
my first order today, good packaging, fast shipping(thanks!!).

I work in a small office, about 8 guys and 2

women, one 21 and the other in her late 40's. Decided to just do some experimenting and see what would happen. AE

impressions: Small dropper, small bottle, didn't notice all that much of a smell but kinda soapy, cough syrup

smell, very pleasant hard to describe but reminds me a little bit of APC.

Put 2 drops of AE/m in my palm.

Dabbed my finger in and spread behind my ears, never could smell anything after that. Didn't notice much of

anything with anyone since I really didn't interact with anyone this morning.

After lunch, decided to check

out the TE/m, just smells like alcohol to me, can't really detect much of any fragance. Decided to put a dab on my

moustache to see how it affected me and if breathing in and out had any effect. Got to interact with a few more

people this afternoon. Did notice one guy seemed a little more argumentative then usually, he's usually very easy

going had me trapped in a row of cubicles. I did notice myself that with the dab of TE/m I felt a little disoriented

and had some difficulty with keeping my thoughts clear when I was talking to my boss. Other than that I could never

smell either product on me and still can't.

During the afternoon, I passed the younger of the two women in the

hall a couple of times she sometimes comes into my office and shoots the breeze but usually only for about 10

minutes max. This afternoon she came in, sat chatting for about an hour, kept saying how hot she was and fanning

herself with some papers, also noticed the leg crossing and bouncing her leg. It's possible that she does this all

the time, never noticed before. I thought the hot thing was somewhat unusual though since in the winter she keeps a

heater right under her desk and the fact that I am MR. Sweat and hate the heat and I felt pretty comfortable.

We're going to a friends house swimming and dinner so I think that I might do a dab or two of each and see what

type of reaction I get there.
