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  1. #91
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    (Though I don't think I

    felt needy, I "supplicated" myself when I remarked that what's-her-name's photo was sexy without her having to

    "work for" the compliment -- inviting abuse -- and sure enough, there it came. An opportunity for someone to gain

    power. I even thought, "Oh, shit!" to myself right after posting. I guess my "giving up personal power" made the

    person feel safe to attack.
    What does your comment about Kitty's picture have to do with how she

    responded to you or anyone for that matter? You commented on the armpit exposed and it was a very interesting

    observation, but I don't remember any negative comments in regard to that subject. Do you think that has something

    to do with the way Kitty responded in this thread? I am just curious.....

  2. #92
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Ok, this thread started out as

    a discussion about mones verses looks. It was hijacked into a pissing match. The only reason I let it go on was that

    there were some valid comments about the art of attraction. However, it has turned into an off topic discussion. I

    would appreciate it if you folks would either take it off line or to open discussion.

  3. #93
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    I was leading it in a

    different direction.
    I wanted to talk about compliments as a positive. Some women actually love to be complimented

    and are attracted to men that appreciate them and tell them often.

  4. #94
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    I quit......I am done with this one

    I don't know how this got so out of hand. I am sorry for anyone's feelings that were hurt.

  5. #95
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elana
    I was

    leading it in a different direction.
    I wanted to talk about compliments as a positive. Some women actually love to

    be complimented and are attracted to men that appreciate them and tell them often.
    Please do. That would

    be a good way to bring the conversation back to attraction.

  6. #96
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Hang on not so fast this is getting

    good :-)

    I just read the post today for the first time and I did get a sense of unnecessary rudeness (no

    names). This is a common phenomenon all over the web for some reason people feel the need to rag on one another over

    minor things.

    LS is one of the better site for discussion in my opinion.

    Now on the topic of looks

    verses mones I think that initially looks win out.
    All you have to do is turn on the TV and watch all those

    pretty people onscreen to titillate your viewing interests, not to mention the booming diet, health club and plastic

    surgery industries.
    I also believe that mones can add to your appeal if your a lets say a 6 it can boot your

    interest level higher.

    Scent is a powerful phenomenon. On the other had good looks can and do fade over time

    so you better bring more to the plate.

    Time and other factor in life have a way of making pretty people

    humble in later years; believe me I know of what I speak.


    Pass the butter -Betty Croker

  7. #97
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    I do notice a lot of rudeness and

    fighting going on around here lately, let's be civil and discuss things without putting someone down. Unless you

    want to do this all-day.
    "You made three mistakes. 1. You took the job. 2. A 4 man crew to catch me, f***ing insulting. 3. You didn't pack enough weapons."- Riddick "The Chronicles of Riddick"

  8. #98
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elana
    You commented on

    the armpit exposed and it was a very interesting observation, but I don't remember any negative comments in regard

    to that subject. Do you think that has something to do with the way Kitty responded in this thread?

    comment is about mammalian level behavior we all engage in. I am using myself as an example to help folks understand

    that it is another level of human interaction, mostly an unconscious one, that gets underemphasized. Any time one

    gives a compliment in a power-significant situation that isn't really natural to the ebb and flow of the

    relationship, even if only perceived this way; there is a power exchange involved. (A simpler example would have

    been a guy who gives a woman flowers before it is appropriate, regarding how that changes the power dynamic.) There

    wouldn't necessarily have been any comments as regards the inappropriate compliment, as it wasn't about the

    compliment itself. It was about the bigger power dynamic. You are correct that often compliments per se turn out

    well, depending on the situation. But not always. It was humorous to me to think that I could be responsible on

    mammalian level for inviting the reaction. Maybe that wasn't really happening even on an unconscious level.

    I don't know, and want to move on anyway, at this point. Maybe I should have said it was an "as if" for

    illustrative purposes, or not speculated at that point. But it is even possible to have a positive overt

    response to a physical or "energetic" gift; (e.g., "Wow, thanks, I really appreciate that! You're so sweet!") and

    yet have an opposite power dynamic happen on another, most often unconscious, level. Know that I am not suggesting

    people not give compliments. I would suggest that people give in their relationships to a level they feel is natural

    to the ebb and flow. We each have many examples of mammalian power exchanges in our daily lives, and it is germane

    to attraction science. The topic has been discussed many times in the forum. Raising our power consciousness, as

    Peachy observed, should be a good thing.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  9. #99
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    I think Dr is a wise believer

    in "Treat 'em rough get the muff".

    Doc I agree with that aspect, not the above but what you are saying, in

    that if a guy who has not gotten the response of a sexual/emotional desire from a woman if he starts handing out

    compliments they may be appreciated but they hardly if ever help with your "chances" and in turn can actually be a

    negative for the one handing the compliments out....The loss of power etc.... Now the guy who has got a noted

    positive reaction from a woman needs to hand out those compliments or else......bye bye.

  10. #100
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    This may also seem bias to say,

    but in general, attractive girls learn at an early age how to control and dominate guys. In other words get the

    wanted effect out of guys. Guys do this too, but usually yield less power. :P Its all in the power of what they say

    and how they react, a lot of guys will fall ploy for it at some time. "What honey you really think its too

    small".......its no secret that the guys that take less shit and retain their "power" (whether assholes or not) seem

    to have little problems getting by the "bitchiness". Much of this is unconcious at the time but people know what

    they are doing to a certain extent. Girls know why they like the guy who they can't just push over. And guys know

    why they like the girl with bigger balls than them.

    That said about women, guys have a lot of negatives, for

    one they are gross. I am a gross person btw.

  11. #101
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Right, and those compliments

    don't have to be verbal. The best received compliments will be the ones that induce a feeling of excitement, and

    make her feel thought about/loved.

  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptKipling
    Right, and

    those compliments don't have to be verbal. The best received compliments will be the ones that induce a feeling of

    excitement, and make her feel thought about/loved.
    Exactly, telling a girl "Wow, you are so pretty"

    isn't going to make them ball over in happiness, have to be a little more than that, and they may think "Ahh shit

    another toad". If that is the only compliment you have to offer.

    Yes, big manly feeling actions not

    always words, it may come off as a lot of people like to say "beta" when a pest like guy keeps complimenting a girl

    on her face ass or tits. If that is all you have to say to her don't expect her to respect and "thank" you,

    when the vice versa is not happening.

    BTW I am sure the Doc is more dynamic than that (my sweet loverboy),

    not speaking about the Dr. directly anyhow.

  13. #103
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Yep, that tends to be the way

    it is (not literally "treat 'em rough, though ). I'd prefer everything to be sweet all the time and

    "hippie-like", but it has to be natural to the flow to help the intimacy get there, assuming you have a chemistry in

    the first place.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  14. #104
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    TM, you the man 4 smooth. Show

    us how it's done, loverboy!
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  15. #105
    Banned User JustPeachy's Avatar
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    Like so many other things, I

    think it's less what you do than how you do it. I reject men who come off as weak to me. But what's weak? One

    thing that comes to mind is a guy I know who used to be a total blast to flirt with. It was give and take, chase and

    be chased, wink, wink, nod, nod. Big fun. I warned him straight up it was all about the flirt with me, and to never

    expect more because it wasn't there. I smiled, bit was direct about it. Then he decided to make a move anyway. No

    surprise there. Saw it coming, and that's why I warned. It was cool. He was very direct. So was I, but I liked him

    so I handled him gently. But next time I saw him, it was all 'bout gettin' rough. The guy talked to me in a tone

    of voice and said stuff you wouldn't actually even say to anyone you weren't already horizontal with, and was

    insistent. Poof! Off the radar, just like that, no more nice Peach. He thought he was comin' on all strong, I saw

    it as super-weak, a desperado play. He wasn't going to get anywhere anyway, so he lost nothing in the attempt.

    Except a friend and good-times companion. Too bad, too. He had a far better chance of finding someone when he was in

    play. It made him look more desirable to other women, plus I was introducing him to other women I know in the course

    of all the playing around.

    So what's "rough", TM? You're gonna have to define it better, for it to make

    sense. Can you give us a scenario?

  16. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by tallmacky
    This may also seem

    bias to say, but in general, attractive girls learn at an early age how to control and dominate guys. In other words

    get the wanted effect out of guys. Guys do this too, but usually yield less power. :P Its all in the power of what

    they say and how they react, a lot of guys will fall ploy for it at some time. "What honey you really think its too

    small".......its no secret that the guys that take less shit and retain their "power" (whether assholes or not) seem

    to have little problems getting by the "bitchiness". Much of this is unconcious at the time but people know what

    they are doing to a certain extent. Girls know why they like the guy who they can't just push over. And guys know

    why they like the girl with bigger balls than them.

    That said about women, guys have a lot of negatives, for one

    they are gross. I am a gross person btw.
    Sage! Very


  17. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    Yep, that

    tends to be the way it is (not literally "treat 'em rough, though ). I'd prefer everything to be sweet all the

    time and "hippie-like", but it has to be natural to the flow to help the intimacy get there, assuming you have a

    chemistry in the first place.
    Very true Dr. and people may find it odd when it is guys who say,

    "let's cut the shit and the games".

    I remember my brother was in NYC, and I was on the phone with him

    and he was talking about buying his new girlfriend flowers and I jokingly said "Be careful you don't want to come

    off as caring too much", he then responded to the effect of "Who gives a shit if I do, if she is really worth it she

    will like the Flowers." That meaning, I don't want to play games, and to just be honest and real and if she can't

    take that or wants to play games, or is turned off by that (caring).....f#ck her. It turned out well, she is a

    great girl and he is still into her. That could be considered being "rough". If the girl is smart enough to get


    There still are matches out there, though. A lot of tastey shiet to dig around in but it still can work

    out on some level.

  18. #108
    Banned User JustPeachy's Avatar
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    Exactly! Bro is a ballsy dude.

    My little playmate was a total weiner. It wasn't what they did, so much as the 'tude that went with it.

  19. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ash

    Very Sage!!!
    Yeah I could go

    into details on how women attain their power, and the worst part how many guys nurture this. It starts at puberty

    and with many "lies" and changes in a woman's character, even down to the guys she is into then. For example they

    could be into the overtly skinny, ugly guy who is not afraid of girls in HS, and then advance into liking actual

    men. Bad way of explaining this but I don't feel like it. Its all natural though, like those -mones so

    complaining about the way a woman acts is unrealistic, its there for a reason. Still....don't mean you got to like

    it, but don't be a bitch about it.

    I agree with Peachy, even women who are very sexual are at the

    basis emotional creatures, sure the looks add on a lot to a guy, but if they aren't feeling his personality they

    will leave your ass, and they should! Women are also great at taking one thing a guy says for example and knowing a

    lot about his personality. So to those that say women are too emotional or too quick to judge, no they aren't they

    are just better judges. A girl can tell from one response from a guy whether he is a dumb ass, liar, cheater, dead

    beat, piece of shit, great guy, protector, honest etc... Whether they are judging on merits of good or bad. Whatever

    they are looking for.

  20. #110
    Banned User JustPeachy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tallmacky
    A girl can

    tell from one response from a guy whether he is a dumb ass, liar, cheater, dead beat, piece of shit, great guy,

    protector, honest etc... Whether they are judging on merits of good or bad. Whatever they are looking for.

    Sometimes. Some of us. Otherwise, there's no explanation for otherwise smart women making insanely bad

    relationship choices.

  21. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustPeachy

    Some of us. Otherwise, there's no explanation for otherwise smart women making insanely bad relationship choices.

    Gotta love the Drama, eh?

    I guess that's the Mamalian (subconcious and partially

    irrational) layer, that Dr. is talking about, which is also true!

  22. #112
    Banned User JustPeachy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tallmacky
    Gotta love

    the Drama, eh?

    I guess that's the Mamalian (subconcious and partially irrational) layer, that Dr. is talking

    about, which is also true!
    I might be tempted to leave at most of us being very quick at perception.

    Judgement is a whole other thing.

  23. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustPeachy
    I might be

    tempted to leave at most of us being very quick at perception. Judgement is a whole other thing.

    Ok let's make a peace offering. A offering for peace between Penises and Vaginas in all of the

    love-scent world. We abid by this agreement or we all become

    I am done posting

    for all of today, my brain hurts so bad, between Peachy and Dr. its really hard to say which one makes me re-read

    their posts the most to get out all the information. You both are some smart asses (in a good way )

  24. #114
    Banned User JustPeachy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tallmacky
    Ok let's

    make a peace offering. A offering for peace between Penises and Vaginas in all of the love-scent world. We abid by

    this agreement or we all become

    I am done posting for all of today, my brain

    hurts so bad, between Peachy and Dr. its really hard to say which one makes me re-read their posts the most to get

    out all the information. You both are some smart asses (in a good way )
    I perceive a wish to

    leave. But I'm reserving judgement on it.

  25. #115
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustPeachy
    I perceive

    a wish to leave. But I'm reserving judgement on it.
    "I have a hammer! I can put things together! I can knock things apart! I can alter my environment at will and make an incredible din all the while! Ah, it's great to be male!"

    --Calvin & Hobbes

  26. #116
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    If you have goods looks but not a

    good aura(aroma, voice, walk, sense of body language, etc) mones only will help you to get people around you and

    thats it.
    In case that you want more than that, practice first without Mones and when you think that you can make

    something big try it, little, by little.
    For me the speed that you can make with mones its incredible, specially

    this enhace your genetic information and what do you want in that moment to the people thats around you smelling

    Be careful, have fun, and try to speak with JVK, he can give you better instructions.

  27. #117
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    Another point.
    Will be great

    that the people who make this products give us their own feedback too.
    I want to know how successful they are

    when they applying their own products!
    What do you think guys?
    will be goo to hear from the owners of this

    products to tell us their hit stories with details and instructions of use.!!!!

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