
Heres what happened. I have been using AE/m for a couple of months now and it consistantly works for me. The only

thing that I dont like about it is that it just makes girls real chatty with me but they dont seem any more

attracted to me than usual. So I decided to go with an all nol product(PI/m) The first day I used it I put on two

drops behind my ears before I went to work. The reaction seem about the same as with AE/m. So the next day I only

put on on drop of PI/m before work behind my ears. That day everyone that usually spoke to me was very stand offish

the whole day. I was like da*n!! So That night my friend and I went out to this bar. Before I left I took a nice

30min shower and applied two dabs of PI/m and two drops of AE/m with my usuall cover scent. Well that night before

We even stepped in the club I got my first DIHL!!! This girl was literally staring in my face for a good 5 seconds

then turned away. Then she gave me another quick glance then resumed talking to her friends. Wow!! Well that night

not too much happened out of the ordinary. The next day I applied the the same mix, 2 dabs of PI/m behind my ears

and two drops of AE/m on my pulse points right under my jaw bone on my neck.. Well that was the best day at work

ever. Every girl that walked past my seat that I have ever said Hi to, either gave the biggest smile or would

stroke my back with their hand as they went by. Even managers who usually have their nose in the air spoke to me and

asked me how my day was going.woohoo!! Well Last night I went out with another buddy because Im getting addidcted to

this attention, with the same PI/ AE/ mix after taking another shower. I dont know what happened but I kept smelling

this horrible smell all night. Come to find out its me. My Friend kept telling me that I smelled great to Him but I

had to beg to differ. None of the girls payed me any attention the whole night. And the smell stopped me from being

my usuall confident self. Some guy even tried to start with me and my buddy out side of the club. Well after last

night I was going to give up on PI/m but I decided to try it one more time at work today. I did the same mix of

pI/AE. All I can say is wow!! Today girls were constantly complimenting me on my shirt and how good I smelled.

Touching and flirting with me It was almost overwhelming!! I got TWO DIHLs from two very beautiful women. Im still

buzzing. The two girls that sit in front of me kept saying how they wanted to eat me up like a creme saver. Well

thats it. Anyone have any idea why the reactions were so differnent in the different settings? Why do you think

PI/AE work so good together? Any suggestions on how to never have that stinky experience again? Thanks guys for
