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01-19-2004, 01:21 AM
I just decided

what my new bodybuilding stack for the next month or so is going to be and I thought I would share it with you guys.

I was wondering, what supplements do you guys take?

I expect to gain about 10-15 pounds of muscle within the

next month or so with my high intensity training and this


Mass Attack



• R-ALA (before meal)
• Fuel Injection V-12 (before meal)
• Vitamin B12

• NoX3 (3 Tablets)
• CLA Powder 4g
• Fish Oil Powder 4g
• Prolabs Pro Complex Protein

• Vitamin B5 Complex*
• BCAA Tablet (1800mg)
• Zinc Tablet*
• Tablets (1800mg)

(Non-Workout Days)

• R-ALA (before meal)

• Prolabs Pro Complex

• Vitamin B5 complex*
• NoX3 (3 Tablets)

• R-ALA (before


• BCAA tablets (1800mg)
• Nox3 (1 Tablet)*
• Fuel

Injection V-12

• Glutamine 10g
• Prolabs Pro Complex Protein (1/2


Before Bed
• Micellar Matrix Protein
• Glutamine 10g
• Fish

Oil Powder 4g
• CLA Powder 4g
• Multi-Vitamin
• Vitamin B5


Supplemental Facts

R-ALA - Main ingredient

in Glucorell. Keep insulin levels low, keeps me from putting on excess carbs as fat and puts them towards my muscles


Fuel Injection V-12 - Fuel Injection V12 is one of the next generations in creatine products. The

birth of V12 from SAN Nutrition represents what is the most versatile ergogenic and physique altering product ever


Vitamin B12- It is also required for proper digestion, the synthesis of proteins, and the

metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Required for healthy nerve fibers. Plays important role in energy production,

immune and central nervous system function, and in Folic Acid metabolism. Prevents the accumulation of homocysteine

in the blood. Helps with fatigue, general weakness, mood swings, even appetite loss

NoX3- (L-Arginine), Who

doesn’t want a massive pump during and after your workout. Produces Nitric Oxide.

CLA Powder - Awesome for

keeping fat off. Also has immune system improving characteristics.

Fish Oil Powder - Good fats. Good for your

skin, hair, just about everything.

Prolabs Pro Complex Protein – Awesome protein powder with unparalleled

amino acid profile. 55g Protein PER SERVING!

ZMA HP - A Zinc Magnesium Asparate product. Can be taken before

a workout or before bed, boosts testosterone.

BCAA tablets (1800mg) - Branch Chain Amino Acids. These are the

building blocks of big muscle. Look at it this way Aminos -> Protein -> Muscles

Glutamine - Helps with

recovery, boosts growth hormone 430%, along with

ZMASS PM - Another Zinc Magnesium Aspartate product but this

one is formulated especially to be taken before bed. Boosts Testosterone, lean muscle grown, and enhances


Micellar Matrix - A blend of slowly absorbed proteins to take before going to bed so your body has a

constant supply of protein during sleep.

Zinc Tablet- Promotes healthy skin

Vitamin B5- Promotes

healthy skin

Enjoy! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

01-22-2004, 10:22 AM
If you gain 5

lbs of solid muscle in a month then you are doing really good. 10 to 15 lbs sounds unreasonable unless you are

really boosting your testosterone (ie with anabolic steroids). All those supplements may make a marginal


01-22-2004, 10:42 AM
I don\'t

know if this is true or not and I don\'t want to burst anyone\'s bubble, but I heard you can\'t safely gain

more than ~25 lbs. of muscle in a year (unless you used steroids, I guess). I can\'t confirm this, so don\'t

take it as concrete.

01-22-2004, 01:43 PM
If you do gain 15

pounds of muscle in a month, you\'ll be rading the stretch marks thread...

01-22-2004, 01:55 PM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
If you do gain 15 pounds of muscle in a month,

you\'ll be rading the stretch marks thread...

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\"> worse than that! 15

pounds of fat or muscle and there won´t be a chance to read that thread, it´s off to the hospital!!

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

01-22-2004, 01:56 PM
/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif


01-22-2004, 03:26 PM
Let me

begin by saying that I\'m certainly no expert on the subject and not really into the whole body building scene.

I\'m a \"hard gainer\" who was turned onto a product that was reputed to add 10# of muscle in 30 days, w/ a

money back gaurantee iirc. It contained \"flavones\" instead of anabolic steriods and is supposed to give the

same results w/out the side effects. It\'s made by Cytodyne and it\'s called MethoxyPro. I used it along w/


I decided to give it a try. I did notice that even w/out using a really aggressive workout regimen that I

did gain very close to 10# of muscle in about a month. No noticable weight gain elsewhere and no side


The thing is, I hit a plateau at the 30 day mark w/ no significant gains over the following two months.

I don\'t know if it\'s just me or the product. Like I said, I\'m a hard gainer. Overall I was pleased w/ the

results. I eventually stopped using it since I wasn\'t seeing any new gains. By the end of the 4th month, I was

just about back to square one though.

Apparently, it is possible to make such gains in the short term. Beyond

that I couldn\'t say.

01-23-2004, 06:58 AM

that amount of supplementation, it had to cost hundreds of dollars a month for pills and powder. How much did all

that stuff cost? Was it worth the price for temporary gains?

01-23-2004, 11:53 AM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
Let me begin by saying that I\'m certainly no

expert on the subject and not really into the whole body building scene. I\'m a \"hard gainer\" who was turned

onto a product that was reputed to add 10# of muscle in 30 days, w/ a money back gaurantee iirc. It contained

\"flavones\" instead of anabolic steriods and is supposed to give the same results w/out the side effects.

It\'s made by Cytodyne and it\'s called MethoxyPro. I used it along w/ ZMA.

I decided to give it a try. I did

notice that even w/out using a really aggressive workout regimen that I did gain very close to 10# of muscle in

about a month. No noticable weight gain elsewhere and no side effects.

The thing is, I hit a plateau at the 30

day mark w/ no significant gains over the following two months. I don\'t know if it\'s just me or the product.

Like I said, I\'m a hard gainer. Overall I was pleased w/ the results. I eventually stopped using it since I

wasn\'t seeing any new gains. By the end of the 4th month, I was just about back to square one


Apparently, it is possible to make such gains in the short term. Beyond that I couldn\'t say.

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

Well, I\'m just a delicate little woman, who wants to stay firm

and tight, but not gain. I REALLY love Nitro Exrterme 92. All the protiend, plus 10 g of glutamine, to boost HGH

production. That and 5 g of creatine per day is all I need.

01-24-2004, 02:44 PM
Imagine 15 lbs.

of ground up meat spread out onto a table. Isn\'t that a lot of tissue for your body to synthize? Half the money

for them supplements would probably be better spent on some extra food. Like some all-natural PB, eggs, milk,

steak, chicken, etc. you know the classics.

01-24-2004, 04:03 PM
Dead right.

01-25-2004, 09:34 AM
DefconX3, you\'re crazy! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif


If you wanna bulk up, you can take whey protein + creatine...

you would gain lean mass in a safer way.

Anyway, I did gain about 15 pounds in 2 - 3 months without taking any

kind of supplement. I just went to the gym 2-3 times per week and had a good nourishment.

01-25-2004, 09:47 AM
Great! But

let\'s not forget about genetics and the important role they play. Some people might need more of a \"boost\"

than others, ya know?


01-25-2004, 01:01 PM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
Great! But let\'s not forget about genetics and

the important role they play. Some people might need more of a \"boost\" than others, ya know?


<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

Great! But you could tell us what you mean with \"boost\".

This guy pretends to use a \"going to the moon rocket boost\"!! That\'s ridiculous! There are safer ways, ya

know? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

01-25-2004, 01:34 PM
LOL yeah, true.

By \"boost\" I just meant something in addition to diet alone. And, incidentally, by \"Great!\" I was indicating

that I was genuinely happy to hear of your success. (Where\'s the love, I tell ya...)

Some Glutamine, Creatine,

and protein powder should be more than enough.


01-25-2004, 03:37 PM


It seems I have been away from this thread for quite some time now and I have a lot of questions and

comments to respond to..

I would like to, first of all, tell how things are going so far, I have currently gained

about 8 lbs, 6 of which I think is muscle, the other 2 from water retention. My muscles are definately

getting much larger. People at school are noticing a difference and my parents thought that the stuff I was taking

was steroids /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif. I

have to say though that I am probably somewhat genetically gifted because I have always had the most muscle mass out

of anyone in the family. So far I am very pleased.

A lot of people are commenting that 15 lbs in one month is

unreasonable without the use of steroids. It could be considered to be true, if you were already bodybuilding for a

few years and have hit a plateau. I have been bodybuilding seriously for about a month and a half, which means that

I am still prown for the huge \"newbie gains\". Also, like I said, I think I am one of the \"genetically

gifted\" I know one person who has been bodybuilding for about 6 months and I have to say that I have more muscle

mass then him already. I have been changing my diet signifigantly and I only drink water, no sodas, and I try to get

at least a gallon of water a day. (Actually I am drinking a cup of water right now

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif) I make sure to eat 5-6 smaller meals a day to keep my metabolism

up and body full of nutrients. The carbohydrates that I take in are high quality ones such as the ones from the oat

and grain family, and I try to eat good foods.

Expecting 15 lbs of growth from only supplementation and a sloppy

weightlifting plan would be ridiculous. I think that battle for bulk is fought like this: 1/3 foods, 1/3 work and

rest, and 1/3 the mind. One of the things that many beginning bodybuilders, and what proabably caught your eye, is

that they forget how powerful the mind really is. Arnold schwarzenegger (though we all know he took steroids), and

Bill Perl among others are very big advocates of building muscle with the mind. Concentrating on visualizing your

muscles growing to unbelievable sizes is the key to actually having them become unbelievably big, according to them.

I, for one, think that they are right. Anyways, I am up to try anything that will help give me the edge without

compromising health.

I think I have all of my bases covered and I am ready for large mass gains, and I am

starting to experience them. You guys can too.

I hope I helped clear some things up.

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

01-25-2004, 03:47 PM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
DefconX3, you\'re crazy!

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

If you wanna

bulk up, you can take whey protein + creatine... you would gain lean mass in a safer way.

Anyway, I did gain

about 15 pounds in 2 - 3 months without taking any kind of supplement. I just went to the gym 2-3 times per week and

had a good nourishment.

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

But, be careful with the creatine. Can

make one bloated and crampy.

01-25-2004, 07:02 PM
I am actually

very happy with my creatine, Fuel injection V-12 by SAN. I have noticed minimal water retention and it is really

starting to kick in, big pumps, big gains. But then again, I am taking a lot of other things too, but I really like

it. It even tastes pretty good, I have the fruit punch flavored kind.

Edit: One word of caution though,

especially if you are a younger user, make sure to drink plenty of water, you would not want to stress your


01-26-2004, 02:13 AM

others are very big advocates of building muscle with the mind. Concentrating on visualizing your muscles growing to

unbelievable sizes is the key to actually having them become unbelievably big, according to them. I, for one, think

that they are right........

I should try that with my penis. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

01-26-2004, 06:02 AM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
I should try that with my penis.


<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

But then,

wouldn\'t it become a threat to Neo-Tokyo?


01-26-2004, 01:59 PM


01-27-2004, 12:11 PM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
I should try that with my penis.


<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

But then,

wouldn\'t it become a threat to Neo-Tokyo?



/></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

Penis-jokes? that is so grown up.

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif




/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif


01-27-2004, 12:14 PM
You must excuse

Ssssssst. He has \"issues\" that we try not to bring up. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

01-27-2004, 12:18 PM
That\'s not


Hey Bear. I don\'t always make jokes about the penis.

Just sometimes.

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Welcome to the

board, nice hat!


01-27-2004, 12:22 PM


but where has my picture gone? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif



01-27-2004, 12:26 PM


well... here\'s a better one anyway /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif


-----BigBadBear /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

01-27-2004, 12:34 PM
I am not seeing

any pictures.

01-27-2004, 12:36 PM
I had a hat!

Icrus saw it!

But it stopped working, so now you get a fullfrntal

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif




/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif


01-27-2004, 01:34 PM
where IS IT then?

Don´t tease us like this /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

01-27-2004, 02:08 PM
I saw the other

one, and I can see this one. He\'s standing there looking kinda mean.

Wonder why nobody else can see it.

Should I be scared?


01-27-2004, 02:09 PM
Yes, you should be

unless you tell me why I can´t see it and you can!

01-27-2004, 02:12 PM
Hmph.. All I

know is that there\'s a hairy man staring back at me from underneath Bears name.

I am kinda scared.


01-27-2004, 02:23 PM
Don\'t be

afraid hun! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif at

lest you can see it /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif


/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

01-27-2004, 03:51 PM
Check my post in

PIC in Open discussion

03-18-2004, 05:29 PM

It has been a while since I posted on my progress. I was strictly on the stack for about a month before I

stopped it, eased up on it. (I broke my finger, not from working out though) I went up from about 142lbs to 154lbs.

My muscles are much larger then when I started, so I am very happy with my results, none of that gain is water

weight and I dont appear to have gained any fat. I am pretty pleased with it. 11lbs of muscle is very impressive for

one month, I can tell that my shirts are much tighter then before, especially around my pecs, not to mention that my

strength went up about 25% on all of my exercises. Over all I am very pleased, and you guys thought I couldnt do it!


03-19-2004, 07:03 PM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
I just decided what my new bodybuilding stack for

the next month or so is going to be and I thought I would share it with you guys. I was wondering, what supplements

do you guys take?

I expect to gain about 10-15 pounds of muscle within the next month or so with my high

intensity training and this stack.


Attack Stack


• R-ALA (before meal)
• Fuel Injection V-12 (before meal)
• Vitamin B12
• NoX3

(3 Tablets)
• CLA Powder 4g
• Fish Oil Powder 4g
• Prolabs Pro Complex Protein
• Vitamin B5

• BCAA Tablet (1800mg)
• Zinc Tablet*
• Tablets (1800mg) (Non-Workout Days)


(before meal)

• Prolabs Pro Complex Protein
• Vitamin B5 complex*
• NoX3 (3


• R-ALA (before meal)

• BCAA tablets (1800mg)
• Nox3

(1 Tablet)*
• Fuel Injection V-12

• Glutamine 10g
• Prolabs Pro Complex Protein (1/2


Before Bed
• Micellar Matrix Protein
• Glutamine 10g
• Fish Oil

Powder 4g
• CLA Powder 4g
• Multi-Vitamin
• Vitamin B5


Supplemental Facts

R-ALA - Main ingredient in

Glucorell. Keep insulin levels low, keeps me from putting on excess carbs as fat and puts them towards my muscles


Fuel Injection V-12 - Fuel Injection V12 is one of the next generations in creatine products. The birth

of V12 from SAN Nutrition represents what is the most versatile ergogenic and physique altering product ever


Vitamin B12- It is also required for proper digestion, the synthesis of proteins, and the metabolism

of carbohydrates and fats. Required for healthy nerve fibers. Plays important role in energy production, immune and

central nervous system function, and in Folic Acid metabolism. Prevents the accumulation of homocysteine in the

blood. Helps with fatigue, general weakness, mood swings, even appetite loss

NoX3- (L-Arginine), Who doesn’t want

a massive pump during and after your workout. Produces Nitric Oxide.

CLA Powder - Awesome for keeping fat off.

Also has immune system improving characteristics.

Fish Oil Powder - Good fats. Good for your skin, hair, just

about everything.

Prolabs Pro Complex Protein – Awesome protein powder with unparalleled amino acid profile. 55g


ZMA HP - A Zinc Magnesium Asparate product. Can be taken before a workout or before bed,

boosts testosterone.

BCAA tablets (1800mg) - Branch Chain Amino Acids. These are the building blocks of big

muscle. Look at it this way Aminos -&gt; Protein -&gt; Muscles

Glutamine - Helps with recovery, boosts growth

hormone 430%, along with

ZMASS PM - Another Zinc Magnesium Aspartate product but this one is formulated

especially to be taken before bed. Boosts Testosterone, lean muscle grown, and enhances sleep!

Micellar Matrix -

A blend of slowly absorbed proteins to take before going to bed so your body has a constant supply of protein during


Zinc Tablet- Promotes healthy skin

Vitamin B5- Promotes healthy skin



<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

Oh My

God...you are mental...you need to see a doctor

how much does that lot cost...and do you get a tumor thinking

about it?

\"oh oh did I take that zinc tab, or er not..er..sh!t dam I forgot my R-ALA at lunch time\"


03-19-2004, 07:51 PM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
do you get a tumor thinking about it?


/></blockquote><font class=\"post\">


03-20-2004, 04:12 PM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
Oh My God...you are mental...you need to see a


how much does that lot cost...and do you get a tumor thinking about it?

\"oh oh did I take that zinc

tab, or er not..er..sh!t dam I forgot my R-ALA at lunch time\"


<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

Actually I was suprised, it was a lot more complex looking on

paper then it was when actually doing it. I got in a schedual and taking my stuff was really down to just a shake

with some ingrediants in it along with a handfull of pills. It wasnt too hard at all.

03-20-2004, 05:59 PM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
Oh My God...you are mental...you need to see a doctor

how much does that

lot cost...and do you get a tumor thinking about it?

\"oh oh did I take that zinc tab, or er not..er..sh!t dam I

forgot my R-ALA at lunch time\"


<hr /></blockquote><font


Actually I was suprised, it was a lot more complex looking on paper then it was when actually

doing it. I got in a schedual and taking my stuff was really down to just a shake with some ingrediants in it along

with a handfull of pills. It wasnt too hard at all.

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

did you

get, or you should get if you havnt one of them pill boxes which is split for days and times, so you can work out

for each week...makes it easier to remember

but I dont think it can be good for you to take all them

suppliments, even if you are looking more ripped

interesting nevertheless