View Full Version : Erecting the nunnery

10-28-2003, 12:05 PM
There have been a lot of posts about being trashy or classy, or marriage, but does that have to do with sexual relations alone? I doubt sexual relations are only rightful in class and marriage eh? I found an very old article, it was rare but another Drakken article.

Excerpt: 20.3

Author: John William Drakken

Date: June 1886

Title: \"Erecting the nunnery\"

Simply a flash. A shockingly erotic flash of such amazement and promptness, that it did not take even one stroke of my fervent rebellious penis to come into full bloom. I cannot say my dear friends, that this image was going to be acted out as my usual sexual perversities adventures have been via past tense. Why lively as I most certainly can be, this I believed initially may cross the boundaries of even my very own ability to offend the tastes and morals of our precious time, and to become the sexual entity of the man beast which burns with great furor. At this time I am pressured to believe you are burning with the question \"What great Drakken do you plan?\". Well. I have made my plans to take a dashing trip to Edinburgh in order to release the sexual beast within a small clan of highly devoted Nuns. They would come to love the taste of Drakken.

To Scotland I decided, and more exacting to Edinburgh. A man of dignity and nobility as myself will have to take a step down for the betterment of human existence it\'s very self. I would need the aid of more than my own mind powers of ravishing sexual seduction. I planned to meet up with an old chum of mine. Peter McDougland. Our bound was very close as he aided me in my first relationship of dastardly sodomy, don\'t worry friends. I have not once bitten a pillow it was his dear wife who let me explore her droppings hole, and the taste will forever be cherished. I needed to see Mr. McDougland\'s live stock; they carried the very product I would need for my seizure of the nun\'s love tunnel. It was the love juices of these Cows, and pigs that I would need. As McDougland departed. I approached a very large and may I say sexy male pig. I viewed that this was a marvelous find, his deep sulken pink penis hung like a year old sausage crafted by the best Italian chef hands known to man. I must seize this young porkers juices. I crept down and placed my knees upon the filth, I then pulled the pigs backside fat apart and proceeded to delve my ring finger deep within it\'s anal cavity, it was my duty. The pig\'s oinks of pleasure feel upon deaf ears, as I was here as a whore, with no passion or grace. As the pigs erection rose I had to embrace the powerful shaft and let it be known that I needed those beautiful creamy juices for my plot of the nuns. With every squeeze the pig growled, as I could see this pig was indeed a \"minute man\". Soon his juices spattered about as I grabbed my vile luckily the needed amount made its way in. As for the rest...well an evening brunch was in due need?

Shall I be ashamed? Maybe, but indeed I am a bit crazy. Along with the love juice I had acquired sweet pig sweat, urine, and a few bottom hairs which dangled feces. A few pimmies later, and my friends I was off. Nothing, nothing but the prize was \'a gleaming in my eyes. I approached the towering door and with a few knocks and a few moments. I was approached by a very fair nun who\'s age and prude ness gave me a glimpse into her dormant vagina which the only insertion was indeed only a excretion of past menstrual cycles, which poured like rotten tomato soup. How Divine. With a majestic roar I screamed. \"This is what you shall become\" With a torrid splash my liquid creation had made it\'s way deep within this nun\'s mouth and around her face, similar in respect to a shot of semen upon one\'s face. I witnessed the great metamorphosis. Her breasts had ballooned, her eyes the sheer desire, the desire to flickken du hasten. She was a wild beast at this very moment. She grabbed upon my burgeoning ramrod, and with saliva drooling began to give me sweet fellatio, on the very doorsteps. What a crafty bastard I was. The other congregated women watched, watched without hate, but with lust and love. I shouted like a demanding young prince, \"dear women come and enjoy all that is Drakken\". What ensued? An orgy of the old with wrinkles and aged canals that were once lighten again with the magic of lust. These women had become the legendary whores of Babylon. Admittedly so, this was a taste of heaven, but not so quick. I had invited some of my friends. Those farm animals I had met on the farm of Mr. McDougland. Are we not all creatures of God? Should we also extend our love to all? It was, an orgy of acceptance and love. Everyone would receive proper enjoyment. The roars, oinks, and moos, and human ecstasy was a fusion to the most blissful degree.

I bid a due farewell my dear friends, do not dream of another beautiful day, expect it.

- Drakken
