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06-24-2001, 06:32 PM
June 2001

Dear Readers,

Hope you are all well and happy. We\'re enjoying a record-breaking long beautiful sunny Spring here in Japan. With the month-long Asian rainy season scheduled to arrive in the next couple of days, I am spending the last of it in our backyard with an i-book on my knee. (alas, not a banjo) And looking forward to being back in the US next month.

Big thank you to all who sent in surveys this month! We had massive participation, and thusly a lot of winners:


all won a free bottle o\' pheros of their choice from love-scent.com. If you are one of these folks you should get an e-mail momentarily with further instructions.

Don\'t forget to smile at someone today!
Bruce Boyd
Check the URL you are visiting carefully.
The one and only Love Scent is at:
Dale Andrews
Pheromone Research News
news@love-scent.com <mailto:news@love-scent.com>


Love-Scent is your source for pheromone products that work:

The Edge, nHance wipes, New Pheromone Additive, Primal Instinct (scented and unscented), Pheromol Factor, Pheromone Additive, Andro 4.2, Attraction, APC, Score, Lure, Yes, and Realm by Erox. Also, a full range of products for men and women from Stone Laboratories -- including the revolutionary Alter Ego with THREE pheromone ingredients.

***100% money-back guarantee!***



*Last Month\'s Survey & Contest Results
*Pheromone Q and A
*Feature Article: Pheromone Research
*This month\'s \"Free Pheromones\" Survey/Contest
*New Products
*User Corner - Reader Pheromone Stories


This month\'s drawing winners are:

Robert, Wesley, Patricia and Sue

They will each get a free bottle of a popular pheromone product of their choice.

In May, we asked readers to tell us whether they need to share certain similarities with a potential partner or mate. We also listed seven characteristics - everything from religion to physical appearance - and asked people to rank their importance when it comes to mate selection.

While by no means scientific, the survey did reveal that most people want to have at least a few things in common with their partner. However, it should come as no surprise that men and women look at things differently. Men, for example, told us that a woman\'s physical attractiveness was more important than her level of education. Many women, while still placing a good deal of importance on physical attractiveness, also gave more thought to a man\'s education or values.

However, statistics can sometimes tell only part of the story. In certain categories (especially culture/nationality, socio-economic status, and religion), the majority of people rated the characteristic as lower in importance, but a smaller number who rated the characteristic as very high in importance affected the average. In other words, when it comes to something like nationality or religion, it either matters very little or it matters a lot.


How important are the following characteristics when it comes to selecting a long-term partner (please rank from 1-10, with 10 being most important):

*Culture or nationality: Males--5.6; females--5.5
*Physical attractiveness: Males--7.6; females--6.8
*Socio-economic status (i.e. wealth or social standing): Males--4.7; females--5.9
*Religion: Males--5.5; females--5.2
*General level of education: Males--6.0; females--7.25
*Values: Males--7.4; females--9.1
*Geographic location (i.e. raised in the same area): Males--4.4; females--4.6


When it comes to selecting a long-term romantic partner, do you look for certain similarities? Which ones?

- There\'s got to be some physical attractiveness, but it\'s not high on my list. I prefer someone with common interests. For example I like scary movies and find some crude humor funny...(and) if she wants to walk out of the theater during the zipper scene of \"There\'s Something About Mary,\" that\'s a little too prudish. If she wants to stick around through \"Freddie Got Fingered,\" maybe I\'m too prudish for her.
- I look for someone who is educated enough that when we are done fooling around we have something to talk about.
- Certainly I\'m interested in the physical aspects...but beyond that, there must be more depth to the person. For some, it\'s intelligence, personality, etc., but for me it\'s simply \'connecting\' with her.
- Why would I want someone like ME? I want someone different! Someone to spice up my life!
- Similarities in \"pace\" of life - fast paced, go getter, or laid back (my preference is to smell the roses - ALL of them). Similarities in style - Versace vs. LLBean,(women in flannel shirts impress me more than Maybelline Queens) and similar appreciation of people and nature. They say opposites attract, sure, but likes tend to STAY together longer.

- Similar interests, and sense of adventure. I need to be able to talk about things and have my partner relate and understand (and vice-versa). Also have someone willing to try new things with me.
- I don\'t look for similar things in a partner. I go first for appearance, then look to see if they have a mellow personality.
- They don\'t necessarily have to be the best looking person, just as long as I am attracted to them. Long term, the looks go, but the personality stays.
- We have to be able to connect verbally, if our relationship is to last any length of time. Sex can be really awesome with someone, but if we aren\'t able to talk on a deeper level, after the
sex, it probably won\'t last too long.
- I tend to look for flakes like myself, that is, men who are capable of thinking outside the box, and who are secure in themselves in that they dare to stand out from the rest (physically, being at least 6 feet is a prerequisite too).
- Religion and social status have nothing to do with how I love someone or how I want someone to love me. Similar values in family and work and relationships, someone similar in their outlook on life, and (who) knows when to be serious and when to have fun!


Q: I have been using Pheromol Factor for women for about three weeks now, and have tried doses ranging from one drop to splashing on (as a man would with aftershave). I\'ve tried using it in different spots, putting it on my skin sometimes and clothes other times. I have not noticed any different reactions from people. Is it possible that PF may not work for some people? What do you suggest?

A: It is true that due to varying body chemistries, different products work for different people. Although we don\'t know exactly what is in Pheromol Factor, it is probably the one best stand-alone product. It probably doesn\'t get the biggest miracle stories, but it seems to fail the least.

Aside from this, you need to make sure you\'re affecting people with more than your pheromone signals. For both men and women, it is always important to radiate a sense of having a \"good direction.\" For better or worse, most people you run into are looking for the BBD (bigger, better deal), someone who is going to cheer them up and help them get on with their life.

If your life is on track and you are feeling good about yourself, you will send out a signal that will cause others to want to get to know you. That\'s why a sense of humor is so valuable. It shows you have a certain mastery over your feelings and those of others around you.

All the Best,

Bruce Boyd
Pheromone News
Legal Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore none of the
information contained in this newsletter should be construed as medical
advice. It is only my personal opinion based on research papers and books
I have read on pheromones, my own personal experiences and those of
others who have written to me.



Last month, Pheromone Research News interviewed Phil Stone of Stone Independent Laboratories, a supplier of pheromone products. This article is part two in the series.


Scientific research isn\'t a glamorous field. In fact, most research - whether it involves new plant hybrids or revolutionary cancer-fighting drugs - is the result of long hours of lab work and just one \"Eureka\" moment.

Of course, Eureka moments can come in different shapes and forms. Some can even involve bees.

As a freshman student in an Organic Chemistry class, Phil Stone and 25 other students were instructed to synthesize a bee pheromone. Stone says the routine experiment was an epiphany for him, and one of the reasons he chose a less-than-conventional career path.

\"It was like that scene from the Amityville Horror with the flies covering the window - in our case, there were literally three or four hundred bees on the lab window. And inside, there were 26 students making bee pheromones.\"

\"I had no idea, until seeing those bees, that chemistry had that kind of power - in this case it was with insects, but since then we\'ve seen a lot of evidence of the importance of pheromones in mammals and in humans,\" says Stone.

Stone went on to complete a degree in Polymer Chemistry and did post-graduate work on time-release medications for tuberculosis. However, in his own words, he was \"bit by the pheromone bug.\" He founded Stone Independent Laboratories, which manufactures a range of pheromone products for use by humans.

Pheromones are chemical compounds that are produced naturally by insects and animals. They are an especially vital means of communication among insects - moths, for example, can be attracted over great distances by pheromones emitted from the female of the species. Today, synthetically reproduced insect pheromones are widely used by the bug control industry.

In the world of mammals, some species will immediately adopt a mating stance with just a whiff of a certain pheromone. Yet, there has always been a degree of controversy in scientific circles over the role pheromones play in human behavior and interaction. The research published to date has, however, shown that pheromones like androstenone and androstenol - which affect the Vomeronasal organ in the nose - do have some measurable effect on human interaction and mate selection.

\"It\'s definitely a new area, or maybe a new frontier,\" says Stone. He adds that research on human pheromones is sometimes more difficult to get published because \"you\'re dealing with an area that\'s not generally accepted.\"

Among the general public, the common attitude seems to be one of ignorance. Many people simply have no idea of the role that pheromones play - whether in insects, animals or humans.

\"It\'s sometimes a challenge trying to explain to people what I do. In fact, the standard reply is, \"What?\" A lot of people have no idea what I\'m even talking about,\" says Stone.

Other people may have seen sexually suggestive marketing materials that claim human pheromone products will turn anyone into an \"irresistible sex magnet.\" Those inflated advertising claims can sometimes affect attitudes in a negative way.

\"It\'s frustrating to see these products targeted on a purely sexual standpoint. It turns a lot of people off. Over half of the people buying our products are professionals or business people who just want an edge in their daily business activities,\" notes Stone.

The stories that Stone hears from customers are enough to suggest that pheromone users are finding that edge.

\"Honest to God, you wouldn\'t believe some of the stories I hear. Almost every week, I\'ll get one that I just have to post on the bulletin board, but they\'re stories I can\'t really use as testimonials because most people just wouldn\'t believe them,\" he says.

On the other hand, he admits that it\'s also personally gratifying to know - first hand - what the products are doing for people.

\"Years ago in school, we always had these ideals about how our research would help people. But of course, to bring a new medical drug to the market is a very long and detailed process, and you never really get to see the end of it. You never get to see the people you\'re helping,\" says Stone.

\"So from that standpoint, it\'s a lot of fun to be able to see a direct result, especially for somebody who loves immediate gratification.\"

Survey/Contest time!


Throughout history, the idea of the soul mate has been firmly fixed as an important belief in many (but not all) cultures. Today, even with soaring divorce rates and an entertainment industry that glorifies sex, the idea of soul mates is ever-present - in everything from church weddings to Meg Ryan movies.

What, then, is a soul mate? Is there really such a thing and, if so, how do you find and recognize this special person?


This month, we\'re asking the following questions:

1. Do you believe in the idea of soul mates? Why or why not?

2. Do you think you have a soul mate (even if you haven\'t found him or her yet)?

3. If you answered \'yes\' to Question One, how do you know when you\'ve found your soul mate?

Send your answer to:
news@love-scent.com <mailto:news@love-scent.com>
Please don\'t mail this entire newsletter back to us (for many reasons).
As usual, we will pick prize winners *at random* from the survey entries at
the rate of at least 1 per 50 entries, with a minimum of 2 winners each
month. Last time there were 316 entries (up from 93 the month before)
and 4 winners, which gave entrants a 1 in 79 chance of winning!

Once again, send your completed survey to:
news@love-scent.com <mailto:news@love-scent.com>

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Alter Ego
Revolutionary new product from Stone Independent Labs!

Alter Ego contains THREE pheromones (androstenone, androstenol and androsterone) and represents a big leap forward in pheromone technology. Alter Ego has a mild, natural fragrance that fades into a unique musky essence.
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User Corner

Last Friday night, I went to my usual after work hangout for happy hour. I sat at the bar. A female that I sort of knew, came in and sat next to me. I had talked to this girl before, she had been friendly, but that\'s about it. She had told me that since this is a small community, that she could not ever make any type of PDA (public display of affection). Well after about a half hour, she was rubbing my arms, neck and back, smiling incessantly, it was like she had melted. About an hour later a guy I know came in with a girl, his first \"date\" with her. They sat at a table about 3 feet behind me. She was a really cute blonde, wearing a black miniskirt. Even though I was still sitting with the girl who was rubbing all over me by now, this blonde comes over and starts talking to me/us. In a little while, this one was all over me too. The recipe? 2 sprays of The Edge on the chest, Alter Ego on the wrists. Designer cologne. And yeah, I\'d say it was a hit...or two.

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