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View Full Version : Interesting...

01-26-2004, 01:42 AM
Hi there...

This is my

first post on this forum but I\'ve been reading it for a long time. I read it and decided to order. Bruce was very


So I tried it for the first time. I tried the \"Less is better\" thing... 2 dabs AE behind the ears

and went out to wait for my friend,she was going to come with a bus.

Right now,everywhere is coverd with snow so

not many people were out. It was cold and I was walking with my hands in my pockets. After a min. I saw a girl

walking on the pavement towards... She came closer and closer... She was about 26 or 28. While she was passing me I

looked in her eyes to catch a reaction but nothing happend. I said to myself:\" You see, nothing happens,you should

have used some more pher. \" \"Or is it the weather??\"

After taking few steps she suddenly turned around and

I turned around and saw that see was smiling sweetly
She waited a moment and then


\"Be careful while walking on the snow, it\'s very dangerous so, if I were you I would take my hands out

of my pocket\"
But the was smiling strangely while saying these...
I said:\"All right, thank you\" and walked


After a min. came my friend. She was veeery angry with me for some reason but after she saw me, her anger

dissapeard and she started talking(as usual)... I was near here all the time but
I didn\'t catch a reaction of

excitement or anything emontional. Is this normal you think?? Maybe I should have used a bit more.

My friend

does not respond but someone else does, strange??



01-26-2004, 01:47 AM
That\'s because

everyones different.

01-26-2004, 01:58 AM
I know...
But still interesting