View Full Version : Bottles little hit tale

03-27-2004, 10:21 AM
I got some hits

last night using AE and WAGG, got one major hit that wouldnt leave me alone. anyway I have things on my mind and

she really wasnt doing it for me. I was dancing with my mates, to some commercial hip hop crap, im quite good, had a

little battle with some chump kid....i won of course /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif...well so

later these two girls are dancing near me and one of them plucks up the\' courage to talk to me, she must be 20-23

or sumink, I\'m alot older but dont look it. So anyway I end up dancing with her. its alright, we talk blah blah,

I\'m not too interested really..but anyway. I talk with my mates you know, \"what do ya reckon, should I go for

it...what?\"..so the consensus is \"NAH, she\'s not worth it\"...well, hmmm, yeah easy for them to say. And yes

she isnt really sparking that something I need to be interested...but she is persistent and so i say to myself

\"Fuk it, why not\" [I\'m feeling a little frustrated lately for some reason

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif ]and we are dancing , grinding on the dance floor, very provocative

and such so I start to kiss her, and shes into it...so we still are dancing and I get a bit forceful, pulling her

into me and such, she seems to be getting into it, and we are vibing a little and she felt good...I\'m just

playing you know...well then suddenly shes like \"dont you want to dance with me!?\"...now thats my downfall,

I\'m too dam right honest..my answer..\"No!\" hahahaha because at that point I am not thinking about dancing

with her am I. Well so she sticks up one finger to me and walks off..hahaha well that was great hahaha so funny..she

comes on really strongly with me, I give in, and heat it up for her, and she cant stand it...fuking

typical...youngsters [rolls eyes]...I must admit I was being a bit flippant with her and I know \'No\' is not

the best answer...I should of followed with \'I want to get it on with you\'...well either way I wasnt that

interested so I guess thats how my attitude came across.

So in the end it was prob for the best

03-27-2004, 11:11 AM
definitely a

hit. Only on the wrong target, I suppose. So how much AE/WAGG did you put on, and where?


03-27-2004, 11:28 AM
haha bet you

were pissed that night!

yeh how much AE and WAGG, and where did u apply?

03-27-2004, 12:17 PM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
haha bet you were pissed that night!

yeh how

much AE and WAGG, and where did u apply?

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

when am I


how much...well hmm hard to tell, I just splash out the WAGG in my palm, rub in both hands then

spread over the back of my neck

I do the same with the AE, one full dropper...not a tinee drip drop

03-27-2004, 02:37 PM
haha bottle, if

you had a whole dropperfull of AE on you must have had about 12 drops on!

this isn\'t actually such a

big OD for clubbing though!

12 drops AE is roughly:
none 0.048mg
rone 0.036mg


I\'ve had sucess too with none levels around this region, slightly under 0.05mg, especially with

AE + WAGG is definetly a winner in my opinion.
keep up with the hit reports


03-27-2004, 02:50 PM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
haha bottle, if you had a whole dropperfull of AE

on you must have had about 12 drops on!

this isn\'t actually such a big OD for clubbing though!


drops AE is roughly:
none 0.048mg
rone 0.036mg
nol: 0.024mg

I\'ve had sucess too with none levels around

this region, slightly under 0.05mg, especially with WAGG.
AE + WAGG is definetly a winner in my opinion.
keep up

with the hit reports /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

<hr /></blockquote><font


I cant wait to get PI /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif