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Thread: Huge News!

  1. #241
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    I also will add

    that after smelling it a dozen times I feel strange.

  2. #242
    Journeyman StandingTall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Huge News!


    I would

    say the three ladies at Best Buy that helped me when I picked out, returned and picked out another MP3 player. One

    lady at Barnes and Nobles who just started a conversation while I was sitting beside her. That\'s about it so


  3. #243
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    Again, don\'t OD

    on this stuff. Keep the longing for more there. Myself I wear it on wrists only and the ocassional whiff that

    reaches my own nostrils is always welcome. Most folks are not as conservative with fragrance or pheromones as I am,

    but start small and work up if you naturaly long for more.


  4. #244
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Default Re: Huge News!


    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    I would say the three ladies at Best Buy that helped me when I

    picked out, returned and picked out another MP3 player. One lady at Barnes and Nobles who just started a

    conversation while I was sitting beside her. That\'s about it so far.

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    Hang on, these are clerk that are paid to be attentive.
    More field testing needed.


    Good luck.


  5. #245
    Phero Guru Sagacious1420's Avatar
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    From what I can tell, Chikara seems to

    cause women to act more caring when interacting with me, this includes strangers. Not an \"I love you forever\"

    type caring but more, like \"if everyone cared for each other this way the world would be a better place\" type of

    caring [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] . It\'s a strange sensation to get that kind of vibe

    from someone that you\'ve never met before. This stuff really puts women at ease.

    <hr /></blockquote><font



    Your comments and those of burgerama really have me intrigued. While I\'m

    quite happy w/ my personal mix, it sounds as if Bruce has come up w/ something that accomplishes what took me a very

    long time to develop and at a fraction of the overall cost I\'ve incurred in the process. I\'d love to hear

    from others who\'ve noticed this \"feel good factor\" as well. I\'m also curious to find out if anyone has

    noticed that Chikara packs a sexual punch to go w/ this effect.

    I think it would be very interesting to test

    Chikara on one of the girls I\'m seeing right now. She\'s rather jaded for only 22 and quite the ballbuster and

    it would be amusing to turn her into a big \"warm fuzzy\"...although I\'d probably miss the fun of our constant


  6. #246
    Full Member Sunny's Avatar
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    Okay, here is my report

    from the first day:

    As mentioned above, the effect on myself be can best described as DRUNK. I went out on my

    bicycle and I felt like I should not drive, like I had too many beers. A really strong effect and certainly an OD on


    First I went to a travelling agency where I spent almost an hour sitting in front of a nice girl

    working on my bookings. We know each other since I am a frequent customer, so I can compare. Maybe she was lightly

    friendlier and happier than usual. Also gave me a friendly look in the eyes at the beginning, but nothing so much

    out of the ordinary that I could clearly attribute it to Chikara.

    Then I went to see a long time and very

    close but LJBF female friend. I have tested various products and mixes on her and have a good understanding on how

    she reacts. I know how her \'neutral\' behavior looks like. She is one of the few girls which are strong

    \"-none responders\" to me. This means she gives me a 100% consistent response with -none, even more with TE/NPA.

    This means DIHL, can\'t stop staring at me, is extremely touchy and more obvious signs.

    So I was wondering

    what would happen with Chikara: Nothing obvious, unfortunately. We spent almost 2 hours close together, but her

    reaction looked to me like what I am used to as her \'neutral\' (without mones). I even asked her what she

    thinks about the scent. She did not notice anything, so I had her sniff my neck. She said \"Okay - not great, but

    not bad either\". But no visible reaction to Chikara. I decided to go to the restroom and spray on a mix of TE and

    some fragrance oil. When I returned she immediately said \"now I can smell your fragrance\". It took maybe three

    minutes until she changed very obviously (anybody would have noticed) to the TE/NPA typical behavior described


    Okay, this was just the first day. I would describe my first impression: Judging from my own reaction,

    this is powerful stuff, but the effect is probably of a friendly/softening kind. It may not produce obvious hits

    like -none. Got to test more...


  7. #247
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    Don\'t forget

    Chikara also has -none. Anyway, perhaps you could try adding a dab or two of TE to see if her reaction is similar to

    the reaction in the days you only use TE / NPA.

  8. #248
    Full Member Sunny's Avatar
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    Default Re: Huge News!


    to me the size

    of one spray of Chikara looks much smaller than the size of one spray of TE for example (I mean in terms of liquid,

    not actual pheromone content, of cause). I believe my atomizer is working good now - it produces a nice fine mist.

    But it really looks less than what an average atomizer gives.

    Can you confirm this?


  9. #249
    Full Member Sunny's Avatar
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    ToBeOrNotToBe: That\'s

    pretty much what I did when I added TE on top of the Chikara. But tomorrow I will try smaller amounts (not with her,


  10. #250
    Phero Guru
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    I was going to wait

    for the weekend to continue testing but couldn\'t resist. I used two sprays of Chikara - one on each arm, rubbed

    in. I drove back up to Conway in my continuing venture to get all our stuff moved down here, stopped at burger king

    drive-thru, the woman saw my dog and said \"wow, he\'s a smart dog\". He was just sitting there on the seat

    next to me, doing nothing much at all. Further up the road I had to stop for a toll booth and the guy there took the

    time to explain to me that I\'d be much better off buying tokens, he gave me $10 worth for $5 - amazing - as far

    as I knew there is no discount at all in NH when buying tokens. I then did a bunch of work after getting to my old

    place and figured the mones had worn off by the time I was done, headed home, unloaded all I had packed, took a

    shower, sprayed twice on left arm and once on the right, headed to a regular supermarket with high expectations -

    zero. Yesterday at the gourmet market it was early in the day and a very relaxed atmosphere. Today at the regular

    market it was about 5:30 and everyone was hustling thru like usual at that hour so I figure it was just too busy for

    anyone to notice my scent. I did feel mildly confused driving home but keep in mind I just moved here so that was a

    factor. I think the \"love\" factor is higher than the \"sex\" factor with this product - I base that upon

    other\'s comments and my own feelings yesterday of enormous love for my Sue - most unusual for me, not that I

    don\'t love her it just isn\'t something I think about much ordinarily.

  11. #251
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    ToBeOrNotToBe: That\'s pretty much what I did

    when I added TE on top of the Chikara. But tomorrow I will try smaller amounts (not with her, though...).


    /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    spray on

    a mix of TE and some fragrance oil.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Well, I don\'t know how

    much TE you had in that spray... was it more than 1 or 2 dabs from TE bottle?

  12. #252
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    Okay so first day out

    with Chikara, smells great, light and irresistable somehow, used about two sprays (or so, whatever spritzed out)

    along with my usual three/four dabs of Pheros spread out in Aloe gel that I\'ve gotten so used to using.

    The scents seemed to go well together, probably because they were spread out. Not much in the way of testing, just

    some people at school were more talkative than usual, like random conversations and insights from people I normally

    don\'t talk to much, mostly guys though, [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img] sort of reminiscent

    of Realm/m and WAGG effects in that way. Although there was a lot of laughing and friendliness in general today,

    guys and girls, spilling over into some pure silliness ala a -Nol OD.

    Other people here mention \"confused\"

    and \"drunk\" effects from Chikara, and I must say I couldn\'t agree more, although with me it was more

    clumsiness, starting at about 6+ hours after the initial application, sort of like the spaceyness that can come with

    too much -Nol. In general though people including myself were happy and relaxed and friendly, but not quite on the

    ball, goofy I guess is the best way I can describe it. More testing needed for sure!

  13. #253
    Phero Enthusiast einstein's Avatar
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    I haven\'t noticed

    any drunk/clumsy effects on me. I\'ve noticed that I stick my chest out, raise my shoulders, hold my head high.

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img] A very confident, no, more like cocky and fearless walk.
    And I

    can\'t stop sniffing my wrist. Maybe one of the secret ingrediants is crack.

    Haven\'t noticed any effects on other people, but I usually

    don\'t see anything. I wear mones mostly for myself. I also haven\'t been anywhere this week except to finals.

  14. #254
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    Well I\'m trying not to

    only drink a couple beers no more. So if Chikara gives a \'drunk\' effect that will beat drinking itself. I

    wonder what the effect Chikara will be on me after a couple beers and how it will effect others that have been

    drinking. Haven\'t heard anybody mention it in a club setting yet. I will be getting mine tomorrow and will

    finally be able to test.

  15. #255
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I\'ve noticed that I stick my chest out, raise

    my shoulders, hold my head high. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img] A very confident,

    no, more like cocky and fearless walk.
    And I can\'t stop sniffing my wrist.

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    I wouldn\'t go as far as saying cocky and fearless, but it\'s having a similar effect

    on me. Wore it to work again today, two sprays on the neck. The guys at work have been really respectful and almost

    apologetic about some things. A couple of the newer and younger guys have given me shocked looks when I walk into

    the room.

    As for women, today I\'ve been getting kind of sly smiles, or they avoid eye contact altogether.

    Went to the bank after work and got a shy, Mexican teller. She had a very quiet voice and was dressed

    conservatively. I don\'t think she made eye contact once after I walked up to the window. In contrast, she had to

    call someone over to witness the transaction as I made a substantial withdrawl. This woman was very friendly in the

    minute or two she was at the window.

    The teller and another woman at work who avoided eye contact completely

    wore wedding rings, if that makes any difference.

    Thinking of trying it with Pheros tomorrow. Think I would

    blend well. Will either spray the wrists with Chikara and dab Pheros there, or dab the pheros on my neck. Am going

    to refrain using anything like NPA/TE or my Pheros/NPA mix until I see what Chikara does by itself. As for now, I

    think it\'s going to be a great stand alone product.

    Want to try Pheros/Chikara as I still like Pheros the

    best for scent and I want to unleash both on my friend next week on vacation. I was going to go a couple of mone

    free days before my trip, but mones are so fun to play with that it\'s hard to go even a day without.


    when I\'ve worn it on my wrist, I keep sniffing it too.

    Will fill out the report when I return from my

    trip. Have already entered the initial reaction questions.

  16. #256
    Full Member Sunny's Avatar
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    Default Re: Huge News!


    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Well, I don\'t know how much TE you had in that spray... was it more than

    1 or 2 dabs from TE bottle?

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Yes, it was like one full spray of


  17. #257
    Journeyman StandingTall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    Hang on, these

    are clerk that are paid to be attentive.



    Getting discounts on

    products I shouldn\'t be getting isn\'t your normal \"clerk helping customer\" response.


  18. #258
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    Default Re: Huge News!


    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Hang on, these are clerk that are paid to be attentive.



    Getting discounts on

    products I shouldn\'t be getting isn\'t your normal \"clerk helping customer\" response.



    /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    hey, when i wear mones i always get like a thousand freebies at the

    stores. the cashiers always give me some, and then they say: what the hell i\'ll give you some more, you smile so


    and then some more

  19. #259
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    I had a mix in a bottle

    that I used 3 times. I believe it was chome with AE/TE (not sure of ratios). I had someone I had barely talked to (2

    guys &amp; 1 gal) buy me a beer each of those three nights. Too bad I can\'t quite the ratios close to that now.

  20. #260
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Default Re: Huge News!


    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Hang on,

    these are clerk that are paid to be attentive.



    Getting discounts on

    products I shouldn\'t be getting isn\'t your normal \"clerk helping customer\" response.



    /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    hey, when i wear mones i always get like a thousand freebies at the

    and then some more

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Yeah but what happens when you put

    the gun away?


  21. #261
    Phero Guru
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    speaking of freebies,

    I have to recant my statement about the NH tolls - tokens are half-price!!! And, speaking of NH, our very own

    Jeeves has informed me he lives here too!!! We\'ll have to have a NH LS convention soon.

  22. #262
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    Default Re: Huge News! and NHampshire

    speaking of freebies, I have to recant my statement about the NH tolls - tokens are half-price!!! And, speaking of

    NH, our very own Jeeves has informed me he lives here too!!! We\'ll have to have a NH LS convention soon.

  23. #263
    Full Member Sunny's Avatar
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    This stuff is


    I used it again today. In lower dosages (1-2 sprays) it makes me very calm and relaxed, but strong at

    the same time. It\'s different from the strength and raw power which I get from NPA. The \'NPA-Power\' puts me

    on the edge of anger. With Chikara I am walking around cool and I also feel that nobody and nothing can harm me, but

    there is a different reason for this feeling: It\'s not because I feel I could kick everybody\'s ass (like with

    NPA), it\'s because I feel totally calm, relaxed, tuned to my inner center... it\'s like absolutely nothing can

    make me angry or anxious.

    If there was a medication which works as strong on people as Chikara works on me, it

    would probably be prescription-only. In high dosages it impairs my ability to drive. In the right dosage I feel I

    can cancel out anger and anxiety within a minute.

    What really worries me: How does it work on others and when am

    I going to see effects on others when I wear it? My current guess is that it MUST also have a strong effect on

    others, but this effect may not lead to obvious changes in behavior like with some other products, at least in my

    first tests. It might work wonders in relationships... that\'s something I can\'t test right now


    Even if I would never see effects on others, I will keep

    Chikara as a powerful medicine for me...


  24. #264
    Phero Enthusiast nonscents's Avatar
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    This stuff is medicine!!!

    I used it again today.

    In lower dosages (1-2 sprays) it makes me very calm and relaxed, but strong at the same time. It\'s different from

    the strength and raw power which I get from NPA. The \'NPA-Power\' puts me on the edge of anger. With Chikara I

    am walking around cool and I also feel that nobody and nothing can harm me, but there is a different reason for this

    feeling: It\'s not because I feel I could kick everybody\'s ass (like with NPA), it\'s because I feel totally

    calm, relaxed, tuned to my inner center... it\'s like absolutely nothing can make me angry or anxious.

    If there

    was a medication which works as strong on people as Chikara works on me, it would probably be prescription-only. In

    high dosages it impairs my ability to drive. In the right dosage I feel I can cancel out anger and anxiety within a


    What really worries me: How does it work on others and when am I going to see effects on others when I

    wear it? My current guess is that it MUST also have a strong effect on others, but this effect may not lead to

    obvious changes in behavior like with some other products, at least in my first tests. It might work wonders in

    relationships... that\'s something I can\'t test right now


    Even if I would never see effects on others, I will keep

    Chikara as a powerful medicine for me...


    <hr /></blockquote><font



    Very interesting. Please do some testing and let us know how long after applying

    Chikara before you feel those effects on yourself. Perhaps that would indicate how long we would need to be around

    others before we would be effecting them.


  25. #265
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    My reactions to NPA are

    the same as Sunny\'s. After using the first few times I often would be impatient, cocky, and angry no matter the

    dosage. The last few times I\'ve used it I\'ve seen those characteristics on others I\'m around but not

    myself. By a very wide margin TE is superior to NPA IMO. I wonder if the so-called secret ingredient in NPA is my

    I am getting Chikara today and can\'t wait to try tonight. I\'m guessing and hoping Chikara has the

    same effects on me as Sunny and most of the others have posted. If I do react to it that way I\'m sure others will

    notice how comfortable and realaxed I am and will also be the same with me. I haven\'t heard alot of feedback to

    suggest Chikara directly affects others but I\'m hoping it does with positive results.

  26. #266
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Huge News!


    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Hang on, these are clerk that are paid to be




    Getting discounts on

    products I shouldn\'t be getting isn\'t your normal \"clerk helping customer\" response.



    /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    hey, when i wear mones i always get like a thousand freebies at the

    and then some more

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Yeah but what happens when you put

    the gun away?


    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]


  27. #267
    Phero Dude DZorro's Avatar
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    I tried , chikara too,

    the scent does last a long time, i used it this morning, and i can still smell chikara on me, and it is almost 14

    hours later. It does last longer then any deoderant or cologne for that matter.

    So far i can say, it somewhat

    diffrent then anything that i have ever tried here on love-scent, it\'s even hard to describe too, atleast the

    hits i got, are defenantly diffrent then anything i have ever had. But will continue testing this, and report back.

    Today was actually the first day i tried Chikara. But it looks very promissing.


  28. #268
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    Got my Chikara last night.

    Tried it standalone today. Used a sprizal (ya know, that tentative spray when getting the sprayer started) and a

    single spray. Didn\'t see too many reactions from anybody, but then again I was mostly off by myself. I just got

    back from lunch a while ago. A business associate (female) and I went to a fish taco place (Rubio\'s for you socal

    types) for lunch. After I ordered, while I was waiting for my associate to order, I stepped to one side, closer to

    another unoccupied cashier. She must have been 19-21 years old (cute lil blond). She suddenly started primping and

    staring and smiling. When I looked at her, her smile got even bigger and she started to talk to me, but had to turn

    away because some customers came up. I know sounds like one of those \"she looked at me, must be a hit\" type of

    posts, but it\'s one of those \"you had to be there to understand\" posts. The scary thing is, she\'s young

    enough to be my GRAND daughter. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
    Looks like this needs more testing

    among more age appropriate subjects.

  29. #269
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    DZorro, how about a

    description of those hits you got?

  30. #270
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    Default Re: Huge News!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    The scary thing is, she\'s young enough to be my

    GRAND daughter.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">


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