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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default SOE Unscented / AE Dilemma


    She is a

    mature 23 year old student who works at a cafe with me. Likes
    80\'s music. She is one of those types who

    frequently goofs off, but
    she has a wavelength much longer than an airhead.

    For the past month since we were

    hired, I\'ve worn Alter Ego, typically
    applying a small line from the dropper on each shoulder. This is is more

    than the recommended \"two drops\", granted, but I wanted to extend the
    effect over a six hour period.


    what\'s going on?

    She is responsive, goofs off, touches, and even hugs other people,
    yet near me she is

    serious and businesslike, avoiding me whenever
    necessity doesn\'t require her to work near me.

    I\'ve tried

    many times to talk to her. Indeed, I am arguably better
    looking than several guys there, yet she either briefly

    talks to me,
    doesn\'t respond, or simply walks away. I am somewhat attracted to her.
    I am a bit alpha male,

    aware androstenone is a double-edged sword, and
    realize the importance of a fun, light demenior whenever wearing


    However no matter how well intentioned my efforts to socialize with her,
    her attitude remains guarded around

    me, and her disapproval has made me
    act forced and unnatural around her. However around other female

    this is not the case at all.

    This bothered me, so I dropped the dose of AE down to a single drop behind

    ears, which causes itching. The effect the next day was negligable,
    except for noticing less hostility in my


    Last week I stopped using AE entirely, washed my clothes twice over, and
    I\'ve noticed her mood

    soften, smiling briefly as she walked by, briefly
    touching my shoulder, scratching my sides to move.

    One night

    we were alone, running the cafe, I step away from the
    register toward the expresso machine. That day I put on five

    lines of
    SOE unscented (I love the scented version, but wanted to reduce the
    possibility of the placebo


    Instantly, \"What\'s wrong, feel a little lonely? Want some company, Joseph?\",
    she says flatly.

    I\'m taken aback, not sure what to say, and simply smile.

    During another workday, she makes another

    semi-loaded comment...

    Manager: \"Hey buddy, go on break. Get something to eat..\"
    Me: \"Nah, I\'m not

    Her: \"Strong man..\"
    Me: \"Why, thank you..\"

    A few hours later, I accidentally bump into her,

    and she remarks
    indignantly: \"There is plenty of room to get through, you don\'t
    have to bump into me..\".

    As if that was intentional.

    \"I\'m sorry, accident..\", suddenly feeling like a complete idiot.

    A few days

    ago was her birthday, she rung up a cookie, her credit
    card didn\'t go through, which she was pissed off about,

    and I said,
    \"Happy birthday\", bought it for her, and gave her a warm smile. We
    conversed about schools; she

    tells me where she is going, and it
    turns out we want to major in the same thing.

    Still, after three minutes,

    the urge to relieve the tension of being
    around me kicks in. What irritates me is being away from me is a

    \"relief\". I am very friendly and outgoing, and it is downright
    insulting if not confounding.


    convinced we\'ll find a unified field theory before
    understanding women, but common sense says she simply

    not like me.


  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: SOE Unscented / AE Dilemma


    first of all people are different and IMO it\'s not worth it try to analyze them too much if at all. Especially

    since you are a guy and it natural not to be able to figure out women. Secondly you work with her so she may be a

    little guarded about dating someone she works with. Perhaps she does like you more but she\'s the type that

    doesn\'t like to date coworkers. She may just enjoy the flirting aspect. Perhaps she may even be concentrating on

    studies and doesn\'t want to get at all right now. Our she has a guy she already is dating. Who knows.


    she is confused by the mones you wear. She knew you before you wore and now she senses something different. Also if

    you switch up often around her it even may confuse her more. Mones send signals and depending on what you wear they

    can be different each time. Especially since you knew here before the mones.

    It\'s hard to say and not worth

    analyzing. If you are truly interested after a good laugh ask her to a coffee shop or maybe a move and see if this

    is ok with her. If she doesn\'t act interested than she probably doesn\'t want to go out with you. Don\'t take

    it personal. There are so many reasons she may not want to go out and it probably has nothing to do with not liking

    you. It may be some circumstances about her and what\'s going on in her life.

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: SOE Unscented / AE Dilemma

    Women absolutely don\'t like insecure men. Know what you want. Tease her. Be funny. Don\'t excuse for anything.

    Never ever make compliments about her body. If you really absolutely have to make a compliment (only once in a

    while!) make a compliment about something she has DONE very recently. If you notice a very personal flaw, make fun

    of it.

    Your behaviour has to fit to your mones.

    And if you have to bump into her next time, make fun of her

    bumping into you before she can open her mouth.


  4. #4
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    Default Re: SOE Unscented / AE Dilemma


    used AE for over a year, it has blown the door open for me
    many times with other women. My curiosity is the

    anxiety in this
    other coworker. It has never happened before. Is it entirely
    negative, or a concealed attraction?

    It is downright weird at
    times, as if she is mortally afraid of me; and she can\'t maintain
    eye contact


    There was one post in which someone named elvido wrote:

    \"That seems more like a definition of

    \"indifference theory\".
    I think of ODing more like crossing the line from being a
    Clint Eastwood type to

    being a wolf; an actual wolf. So the
    intuition is, \"yeah this guy will be a good fcuk but once
    we\'re done

    he\'ll kill me and my cubs!\" Imagining you carrying
    them around with their open neck clasped in their mouth.

    they don\'t actually think that, but the instinctive reaction
    could go along those lines. You presenting an

    image that\'s
    too primal.\"

    This seems to be exactly the case.

    I\'ve demonstrated my friendliness,

    being open and complementing
    her, but she remains afraid of me. It is a very animalistic
    \"primal\" fear.

    While I can chip away at it, what underlies it
    remains a mystery.

    Is it possible this could be a concealed

    attraction, or am I
    being optimistic? Anyone experience a similer situation?


  5. #5
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    Default Re: SOE Unscented / AE Dilemma

    If a

    guy is attracted to a women who is not attracted to him and and she KNOWS that the guy is attracted she actually

    becomes LESS attracted to him than if she was not sure if he was attracted or not. My guess is that is what is

    happening here.

    We place value ie become attracted to the things that are hard to get. That is why you often find

    guys starting to chase the one women that ignores him, but are less intrested in the women that actually seem to

    like him.

  6. #6
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Default Re: SOE Unscented / AE Dilemma

    Dude, you\'re wearing too much. She probably gets the feeling you\'re in \'player\' mode when you have that

    much on of either of them. You noticed she was softer when you didn\'t have any on? Think minimal. Try nothing for

    a week or so, then just do a tiny bit and see what happens.

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