View Full Version : My first post/some pheromone experience

03-15-2004, 01:55 PM

I am a 44 year old male and new to this board, though I am familiar with Love Scent and some

pheromone products. Before coming across Love Scent, I used Realm which was first bought through an infomercial and

before that, something called \"Andros,\" which I bought through an \"adult\" mail order company.

I like the

smell of Realm and searching to replentish my supply a couple of years ago, I came upon Love Scent. I understand the

rational of using reverse pheromones in Realm for the feeling of well being. But I have had a couple of women ask me

out while I was wearing it. Interestingly enough, they were both a little less feminine than I like in a


As for Andros, I have mainly negative reactions to report with that. For one, I find myself quite

self-conscious when I wear it. I think it may be the OD factor as I also feel that way if I use too much


Several years ago, after getting a new supply of Andros, my mom asked me what cologne I had used and she

just raved about it. That made me a bit uneasy as my mother is not the target group I was looking for.


Then a couple of years ago, I was on my semi-annual vacation

in San Diego and had gone to a club with a local woman I\'m friends with there. We\'re standing on the dance

floor, watching the band, when I felt something funny at my jacket pocket. I immediately realized my pocket was

being picked and I clamped down on a wrist. Attached to this wrist was an upset looking fellow.

All of a sudden,

I\'m not sure if he was really picking my pocket (in retrospect, I think he was), or had just brushed against me.

So I apologized and told him what it thought, but tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. Instead of escaping

into the crowd, he became belligerent and confronted me. I didn\'t want any problems, so I was trying to just let

him slide and my girlfriend saw what was happening and pulled me into the crowd.

A few minutes later, I feel a

tap on my shoulder and turning around, I find this guy confronting me again. He places a hand on either shoulder and

I immediately have my hands up in a guard position. Again, my friend sees this and pulls me away.

A third time

this guy comes back and tells me that if he \"wasn\'t a cop, he\'d have me all over the pavement outside.\" I

said, \"you\'re a cop?\" And he shows me some kind of paper security guard ID. It didn\'t even have a picture

on it. Once again, my friend pulls me into the crowd. Soon afterwards, the band quit for the night and we left. My

eyes were wide open and adrenaline was flowing.

Again in retrospect, I should have gotten the bar security right

away. As it was though, I didn\'t want any problems. The only reason I can think of for him returning over and

over was the Andros. Since I caught him in the act and smelt like alpha male, his fight or flight reaction was


Haven\'t used Andros much since then. I do still like to use Realm, which I heard has been

discontinued. Is this right?

I do have some NPA and another scent, can\'t remember what it is right now and

I\'m at work, so can\'t check. Got these through a special when Bruce was first starting to carry atomizers.

Again I feel self conscious when I use it and haven\'t used it very much. I did get a comment from my San Diego

friend that I smelled good at the end of an evening of sweaty dancing. I had a mix of the two products that came

with the atomizer and Realm on. I told her that I was wearing Realm. This woman is \"just a friend,\" though I

wouldn\'t mind more with her.

Got a few samples of the SOE gel packs but haven\'t had a chance to try them

out yet. Did use half a pack yesterday, just to see what it smelled like. I did turn a head of a woman working in a

drug store that afternoon as she walked past. Should be getting my order of WAGG in the next day or two


Looking forward to my vacation in May, where I will have more opportunity to test the new products. Not

only on my friend, but also while out and about in general.

Anyway, just wanted to check in and share my thoughts

about my pickpocket experience.

03-15-2004, 04:20 PM
Ok, checking at home, the kit I received a couple of years ago contained PA (not NPA) and

Musk Oil with Pheromones. I found the PA a bit too acrid for me, so I think I was mixing 1 drop of PA with about 5

drops of Musk Oil, then enough Realm to cover the smell from the PA. After a while of wearing the mix, the PA still

seemed to be the dominate scent. Like I said above, the only reaction I\'ve ever noticed was being told my cologne

smelled really good after a night of dancing.

Don\'t have much opportunity to experiment with the stuff here at

home, that\'s why I\'m looking forward to my vacation. Though there are many pretty ladies in my town, it\'s

basically a retirement community in the winter and a ghost town during the summer. Not much to do socially. And

since I work mainly with males, I don\'t want to waste the product there. (Or create more uncomfortable scenes

like the pick pocket one above.)

03-15-2004, 05:04 PM
Realm is still available. In fact I was in Macy\'s and the girl at the counter was pushing for me to get some

realm. She went so far as to tell me her and her girlfriends use it before going dancing and they get guys hitting

on them all night long. Hmmmm! I wonder if that is true or just sales talk....
