View Full Version : My first DIHL

03-29-2004, 05:31 PM
Well, I got SOE last week

and finally got to try it out this week in some of my classes. I was actually pretty skeptical about all this, but

today the DIHL told me otherwise.
So today, in one of my classes, i was just sitting there minding my own

business when I looked over and there she was. This asian girl, pretty conservative (based on the way she looked),

was just sitting there staring like she was in a trance. I actually thought that this was pretty awkward at first

so I looked away, and then looked back. Still, the biggest stare I\'ve ever seen. Her eyes were all dilated and

she just went on staring for about another minute. I don\'t know about you guys, but this sure as hell did not

happen before trying pheros.

heh, my first product I tried before this was AE, and it wasn\'t very

successful. I felt like I got alot more respect and attention from the older girls but nothing much out of the

ordinary from the younger girls. Seems like SOE really does the trick for me.

For those of you who don\'t

think pheros work, or have tried it and have not seen much of a difference. Possibly think about trying other


I\'m guessing in my case, my body already produces quite abit of none. Because now that I think

about it, girls that I\'ve meant in the past, always told me that I looked really intimidating. I guess SOE

helped supplment this and helped make me more rounded? heh..

03-31-2004, 11:35 PM
People could think

you look intimidating simply because of the way you walk. You should not assume you\'re producing unusual amounts

of pheromones for your age group. In fact, it\'s better to assume you are average if you are going to make
