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  1. #1
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    Thumbs up Awesome mix - tested one week constantly

    So, i've been one week out of the country. I had, prior to my departure, made up a crazy mix to try to

    test it. First i'll tell you the reactions. Then i'll tell you the mix. I've been wearing that same mix and cover

    all through that week. I won't be specific or descriptive, but you can fuel your own imagination. I also won't

    mention people and friends that were unaffected or didn't show it, and as you can imagine the majority of the

    people i met in 7 days would be unaffected. I did however notice a much increased level of friendliness from

    everyone in general. I don't want to exagerate things, but i was more than surprised myself. Moreover, the mix put

    myself in an ecstatic mood constantly every time i applied.

    Day 1)

    Tired victim of Jet lag, and 15

    hours on an air plane, I'm not in my best form. I get off the airplane and go for a snack. A girl working at the

    counter smiles at me soon as i get close, and writes down her number on my purchase receipt. I go to my hotel and

    crash for the night

    Day 2) - I go out with a friend. All through, she keeps smiling at me, touching my

    hands, staring at me, etc.

    Day 3)
    I go visit another friend at her house. Eat dinner, watch a movie. She

    keeps getting close to me, touching my hair, hugging me. Being a married woman, she couldn't do more. I go back to

    my hotel, and seduce the night receptionist, at 2 in the morning. Later she told me she wasn't even allowed to

    speak with hotel guests other than for what purely concerns their stay.

    Day 4)
    The same girl i went out

    with on day 2, wants to see me again. I'll leave what happened to your imagination. She kept telling me constantly

    "oh my god you smell so good you make my head spin"

    Day 5 - and here's where it gets plain wild)


    go to a club. Careless of the fact that i'm the only person there who wasn't an african-american, and most people

    would glower at me dubiously from a distance, i enter. Everyone, boys and girls alike seem to become friendly to me

    and open up. i dance a bit, then get me a drink and sit on a couch. a girl walks in the room, gets closer to me.

    When she'd gotten close enough to smell me (i had put on a lot of stuff that one night), she turns, stares at me,

    sits on my lap, kisses me. Then she tells me her name, and that she works in a law firm, and that "My parents would

    kill me if i dated a white guy, but i had to do this, the moment i got close to you it was like i was drawn. I

    better go before i give in to you and someone sees me and tells my boyfriend" and with that she walks out and

    disappears. I didn't follow her, for her own good.

    10 minutes later, another girl approaches me. She tells

    me, that she's seen what the other girl did to me, and said there's something about me totally irresistible. As

    minutes pass, the distance between her and me shortens, she ends up kissing me and takes me to her room. After the

    fact, she asks me to let her sleep and call her tomorrow.

    Seeing as my taxi ride back to my hotel was booked

    for 3 hours later, what do i do? get back in the club of course. It's late enough to dance like a madman, the floor

    is hot. another girl just eyes me, gets close to me, grabs me, dances with me all night, and the dancing gets quite

    dirty. She gets on my taxi when it is time to go. The bouncer is looking at me like he couldn't believe his eyes,

    as we walk out.

    Day 6)
    I've been asked to keep what happened secret, so I won't say a word. Something

    did happen however with someone, and it was quite exciting.

    Day 7)
    I fly back home, nothing worthy to be

    noted that day

    And here's the mix. I used the same drop counter thingie to dose it all, and i was wise

    enough to note the ratios as i was making it.

    SoE/m - 28 drops
    TE/m - 4 drops
    Pheromax/m - 4

    Pheros - 9 drops
    Chikara - 5 sprays (i could not open that darn bottle to count drops, but i made sure

    that i did not lose any of it by spraying it in the mix bottle. any idea how many drops make a spray?)
    A-Nol Musk

    Oil - 7 drops
    AE/W - 1 drop

    Cover scent - applied separately - Teint de Neige, Lorenzo Villoresi


    know all the story about mixing oil/water/alcool based stuff, but strangely enough after a vigorous shake it


    Edit - That is not the amount i'd put on myself on a night. The mix above is simply the ratio of

    stuff i mixed in a new bottle. I'd put on 2 ~ 4 sprays of the mix on me depending on the situation.
    Last edited by pieroilfiero; 05-27-2004 at 11:08 PM.

  2. #2
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    Holy god, that's alot of

    juice. Please describe your personality, age, decribe yourself physically, and tell us the environment you were


    BDC Concepts

  3. #3
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    I'm 24, 6ft2 or 3, (havent

    learned to count in feet precisely), well built. Not athletic, yet not overweight. Long hair, beard, I've recently

    asked many of my friends to pick one word or two to describe me. "Charming" is what came up almost constantly,

    followed by "intelligent" with the odd friend or two that finds me "lunatic". I can't describe my own personality

    really well, though. The thing about this, is that i had consistent and similar reactions in all sorts of

    environments that one can be in a whole week abroad. From airport fast-food, to friends' house, etc.

  4. #4
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    28 drops OF


  5. #5
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    thats the ratio i put in the

    mixer. not how much i put on myself in one night


  6. #6
    Phero Dude DZorro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pieroilfiero


    - 28 drops
    TE/m - 4 drops
    Pheromax/m - 4 drops
    Pheros - 9 drops
    Chikara - 5 sprays (i could not open

    that darn bottle to count drops, but i made sure that i did not lose any of it by spraying it in the mix bottle. any

    idea how many drops make a spray?)
    A-Nol Musk Oil - 7 drops
    AE/W - 1 drop

    Holy cow,

    that's a huge mix you got there.

    Combining phero's and chikara, sounds like a scent od to me. I don't

    think those two combine well to gether, since both of them already have a scent to them, will only lead to scent od

    to me, and you where saying you used your cover scent as well ??

    If it ain't broken don't fix it.

  7. #7
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Sounds good, I'ts supporting my more

    is better debate.
    I got a similar response once :-( with 5 drops AE, 2 PI, 3 WAGG and my fovorite


    Nice post...keep the ratio going and report back.


  8. #8
    Newbie jo23er's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pieroilfiero
    I know all the

    story about mixing oil/water/alcool based stuff, but strangely enough after a vigorous shake it

    How can you be sure that all the mones mixed together properly? I mean, how did you find

    it out? I tried to make a banch of your mix using 2-3 drops of each product, shook it well but cant see if they

    mixed ok.

  9. #9
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    I'm wondering if there were

    any reactions while you were on the plane?

  10. #10
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    I can't imagine how the fragrance

    smells coming out of all that.
    "You made three mistakes. 1. You took the job. 2. A 4 man crew to catch me, f***ing insulting. 3. You didn't pack enough weapons."- Riddick "The Chronicles of Riddick"

  11. #11
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    ratio of SoE to TE/m is not uncommon in powerful mixes like DD light. Did you use scented SoE?
    In similar mixes

    I used unscented SoE, because the scent of the scented version knocks down scents like pheros or Chikara.
    (I call

    much unscented SoE with some TE DD ultralight for myself).

    Which Pheromax did you use? The new A1-version or

    the classic none-heavy version?


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by DZorro
    Holy cow,

    that's a huge mix you got there.

    Combining phero's and chikara, sounds like a scent od to me. I don't

    think those two combine well to gether, since both of them already have a scent to them, will only lead to scent od

    to me, and you where saying you used your cover scent as well ??


    yes, i used

    cover scent. the scent of the mix itself isn't bad. The cover scent is actually a woman's perfume originally, but

    for some reason all my friends agree that it smells awesome on me, so i use it. I'll tell you this much, i'd be

    more careful dosing the cover scent rather than the mix, cause a perfume overdose would label you gay for the

    evening for sure..

    Let me know if you try this and how it works for you
    Last edited by pieroilfiero; 05-28-2004 at 02:15 PM.

  13. #13
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    Tell me in which country do you

    test this?
    I dont know but I dont beleive you. I see that this combination can make a very big OD, that you can

    smell like a criminal or somebody that want troubles.
    Sorry but I think that you are lying. If somebody else try

    it and stay alive I will believe this.

  14. #14
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    Tell me in which country do you

    test this?
    I dont know but I dont believe you. I see that this combination can make a very big OD, that you can

    smell like a criminal or somebody that wants trouble.
    Sorry but I think that you are lying. If somebody else try

    it and stay alive I will believe this.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by fran1
    Tell me in

    which country do you test this?
    I dont know but I dont believe you. I see that this combination can make a very

    big OD, that you can smell like a criminal or somebody that wants trouble.
    Sorry but I think that you are lying.

    If somebody else try it and stay alive I will believe this.
    Fran1, im not going to type too much, so

    to keep polite.
    But before calling me a liar because you think i'd OD with all that much stuff, perhaps you

    should read the fact that i mixed that much stuff in a bottle which lasted the whole week, not that i actually

    splashed it all on me every single day.

    Otherwise, Why do you bother calling me a liar when i could just

    keep the mix to myself, enjoy the hits and not say anything, rather than share it with this community so that they

    get to test it and see what results it brings for everyone else?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by fran1
    that you can smell

    like a criminal or somebody that wants trouble.
    Quote Originally Posted by fran1
    Sorry but I think that you are lying. If

    somebody else try it and stay alive I will believe this
    Fran1, It seems that you think if someone

    overdoses on mones then at the time the person goes out, everyone is gonna go after him and try to kill him! hahah,

    please don't exaggerate.

  17. #17
    Phero Dude DZorro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pieroilfiero
    Fran1, im not

    going to type too much, so to keep polite.
    But before calling me a liar because you think i'd OD with all that

    much stuff, perhaps you should read the fact that i mixed that much stuff in a bottle which lasted the whole week,

    not that i actually splashed it all on me every single day.

    Otherwise, Why do you bother calling me a liar

    when i could just keep the mix to myself, enjoy the hits and not say anything, rather than share it with this

    community so that they get to test it and see what results it brings for everyone else?


    hits you got from this mix sounds interesting though, but for now will only use chikara on it's own to see what it

    really does, before going to mix with it, but did try NPA/m with 2 spray of chikara, and got good results with it

    too. But only used that once so not much to think of that yet, but when i stop testing chikara on it's own will try

    your mix too.

    If it ain't broken don't fix it.

  18. #18
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    I remade the mix, switched

    out ae/w for the same amount of PCC. similar reactions today. Its safe to say i like it!

  19. #19
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    sorry for the misunderstanding, but

    in my culture and in america we go straight to the point.
    Sorry again if I touch your feelings, but I think that

    OD possibilities can be very strong with that mix, but again I only make a point.
    Please dont hesitate to try and

    make mixes, and I will not be hard the next time.
    Sorry Bambino.

  20. #20
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    Has anyone else tried

    to reproduce the mix yet? If so, whats the results?

  21. #21
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    Default none

    I'd like to and may soon,

    lots of cash though as I'd need to buy a few of the products.

  22. #22
    Newbie jo23er's Avatar
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    I made this mix but without adding

    Pheromax and Pheros as i dont have them yet. Applied 4 sprays and went to a nightclub. OD is the only word that

    describes that night.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by jo23er
    I made this mix

    but without adding Pheromax and Pheros as i dont have them yet. Applied 4 sprays and went to a nightclub. OD is the

    only word that describes that night.
    Hehe, sorry to hear that, have you tried it in smaller dosages


  24. #24
    Newbie jo23er's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DefconX3
    Hehe, sorry to

    hear that, have you tried it in smaller dosages yet?
    Not yet and i dont intend to. I am sticking with

    WKM and Chikara/AE. I am having good result using these.

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