View Full Version : Observations Tonight,,,

03-28-2004, 01:11 AM
I have had mucho

moments with awesome pheromone experiences. Not as many the last couple weeks but..

I had a mix I made a

couple weeks ago with AE & NPA. Put on 5 dabs in different areas. The results were out of this world at the Mall

of America here in Minneapolis. I would talk to one girl and others would flock to me. The phero jealous effect was

in max mode for me. Its as if I were a male tiger playing with a female and the other females would grab me, bump

into me obviously and would approach me as if I should be with them instead. I know manyt have experience this.

Anyway guys were high-fiving me, women all over agazed at me. I had the mix (not sure what) and I felt like a kid in

a candy store. I could not screw anything up. It was if I was there the King of All and could get any women I

After 3 to 3 1/2 hours this faded though. As if the AE did its rone and nol conversion to none. It was

te ultra reversal. Women were captivate by me but after time elapsed they wanted nothing to do with me. Guys

thought I was the coolest. Later they thought I was an azz as the women lost the interest.

I usually am

capitalizing when its so good but tonight I was getting so much I was completely awestruck. It\'s aa if my

confidence was at an all-time high and I didn\'t give much of a rats azz to pick up. It happens for me about once

in a blue moon like this. I scrubbed myself greatly with suave soap before hand. Perhaps I ridded much of my phero

residue. All I know is my AE/NPA (not sure of ratio) was working big time and I had my pick of the litter.

Surprisingly I really didn\'t care too pick up though. Nonetheless an awesome night!


03-28-2004, 01:18 AM
One more

observation I must add. Many times one girl is totally into me and the friend tries to pull her away. Yet the friend

will totally be all over me while the girl I was into at first is left at the curb. I\'m sure many of you have had

this. I know it\'s pheromenal often because when I am hitting it off with one many women are bumping into me,

grabbing me, and kissing me like never before. It\'s as if they think I\'m theirs and pick it up big time after

me if one women has great interest in me. Such an awesome feeling!


03-28-2004, 03:46 AM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
Many times one girl is totally into me and the

friend tries to pull her away. Yet the friend will totally be all over me while the girl I was into at first is left

at the curb.

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">


Don\'t remind me. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif


I\'ll have to admit though, that hasn\'t happened to me for

around 12 months. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

03-28-2004, 04:36 AM
Exactly man.

The one # I did get was from a girl who was completely into me. Her friend interceded with the\'how old are

you?\' bit and grabbed my butt and tried to ge me into her. . The girl I was into initially actually saw through

this and began grinding with me big time and made sure I had ger #! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

03-28-2004, 04:45 AM

conversion thing really suck, and I have observed it several times myself. Actually I can always exactly tell when

has it been 3 or 4 hours...all of sudden the pheromone high goes into a slightly depressive down. The strange thing

is that its not a slow process, it happens over maybe two minutes.
We have to think of something to fix this

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif Cause its not really possible to leave the hunting grounds every

3 hours to take a shower, apply a new layer of pheros and go back.

03-28-2004, 04:52 AM
Right Rakesh.

It\'s very obvious that many women are into me after a couple hours of applying then all of the sudden there\'s

a 180 turn. That\'s why with a 2:00 am bar close I try to apply after 11:00 pm. The women that are very into me

suddenly seems to have PMS quickly. It seems the AE or SOE application turns to none at an instant.


03-28-2004, 05:31 AM

that\'s a problem because my \"shifts\" are usually much longer. When I leave the house at 5pm and plan to get

home at 5am (like last night), there\'s a problem.

03-28-2004, 06:27 AM
haha great post

bigdog. Sounds like you\'re having a good time!

Anyway, about your 180 effect that you talk about, for me

it\'s just that I find that AE is very effective straight out the bottle, and is good for 3 hours, being best in

the first hour or two. But no I don\'t get negative effects afterwards. How many drops do you think you have on

per application? (with regard to your mix). Remeber you\'ve got NPA there too.

I\'m not sure about how

quickly the nol changes to none. I don\'t think rone changes to none. But if this happens after 3 hours then

surely a top up of SOE, which contains a small amount of rone and lots of nol, should be ideal at 3 hours.


thing is, WHY would you suddenly have an \"ultra reversal\", it doesn\'t seem to make sense.

I used to get

very consistent results with my previous bottle of AE - 3 drops and a dab of NPA always got strong hits. I don\'t

know whats happenning but it appears with my new bottle to take 6 drops to get the same effect as 3 drops. However I

can\'t say this for sure yet, more experimentation is needed.

03-28-2004, 06:35 AM
I\'m not

sure about how much because it\'s a mix I made a month or so ago. I like to use SOE when I get very noticeable

negative reactions such as anger or hostility toward me due to a none OD. I really didn\'t have last night cuz I

mainly had AE. For the most part I shy away from SOE or WAGG in clubs because I don\'t get the sexual hits often

if I use. I already have the nol in the AE too.

03-28-2004, 06:40 AM
A couple of

dabs of WAGG (but no more) does wonders for me, makes me more approachable in clubs. Maybe you\'re using too


Also it complements AE I think.

03-28-2004, 06:43 AM
For me the

nol with AE and WAGG together doesn\'t work too well. I\'m a pretty put together guy but when I have WAGG &amp;

nol I tend to get confused looks from guys and gals. As if I they wonder if I may be gay. I\'ve even been called

gay for no reason at all with too much nol or if I use WAGG &amp; AE. What works well for one may not work for

another. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif

03-30-2004, 06:49 PM
Anyone ever

tried WAGG with NPA or PI.
And if so what were the results?


03-30-2004, 09:57 PM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
Anyone ever tried WAGG with NPA or PI.
And if so

what were the results?


<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

