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  1. #1
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    Question SOE Uncented Gel Pack Trial Number 1

    So I went to church on Sunday and put on a 1/2 pack of uncented SOE Gel and used Sweet Pea Body spray also. However

    Nothing really good came of it. I mean I think I just didn't use the right product for the right "target audience".

    This church is one of the ones that is all touchy feely anyways. I mean every one greets everyone with a hug, a

    smile, or a handshake. From reading posts everyone on here says SOE is only for making people chatty/friendly and

    what I didn't realize is that the place I went to is like that all ready. So maybe I need a stronger product...

    strong in the sense that I'll get more hits or DIHL like I want in the first place. However there were two

    instances that I might be able to link to the SOE. When I was at church this woman sat next to me, actually the same

    woman has sat next to me before so no big deal but when we were greeting people she said "Here let me give you a

    hug". Which was nice... she reminds me of my grandma... you know how there are always sweet people that you call

    your "second grandma" well that's the type of person she is but she usually just leaves to greet other people and

    forgets about me. However like I said the church is really friendly so it could have just been because she wanted to

    and not because of the SOE. Also this guy friend I have.... not my boyfriend but he would like to be couldn't keep

    his hands off me. The sad part is I am not attracted to him so therefore I don't want to date him. However he keeps

    giving me hugs... wanted to hold my hand etc..... However I still can't fully attribute this to SOE because he has

    wanted hugs before from me. However yesterday it just seemed that he was asking for more than usual. HMMM Well since

    I didn't want to get him in the first place I shouldn't have wore any mones in front of him but it was just the

    left over from church so I didn't have time to wipe it off and even if I did... I heard alittle bit stays in the

    skin. Anyways Even though I am not attracted to that particular guy I am not a lesbian... there are many more guys I

    want at this same church...but what I really want is more attention from females as well as males because it's hard

    for me to make friends at all and if I meet a cute guy as well with these mones on that would be great too. So I

    think I need to step it up alittle. I still have two sample packs left. The Edge Gel and SOE Scented Gel. So what do

    you think I should do? I think next sunday I'll use the Edge at church because people around here seem to think

    it's a stronger product and then I'll use the SOE Scented Gel some other place where people aren't as chatty or

    friendly. I really don't have alot of money so that's why I just started slow with the free sample gel packs....

    but I can't wait till I graduate because I've decided any money I get from my grad party I will put in to

    pheromones and get some of the more pricier items like maybe PCC or AE or a full bottle of The Edge. Any advice or

    any comments would be appreciate.

  2. #2
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Is there anywhere you can

    wear -mones besides church?
    "I have a hammer! I can put things together! I can knock things apart! I can alter my environment at will and make an incredible din all the while! Ah, it's great to be male!"

    --Calvin & Hobbes

  3. #3
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    Well, first of all SOE is -nole

    and TE is -none, which means that SOE will bring you friendliness whereas TE is more sexually oriented (but I'm not

    really sure about this since you're speaking of the /w version of 'em)...
    The hugging guy is yours already, if

    you want the other guys TE is the way, but I guess the church is not the place
    Last edited by Myself; 06-15-2004 at 08:04 AM.

  4. #4
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Are you looking for hits from guys at

    church? You can try the TE gel pack if that's what you looking for. As for female friends SOE would be my choice

    but not at church.
    "You made three mistakes. 1. You took the job. 2. A 4 man crew to catch me, f***ing insulting. 3. You didn't pack enough weapons."- Riddick "The Chronicles of Riddick"

  5. #5
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    Ok... sexyredhead asked if

    there was anywhere else to try out mones other than church. Yeah you can try them just about anywhere as long as you

    have the right product for the right purpose. However I just choose to try them out at church because whoever I want

    to attract whether it be just a friend or if I want to try to snag a boyfriend-I want them to have the same intrests

    as me. I am a Christian so naturally I want my friends or love intrests to have the same belief system as me, I want

    them to have the same morals, and enjoy sort of the same activities as me. I would kind of be weird to go into a bar

    or some place like that and put mones on where most people are drinking and looking for someone to have sex with

    etc. because I don't believe in drinking to get drunk.... I even am unsure about drinking at all and I don't

    believe in having sex before marriage. It's just the way I am.
    Also thanks for all the advice I will

    defiently try TE at church next Sunday and if anything happens I'll report back.

  6. #6
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I think you are

    right that there is a "right" potion for every occassion. I wouldn't take it personally when forum members suggest

    trying pheros outside of church though. I know what they mean. The "stronger" pheros have a distinctly "in heat"

    kind of a vibe to them, and it could be perceived as an intrusion at church or even at work. SOE is an

    all-occassion formula though I think. I would give that a little more time around your church friends and see if

    you don't find that getting good results.


  7. #7
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    Red face

    Pheronewbie, why aren't you

    attracted to the guy that is attracted to you? If you could give us some insight as to why that is, I think you

    could be of very useful service to the many young gentlemen that browse these forums on a daily basis.

  8. #8
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    I just

    don't want to waste my other SOE. What if I go to church and nothing happens again? Then what? At least with TE I

    am guareenteed something. Right?

    Well I am just not attracted to him. He is too old for

    me for one, for two many people know us in the church and would start gossiping about us etc, and for three he's

    foreign not to say I couldn't be attracted to someone that wasn't American but he just isn't the type of guy I

    had in mind.

  9. #9
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Have you tried getting involved in

    church socials or events.


  10. #10
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Pheronewbie, I also go to

    church regularly. I don't think it's a great place to wear -mones and pick up guys. Especially something like TEw.

    (And no, you aren't guaranteed a reaction, and one possible reaction you *could* get is that you


    Like DCW said, at social events with church friends it might be a good time to try your -mones, but

    not necessarily on Sunday morning, when the purpose isn't just to go have fun and pick up guys. And I'm sure

    church can't be the only time you get out of the house for anything. Do you not do anything with any of your

    friends from church OUTSIDE of church?
    "I have a hammer! I can put things together! I can knock things apart! I can alter my environment at will and make an incredible din all the while! Ah, it's great to be male!"

    --Calvin & Hobbes

  11. #11
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    Whoa I didn't mean to sound

    like I was going to church just to pick up guys but the only problem is that is the only time I see the people that

    I want to use the mones on. I have no other contact with them except at church. So do you think it would be ok to

    use the SOE again but not the TE then because with TE I could get to many reactions that I don't want?

  12. #12
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pheronewbie
    ...two many

    people know us in the church and would start gossiping about us etc, ...
    Keep in mind, that what

    other people think of you is none of your business, it's their problem!

    The "just not attracted" part, I can

    understand, that's the only one that counts!

  13. #13
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    pheronewbie...if you are wearing

    mones but your body language is obviously not showing that you are looking to pick up and aren't acting

    flirtatious, I don't think that people would get the wrong idea if you are wearing some TE.

  14. #14
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    Another thought: about church

    socials.... we have alot of church get togethers like Pot Lucks after the service... you think I should wait till

    the end of service then apply them and go down to the pot luck? Even if that works do you still think it's a bad

    ideal to use TE or stronger products? Oh by the way for some reason I TE m not TE f. I could have swore I placed and

    order to attract males . HMMM well anyways I wonder what TE m would do for me. I mean at least I would maybe

    potentially get more friends that were girls. Right?

  15. #15
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    I think you might want to do

    a little experimenting when you go out during the week and figure out what works well for you. THEN, once you know

    what dosage of what product works well for you, you might wear it to church socials. I would be wary of waiting

    until the day I really want something to work to see if it actually does. Do you have any other friends/people you

    can experiment on during the week? You don't have to take them up on their offers. You just want to see what kinds

    of reactions you get.
    "I have a hammer! I can put things together! I can knock things apart! I can alter my environment at will and make an incredible din all the while! Ah, it's great to be male!"

    --Calvin & Hobbes

  16. #16
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Go really, really light on the


  17. #17
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elana
    Go really,

    really light on the TE/m.
    ...especially if any of those activities you want to go to are

    outside. TE is STRONG. Be even more careful if you find you can't smell the -none.

    I believe someone once

    referred to it as "skunk pee".
    "I have a hammer! I can put things together! I can knock things apart! I can alter my environment at will and make an incredible din all the while! Ah, it's great to be male!"

    --Calvin & Hobbes

  18. #18
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexyredhead
    ...especially if any of those activities you want to go to are outside. TE is STRONG. Be

    even more careful if you find you can't smell the -none.

    I believe someone once referred to it as "skunk


    Ladies can u really smell it? I for the life of me cannot smell a thing.
    Then again

    the male version is ment for the female nose. I just curious if any of you can smell PI.


  19. #19
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    I've never had any kind of

    problem smelling -none, whether it's in TEw or AEw. I think -none is just -none. It STINKS.
    "I have a hammer! I can put things together! I can knock things apart! I can alter my environment at will and make an incredible din all the while! Ah, it's great to be male!"

    --Calvin & Hobbes

  20. #20
    Phero Dude DZorro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pheronewbie
    So I went to

    church on Sunday and put on a 1/2 pack of uncented SOE Gel and used Sweet Pea Body spray also. However Nothing

    really good came of it. I mean I think I just didn't use the right product for the right "target audience". This

    church is one of the ones that is all touchy feely anyways. I mean every one greets everyone with a hug, a smile, or

    a handshake. From reading posts everyone on here says SOE is only for making people chatty/friendly and what I

    didn't realize is that the place I went to is like that all ready. So maybe I need a stronger product... strong in

    the sense that I'll get more hits or DIHL like I want in the first place. However there were two instances that I

    might be able to link to the SOE. When I was at church this woman sat next to me, actually the same woman has sat

    next to me before so no big deal but when we were greeting people she said "Here let me give you a hug". Which was

    nice... she reminds me of my grandma... you know how there are always sweet people that you call your "second

    grandma" well that's the type of person she is but she usually just leaves to greet other people and forgets about

    me. However like I said the church is really friendly so it could have just been because she wanted to and not

    because of the SOE. Also this guy friend I have.... not my boyfriend but he would like to be couldn't keep his

    hands off me. The sad part is I am not attracted to him so therefore I don't want to date him. However he keeps

    giving me hugs... wanted to hold my hand etc..... However I still can't fully attribute this to SOE because he has

    wanted hugs before from me. However yesterday it just seemed that he was asking for more than usual. HMMM Well since

    I didn't want to get him in the first place I shouldn't have wore any mones in front of him but it was just the

    left over from church so I didn't have time to wipe it off and even if I did... I heard alittle bit stays in the

    skin. Anyways Even though I am not attracted to that particular guy I am not a lesbian... there are many more guys I

    want at this same church...but what I really want is more attention from females as well as males because it's hard

    for me to make friends at all and if I meet a cute guy as well with these mones on that would be great too. So I

    think I need to step it up alittle. I still have two sample packs left. The Edge Gel and SOE Scented Gel. So what do

    you think I should do? I think next sunday I'll use the Edge at church because people around here seem to think

    it's a stronger product and then I'll use the SOE Scented Gel some other place where people aren't as chatty or

    friendly. I really don't have alot of money so that's why I just started slow with the free sample gel packs....

    but I can't wait till I graduate because I've decided any money I get from my grad party I will put in to

    pheromones and get some of the more pricier items like maybe PCC or AE or a full bottle of The Edge. Any advice or

    any comments would be appreciate.
    I don't mean to diss you, but church is one of the

    last place i ever try using mones. Let's just say i had a bad experiance there. I don't know how the church is

    your country, but here there aren't many young people who goes there, it's mostly old people going there 80 years

    and older. i did use it because of some lady i was interested in at that time, but unfortunantly no responce from

    her, only got reaction from older horny 80 years old, not a very pretty site

    I would sooner suggest you use

    it when going shopping or going to a grocery store, Go catch a movie, that's a great place too.

    If it ain't broken don't fix it.

  21. #21
    Phero Enthusiast einstein's Avatar
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    There was a thread a while ago

    where a guy secretly put some TE/m on his girlfriends clothing. She said the guys wouldn't talk to her or look at

    er and she didn't know why. We're not sure how reliable this information is, but don't be suprised if the same

    thing happens to you if you try TE/m.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by pheronewbie
    Another thought:

    about church socials.... we have alot of church get togethers like Pot Lucks after the service... you think I should

    wait till the end of service then apply them and go down to the pot luck? Even if that works do you still think

    it's a bad ideal to use TE or stronger products? Oh by the way for some reason I TE m not TE f. I could have swore

    I placed and order to attract males . HMMM well anyways I wonder what TE m would do for me. I mean at least I would

    maybe potentially get more friends that were girls. Right?

    Why do you think you have problems

    becoming friends with other girls? If you know why this is then you can unlock some answers you are looking


    I asked you why you were not attracted to te guy that seemed to like you. There could be a large number

    of reasons. If an older foriegn,gentleman came in and floated your boat I bet you would not care what the rest of

    the church communiy thought about it. Attraction is generally a gut level thing. It is primarly emotional. I know a

    few men who find some women visually appealing but not intellectualy or emotionally. Yet they will sex them in a New

    York minute. A women generally needs a gut level attraction do do business with a guy.

    So I was just asking

    if you could explain why this guy didn't attract you but other guys at church do.

    I was just asking you to

    go introspect on yourself and see if you can answer some of your own questions, without thinking of pheromones as a

    magic bullet.

  23. #23
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    said: "Why do you think you have problems becoming friends with other girls?" I have no clue. I mean maybe I am not

    visually appealing for them to be even seen in public with me. Maybe they just don't have the same intrests as me.

    But whatever it is... At least maybe mones can help me alittle bit and then I can get the ball rolling all the


    And you were also asking me about that guy. Well I know it sounds so superficial but I am really not

    attracted to his outward appearance. I mean I am still very good friends with him because we have so much in common

    and never fail to start a great conversation about anything and we have fun together but I need both that and

    physical attraction inorder for me to actually kiss the guy. I mean he isn't like butt ugly but he isn't prince

    charming either. So I really would like to go for someone with both good looks and common interest and that is what

    is exactly at this church that I am going to.

    I haven't really had my question answered: Some people say I

    should not event try any mones at church, some say stick with SOE at church, and some say a hare bit of TE isn't

    going to hurt as long as I don't look like I am hunting for anyone. I can certainly play the role of innocence if I

    wear either SOE or TE. I am sure of it. Now though I really don't want to smell like "skunk pee" infront of my

    prospects and have them notice. That would be so embarresing. So I think I will just stick with SOE for one more

    sunday and then after that then maybe a hare , hare bit of TE but like bring some body spray for touch ups in case I

    can or even if I can't spell the pee smell that everyone dreads.

  24. #24
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    Nice honest post. The best way to

    make friends is to be one. It sounds to me that you are hung up on looks. Yours and others. It is something to work

    on. You will lose the opportunity to really become friends with some great people if you are too self- concious

    about your own looks and those of others.

  25. #25
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    why don't you apply both

    (mix or apply on top) .. it's almost a good combo as anything else ...

  26. #26
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    TE gel pack has a vanilla scent so I

    don't think you're going to smell like pee, try the same amount you applied when you tried SOE. Now you will have

    to go to the target or targets so they can get a good smell of your Pheromones. I suggested when you do get the

    money buying SOE roll on bottle unscented (the women's scent is too strong in my opinion), that's a better product

    for attracting male and females.

  27. #27
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    I haven't really had my

    question answered: Some people say I should not event try any mones at church, some say stick with SOE at church,

    and some say a hare bit of TE isn't going to hurt as long as I don't look like I am hunting for anyone.

    reason why nobody has given you a concrete answer, is because there really isn't one. These things work differently

    on everyone because of so many different factors, including body chemistry, social situation, people around you,

    your attitude.

    You have only one option...experiment

    Just use small amounts of different combinations

    and judge for yourself which one works best for you.

  28. #28
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    I did answer your question. You

    just didn't like the answer. Here it is again. Work on improving YOURSELF. There are no magic liquid formulas.

    Phermones can only enhance youe social skills. Not create them.

  29. #29
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DZorro
    I don't mean to

    diss you, but church is one of the last place i ever try using mones. Let's just say i had a bad experiance there.

    I don't know how the church is your country, but here there aren't many young people who goes there, it's mostly

    old people going there 80 years and older. i did use it because of some lady i was interested in at that time,

    but unfortunantly no responce from her, only got reaction from older horny 80 years old, not a very pretty site

    I would sooner suggest you use it when going shopping or going to a grocery store, Go catch a movie, that's a

    great place too.

    How was she Zor? Glad you're doing the rehab service for your community.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  30. #30
    Phero Dude DZorro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    How was she

    Zor? Glad you're doing the rehab service for your community.
    Ehh, not a pretty site. If i was alot

    older then mayby, . So church is of limits for me, unless there will be more yonger people going to church here,

    what i dought will ever happen here. So i stick to either buss or train since these places are always crouded, and

    always lot's woman to test mones on. The movie i found is really ideal since people will have to sit really close

    to you, to watch a movie, and since most movies last for more then an hour and half, your bound to have some

    reaction from them at some point. So that's one of my favoriet places to test mones.

    If it ain't broken don't fix it.

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