View Full Version : Pheromones with respect to age...

02-12-2004, 12:24 PM

seems certain pheromones on their own & mixes may work better attracting certain ages ranges For instance it

would seem PI & NPA would more likely work attracting older women while AE & SOE younger. TE/SOE 3:1 combo

perhaps more toward younger while AE/TE 3:1 toward older. So perhaps more none concentrated products may attract

older while more nol/rone for younger. I am just getting back into pheros so I a appreciate any feedback on this. I

also would like to know if you feel a certain combo/product that you utilize seemingly has more of an effect on a

certain age range. Thanks!

02-13-2004, 08:35 AM

my experience...

Light nol worked well with women I already had a sexual relationship with – it seemed to make

them more attentive to me and affectionate when we were together. Nol also is good when around female (non-sexual)

friends – seems to open everyone up. I have also had mid-thirties age women approach me at bars when wearing heavy

nol, usually after they have hung around and eyed me for a while at short distance.

NPA/m or Edge/m dosed with

none (Andro 4.2 is great) has gotten me blatant sexual come-ons from women I didn’t know, usually very young girls

(that’s early twenties in my world), and usually after a few drinks. A dab of NPA/m to the back of my head, and

maybe a drop of A1, seems to draw young girls close to me in a bar…it’s not unusual to have three or four standing

directly behind me at a bar, brushing up against me, eventually starting up a conversation, etc. I remember one girl

sitting down beside me after a while, and visibly trembling as she tried to flirt. Wearing NPA/m + none was what

convinced me pheros really work, because the reactions were so blatant and not the kind of female attention I was

accustomed to. Unlike what some others report, NPA/m seems to work well with young women for me.

It’s hard for me

to evaluate A1, since I use it so much and with other pheros. I am so convinced from the science that it is a true

phero that I just usually wear some, no matter what else I have on. A tiny drop of nol plus two tiny drops A1

applied to hair is my standard stealth mix for day-to-day wear.

A1+NPA/w seems to support your attack – I’ve had

a compliment on my ‘cologne’ with that mix, but only after I was some way into the heavy flirting…the effects

weren’t that obvious at first but after a time she admitted being attracted to the scent. That woman was midthirties

I guess. So I’d say it’s a good phero mix if you are comfortable moving in on a woman and staying close long enough

for it to work – but I haven’t had a girl actually approach me when wearing that mix.

I always cover with a light

dose of quality cologne. With the smellier pheros (NPA) I use a richer cologne like a fougere that’s complex enough

to cover the smell. Simpler colognes are my preference in general, but they only work well with the less-smelly

pheros. I almost always apply all to my hair, and also occasionally to my hands.

02-13-2004, 09:03 AM

don\'t have A1 Irish. But I believe a couple dabs of AE with NPA or TE gets the same reactions you get. My guess

is Higher none products like PI do not work as well on younger ladies. I have pheromax and will have to try at work

alone. Also will try NPA/APC combo which I\'m getting this coming week.