Quote Originally Posted by Ash
The camel's name

is Suzzie. Freddy is my best friend and help-mate. Gender identification was a problem with Suzzie in the beginning.

It's kinda hard to tell with camels sometimes but I figured things out. She's a Doll BTW. Brown hair, brown eyes

and lips to die for. Tallmacky suggested I get a camel after I confessed to him that I was having problems with the

sheep he was sending me. I think I've been going wayyy too far with my PE excesses and a good camel was the only

option that made sense. That Macky is one smart Dude!

Anyway, I hear what you gals are saying about "soft

women". That's really what I'm looking for. That one special woman that will change everything for me. I know that

once I find her I'll never be able to go back to farm animals.

By the way, does Suzzie spit or

swallow??? Do you like her style of hump? How long can she go without a break for water?