View Full Version : Mixes that ended up being not so good

02-12-2004, 07:39 PM

hear alot about the mixes that have worked. I would like to hear what others have tried and realized were mistakes.

Perhaps so others don\'t make the same mistake. For me WAGG/SOE today. Just impatient & ornery. One other time

OD on none first time I used. I sprayed too much TE & too many drops of AE at same time. At a club with this I

could sense that others overwhelmingly noticed the none on me. My good attitude had not wavered much yet my friends

completely ignored me, bouncers wanted me out,etc. Never again!

Any other stories with bad mixes out there?

03-02-2004, 04:13 PM
YES. Any mix with too many lacroy secret ingredients. It is v easy to od on them IMHO.

03-02-2004, 06:32 PM
Overdoing Rone in any mix ends up in a completely useless concoction for me ... That is why a certain

product (that will go un-named) that claims it is 80% rone seemed like it would be of no real value, at least for me


03-02-2004, 06:34 PM
Clarification: I do like Rone and find it very useful, but in low quantities ... I tend to keep it out

of the mix and apply it in a separate place on the body and SPARINGLY ...

03-03-2004, 03:05 AM
hence why AE seems to work best at about 2 -3 drops, which is well below the none OD level.
Also probably the

reason why SOE is only 20% rone.

Explains why AE:TE or AE:NPA mixes work so well, giving you a very well

balanced ratio of none:nol:rone

It would be interesting to try
2 drops AE: 1 dab NPA/m :1 dab NPA/w: 1

dab PI : 1 dab WAGG