View Full Version : job interview

02-08-2004, 03:55 PM
ha i\'ve got a job interview

in for few days, i think that there may also be a group screening process involved. any suggestions on using mones.

you know to stand out (positively) and will give off a good message, for anybody. something like soe,

suggestions, please.

02-08-2004, 09:34 PM
I vaguely recall an

article which advised against wearing any fragrance to an interview. The focus was only on women, but the message

may apply to all. The interviewer might perceive fragrance use to be an attempt to form a more favorable opinion--as

manipulation (no positive points on this). The interviewer also may not like the fragrance; find its presence

overwhelming, or distracting (no positive points here, either).

On the other hand, the article was presented with

no knowledge of pheromones, and it only offerred advice on a one to one interview. My advice would be to wear a

minimal amount of SoE, so it\'s fragrance is not perceived even by the most sensitive of noses--and only if you

will be interviewed by a woman. Even then, if the interview/screening is for a professional/white collar job, I\'d

probably skip it altogether.