A very bored wizard was

walking through the park. He came upon statues of a man and woman standing facing each other. He thought to himself

\"I sure wouldn\'t want to stand forever staring at someone of the opposite sex and not be able to do


So he waved his magic wand and \"poof\" they both came alive. The wizard said to them,

\"You\'ve got 30 minutes to do anything you want and then you\'ll both be turned back into statues.\" So, the

two statues went over behind some bushes. The wizard heard all sorts of rustling and thashing taking place behind

the bushes.

After 15 minutes they came back. The wizard said \"you still have 15 minutes left. Isn\'t there

anything else you want to do?\" The male statue looked at the woman and said: \"You want to do it again?\" The

woman statue replied, \"OK, but this time you hold the pigeon and I\'ll poop on his head.\"