oregon and had been traveling around the country doing rock hounding. The woman gave us each a piece of quartz

    crystal that they had found in Arkansas.

    Now the general attitude of shows in the past have been one of

    sharing and friendliness but not so much anymore since Jerry Garcia died and crack downs on certain activities by

    persons in position of authority. But I want to think that the Chikara had a play in both the cigarette and crystal


    Aside from that, I am still getting "the eye" from young clerks in stores. Kind of a sly look in

    the eyes, like you share a secret of some kind.

    Edited to add a P.S.

    I had the most congenial body

    search I've ever had upon entering the event. I mean in the way of no attitudes, either by the guy searching me or

    my irritation at the inconvience.
    Last edited by InternationalPlayboy; 06-24-2004 at 03:30 PM.

  11. #11
    Phero Guru
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    I've been away for about

    10 days and wearing my usual Chikara/AE/m combo nearly the whole time. I'm finding that I'm not exactly getting

    the results I want from women but am getting extraordinary results from other men, not sexual though (thanks God!!)

    - they just seem to find me as someone to defer to. I'm getting great treatment in commercial transactions, good

    suggestions, and lots of some sort of undefinable respect. This is all well and good and as I progress in my

    understanding I'll certainly take advantage of it. In those 10 days I only received two "good" hits from women,

    but they just don't seem sexual in nature - more like "I want to help this person" sort of stuff. The women were

    in their late teens/early twenties and, admittedley, I haven't spent much time at all around women in their 40s/50s

    who would be my normal desirable range.

  12. #12
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Chikara + AE/m and WAGG, good idea or

    Whats your opinion?


  13. #13
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    I don't have any WAGG so

    can't try that combo out yet - perhaps one day soon, am waiting for the Pheros/Chikara restocking so will order a

    bunch of stuff when those items are available again.

  14. #14
    I'm a whopper!
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    I've been using one spray

    to both sides of the neck of chikara and a dab of pheros to the front and back of the neck. I have had excellent

    responses to this mix. People in general go out of their way to talk with me. Total strangers, its great having lots

    of fun with it.

  15. #15
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    yep, I also want to try a

    Chikara/Pheros combo - have a feeling it'll work out well.

  16. #16
    Newbie jo23er's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCW
    Chikara + AE/m and

    WAGG, good idea or overkill.
    Whats your opinion?

    I have used Chikara + WAGG with

    good results so far. Seems to loosen up people. Last night i was in a club, i had 2 sprays of CK + 2 dabs of WAGG

    on. 3 Girls around late 20s were checking me out all night. I wasnt in a mood for anything, so i didnt approach

    them, although if i would, i think things would go well

  17. #17
    Phero Dude Gossamer_2701's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by koolking1
    yep, I

    also want to try a Chikara/Pheros combo - have a feeling it'll work out well.
    Funny I should see this

    this morning..... I tried the TE/gel & Pheros combo last night, and before I went out the door I added two sprays of

    Chikara to my forearms.

    WOW.... It smelled incredible and I got lots of extra attention from women at the

    crowded mall and bookstores as I strolled around finding the various items I needed. One younger girl (18-21)

    actually leaned in behind me almost pressing her nose to my neck while I was looking at DVDs just to get a better

    smell (not a ormal occurance) She didn't say anything (not really the age range I'm looking for) but I

    got a sexy little grin as she moved a little further down the aisle.
    The rest of the attention was just really

    touchy feely women talking about their personal crap while waiting in lines general conversation while browsing...

    but still WAY above the norm for a crowded New England mall.

    The combo works extremely well together!!
    Eep Opp Ork Aah Aah...

  18. #18
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    great report Gossamer,

    can't wait to try that myself.

  19. #19
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    Post Chikara and Pheros

    Quote Originally Posted by koolking1
    yep, I also want to try a Chikara/Pheros combo - have a feeling it'll work out

    It DOES work out well! I had been using several dabs Pheros covered with two sprays Chikara for

    several weeks. The scents mixed well together, but faded after a few hours. But even after the scent faded there

    seemed to be a strong after effect, well into the next morning, at least initially. The combo seemed to work better

    when I mixed the two together on my skin instead of applying in totally separate areas. However, after weeks of

    constant use this combo seemed to have lost something? Perhaps using it ever day for so many weeks wasn't such a

    hot idea. I tried adding some TE to the mix once and had similar reactions as Gossamer. I'd say this combo works

    GREAT, but as with any -mones buildup is an issue.

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    Ok folks. I have not posted here

    in a while, and I realize I am behind the curve with Chikara. I received my beta order about 3-4 weeks ago an have

    been meaning to post this ever since. I have read a lot in the forum of people saying Chikara has a loosening up

    effect and is kinda like WAGG or SOE maybe. Well let me tell you...... The very first day I wore this at work, by

    the end of the day I was making out with a co-worker who I have been trying to get something going with for months

    to no avail. I could not believe it. I had had a relationship of sorts with this woman that ended six months ago

    and that she haas made clear ever since was going nowhere. Out of the blue, the first time I wore Chikara, bam. I

    was completely shocked!!! I have used it on occasion since not wanting to wear it out, and I have had similar

    reactions from her, not always that stron, but always real lovey dovey etc. Plus others have responded as well.

    Thanks Bruce, Chikara is great stuff!!!!

  21. #21
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DryGin
    Ok folks. I have not

    posted here in a while, and I realize I am behind the curve with Chikara. I received my beta order about 3-4 weeks

    ago an have been meaning to post this ever since. I have read a lot in the forum of people saying Chikara has a

    loosening up effect and is kinda like WAGG or SOE maybe. Well let me tell you...... The very first day I wore this

    at work, by the end of the day I was making out with a co-worker who I have been trying to get something going with

    for months to no avail. I could not believe it. I had had a relationship of sorts with this woman that ended six

    months ago and that she haas made clear ever since was going nowhere. Out of the blue, the first time I wore

    Chikara, bam. I was completely shocked!!! I have used it on occasion since not wanting to wear it out, and I have

    had similar reactions from her, not always that stron, but always real lovey dovey etc. Plus others have responded

    as well. Thanks Bruce, Chikara is great stuff!!!!
    Encouraging words, I curious to know what the new price

    will be because my bottle is depleting quickly.


  22. #22
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    DCW - Don't quote me on this, but I

    think Bruce said the next batch will be kept at the same price.

  23. #23
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    I haven't posted here for quite

    a while, so I appologize if this question is answered somewhere else.

    I'm currently using NPA and sometimes

    SOE but lately I keep reading good things about Chikira. It seems like many of you are using it but it's nowhere to

    be found on store website, what gives?

    Where the hell can I find it!

  24. #24
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I expect to have 150

    bottles in the warehouse by the end of the week. The offical label is taking longer than expected, so I asked for

    150 with the home-made label to get us by for a while. The price will be the same.


  25. #25
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    OK, I'm feeling really dumb


    I've looked in every corner of the Store website and can't find it and a search returns


    If someone could point me to the exact location, I'd appreciate it.

  26. #26
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    When the new stock

    of Chikara arrives, then you will be able to find it offered for sale on the website.

  27. #27
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    It should be very soon.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  28. #28
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I was sort of holding

    off until I heard from the shipper that the product was actually "in the mail" as they say, but I went ahead and put

    it on the website marked "will be in stock on July 6th". I am still hoping that we will be able to ship some

    bottles on Friday, but I can't imagine what could go wrong that we won't be able to ship by next


    Anyway, have a look. It is on there now.


  29. #29
    Phero Dude Gossamer_2701's Avatar
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    I think thats the BESTnews

    I've heard all week
    Eep Opp Ork Aah Aah...

  30. #30
    Newbie Don Tego's Avatar
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    Where is that Chikara? I

    could not find it on the store front. anyone got a direct link?
    red caliente.

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