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  1. #1

    Default NPA? Try P10 with a spray of cologne!

    I don\'t mean to start any wars, but this APC/NPA thing is just not working for me. I DO subscribe to the theory that not everyone\'s pheromone signature is the same (and thus it would logically follow that different blends of pheros would work better for certain individuals than others). However, I\'ve noticed in the past that I get a response from just about ANY phero combo I used - but NOT this one! No offense to Jambat or anyone else, but it\'s just not working for me. That said, I HAVE been experiencing a great deal of success with two Stone products - the PPA and the P10 (I use the PPA \'cause it\'s a great cheap source of Androstenone and the P10 just cause it WORKS!). Using Chemist\'s guidlines, I\'ve probably been waaaay overdosing, but hey - it works. Two sprays of P10 from the atomizer, then wiping the nozzel and rubbing it in behind my ears, then applying a spray of Contradiction over the top. Not getting old desperate women (for once), not freaky chicks (all I ever got with Primal), not hot girls\' moms (the snuggly AFA curse)....but nice, intelligent, QUALITY women - (Is there such a thing as a \"quality\" hit???) No DIHL crazy stares, but on my three latest dates (two of which were first dates) all three of the girls I took out were (for lack of a better word) \'captivated\'. Not forlorn, or puppy-eyed, just \'with\' me, if you know what I mean. I dunno - just thought I\'d pass along that info, and cause controversy with my \"quality hits\" theory. Bless you all. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  2. #2
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: NPA? Try P10 with a spray of cologne!


    Question. Did you dilute the P10, or are you using it straight? The atomizer that came with my P10 could be used as a fire extinguisher, it puts out that much spray.

    I got a kick out of your breakdown of which subjects seem most likely to respond to specific products. This topic is worthy of a thread of its own.

    Quality hits DO exist! That\'s why we\'re here.


  3. #3

    Default Re: NPA? Try P10 with a spray of cologne!

    I agree - if you\'re looking for a stand-alone concentrate, P10 is IT. I never had much luck with NPA or even the \'magic\' blends either. But I agree that the darn atomizer delivers enough to dose your entire body (I guess that was the intent). Anybody ever find a source for cheap lower volume atomizers?

  4. #4

    Default Re: NPA? Try P10 with a spray of cologne!

    hey all,

    I\'m glad to find out that it\'s not just me that doesn\'t get much from APC/NPA.. I really like the smell of the combo, but it doesn\'t seem to be eliciting any noticeable response for me

    I\'d be very curious to find out what the demographics are of the users who are getting good hits from the APC/NPA combo versus the rest of us (I\'m 35, athletic, professional type)

  5. #5

    Default Re: NPA? Try P10 with a spray of cologne!

    Hey i need some perfect 10 i wish the exchange rate would improve oh well maybe in the future.

    My OD experience needs to be done occasionally, it was just to see how far things would go, refer to the hi chemists post for reference.

    Alter ego seems to be the missing link that works great with other products. that is applied seperatiley.

  6. #6

    Default Re: NPA? Try P10 with a spray of cologne!

    Wilde and Mark -
    I used the concentrate at 1/2 strength, diluted with the fragrance base I got with the kit. I like the atomizer that came with the kit because I know I get one good solid \"dose\" with one spray. I just hold it out in front of me and aim it right at my chest (clothing on) and then walk right into the spray. I probably loose 20% to the air, but it seems to work well, and I haven\'t had any problems with overdosing yet.

    Wilde, it really is amazing how different blends evince differnt types of reactions - predictably in most cases. I have found that with PPA I get lots more \"snuggly\" hits - somewhat older women looking for a conversation and a relationship, while P10 seems to always bring out the more animalistic desire in some younger women - college aged. I have been experimenting (as we all do here) with a few other blends of products I have, but to be honest I have been so pleased with the results from P10 that I have not wanted to go out without it on and risk missing out on the fun. We need to start a thread to determine which products get which type of hit. I don\'t know if anyone else besides you and I notice it, but there seems to be a BIG difference between the reactions you get with each of these different products! [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

  7. #7

    Default Re: NPA? Try P10 with a spray of cologne!

    Paul, I agree whole-heartedly! I am getting better results with the darn ALter Ego than I am with all these different blends! [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] If I had just stuck to what I had purchased originally, I would have saved about $200, and gotten about the same results. Oh, well! Still fun! [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

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