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  1. #1

    Default Pheromone Approval

    Okay I am right about to purchase Attration but I realized that I don\'t have a CC # and my father does. I am almost 18. My father would allow me to buy it from him w/ his CC#, if he approves of these pheromones, I want to ask him today, but how would you describe pheromone products to a father and to approve of me buying it? What should I tell him about pheromones?

    Maybe my question should be addressed to fathers. If you are a father or soon to be, would you allow your child to purchase at 17?

    Once I get the attraction I will tell you about the result [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    [ October 16, 2001: Message edited by: ShinTen ]

  2. #2

    Default Re: Pheromone Approval


    I can give u two suggestions:

    1. If you wanna keep it a secret, tell him you\'re just gonna buy a rare perfume that lasts very long. OR...

    2. Tell him it\'s some kind of tool that he himself can use for his work by boosting his aura, or something like that.


  3. #3
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: Pheromone Approval

    Okay in all honesty I wouldn´t be too pleased, but I´m not your dad or mum. I guess it makes a huge difference to him if you´re giving him the mones back or if he has to cough up all himself.
    If you have a bank account and cheques, you can put in a mail order.
    If that´s not a possibility,then tell him it´s a Cologne. Attraction is a fragrance in a way and he won´t know esp. if you get a nice looking atomizer to pour it get the idea.


  4. #4

    Default Re: Pheromone Approval

    Hey CJ, I am going to pay him back for da mones.
    Good ideas so far

    Thanks Redcapp hopefully it works.

    [ October 16, 2001: Message edited by: ShinTen ]

  5. #5

    Default Re: Pheromone Approval

    I\'d just tell him that I need a product that eases women in order to make love to them.... just kiddding!

    Just tell him the truth: as other members of this forum have said, Attraction is a product that COULD make you more approachable, that COULD make other people be more friendly to you or your dad, so you believe that it\'s worth a try this product. There is a money back guarantee, anyway...

    Don\'t tell him stories about girls dropping their pants just because the smell. (you are telling the truth. No user of Attraction in this forum has told such thing [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] )

  6. #6

    Default Re: Pheromone Approval

    Well so far pretty good.

    Well he basically said I\'ll think about it. And talk about it tommorow mourning.

    I tried astroboy\'s way. He thinks the stuff is bullshit but he says its your money.

    Then he said yea boy you need a few good threesomes how about I buy you some! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] Just kidding

    But hopefully he will come through so I can test the stuff. Hopefully it isn\'t bullshit but I don\'t believe it is. But I will have to find out myself!!! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  7. #7

    Default Re: Pheromone Approval

    Show him the site and then show him the forum to see what he thinks of all of us phero maniacs [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  8. #8
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pheromone Approval

    Hi Shin,
    I am a father of two boys. They are only 6 and 2 years old, so I can\'t really help too much, but if I had a 17 year old boy, I would tell him just what I tell all the 17 year olds that ask me about it: personally, I don\'t think you need it at your age, but if you want it that bad and only use it for date night, rather than every day, I wouldn\'t try to stop you. The pheros are like testosterone, when you are in your teens they are still on the increase, and when you get past your early twenties they are on the way down.

    In any case, please be honest with your dad about what you are doing with his credit card; bottom line there, I would think.

    Good luck,

  9. #9
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pheromone Approval

    Having raised three sons to honorable manhood, I may be well qualified to offer an opinion.

    First, offer to pay yourself. That means you are serious and have evaluated the risks of it being a waste of YOUR money.

    Second, explain that it should facilitate your social life. Dads want their sons to be social successes, obviously. We\'re not so hot on sexual promiscuity, even with our sons but having the prettiest and brightest daughter-in-laws down the road is a good thing. For that, you need to practice your gender relations and 17 is a good time to start if you haven\'t already. Remarks about condoms may show you acknowledge the responsibilty success may bring.

    Offer to share. That way you\'re obviously not only looking to get laid.

    Good luck.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Pheromone Approval

    How about this. Pay for it yourself but send it through the mail. Why not. If you order more than $50 worth of stuff Bruce usually throws something in for free (but you have to ask him what it is) and you get a forum discount.

    Hear me out on this one. You\'re already paying $45 buy that and a Super Primal E-oil and you\'re in the zone. Print out the order form, fill it out (remember to write 15% forum member discount on the form and mention your freebie whatever it is) get a money order and send the order in. (Don\'t go with Priority Mail it takes longer to get to you for some reason). It should take about a week but trust me it better this way. Why because you get a discount, a great smelling oil and something free. Problem solved. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  11. #11

    Default Re: Pheromone Approval

    Exactly you got the advice jambat and if you live overseas away from america then youd be better with credit card.

    Hey a thought maybe the american diplomats can go into afganistan with pheromones on and get them to hand over bin laden. But i will stay out of the political zone leave it up to those who are dealing with it.

    A peaceful solution and one that benefits the most people needs to be found, hopefully someone is working on it.

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Pheromone Approval

    Just a thought... Assuming you\'re going to get a more -nol substance, you\'ll notice that people are friendlier. This would also apply to teachers, coaches, etc.

    Your dad may even decide to try this stuff, just to see if it helps him in whatever business he\'s in. It may do nothing for him if he\'s a construction worker, but if he\'s in an office, the boss may take more of a liking to him. If he IS the boss, he may find that his employees become more receptive to him.

    Just remember the responsibility side of this.


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