View Full Version : Halloween Party hits

10-28-2003, 05:07 AM
I\'ll try

to keep this short.

Used WAGG-N and SOE for a halloween party last week.

I went dressed as a vampire (full

length black leather trenchcoat, fangs, nothing out of this world but a decent costume.) Lots of alcohol floating

around the party. I got the comment, \"oh wow you look scary\" by about a dozen random girls who approached me. I

got four \"oh wow you look really good\" from girls I know from school and one comment that I\'m gonna feel good

about for a while now as my #1 target made her way over to me and dropped the, \"You look so incredibly hot

tonight.\" It is very rare for a girl to just approach you and drop that, as well as knowing this girl, it is

completely out of her character, she is about a shy as they come.

I danced with a handful of girls, spent a

good amount of time with the #1 target. Lots of touching. Did run into one problem, once again the \'mones work

like a charm on older women as I had a 40-year old lady chasing me the whole party trying to get me to dance with

her. Eventually I gave in and danced with her a little, and then the #1 target ran in and joined me and we sort of

worked our way out.

I wasn\'t with them the whole time. I met an unbelievably attractive girl while buying some

shots. She was dressed in a shower hat and a towel only. We hung out for a while. I bought her a shot but the deal

was she\'d have to show me what\'s under the towel. She did (nothing on upstairs, small boxer briefs

downstairs.) I\'d call that a hit. A couple guys saw us and came up and joked about taking her towel. She told

them she was with me tonight and I would kick all of their asses if they came anywhere near her. I like this girl,

she\'s fun, but she has a 6-year old kid and ended up leaving around midnight.

I eventually adjourned to a

local bar and hung out till it closed. I walked target #1 home but halfway there, a mutual friend saw us (and he was

quite drunk) and he ran up to us and sorta cockblocked me (she was strongly trying to avoid him.) Target #1 was

discussing guys on the walk home and I\'m guessing trying to tell me that she wasn\'t interested in the guys I

see around her from time to time (including a crazy jewish guy who dressed as Mr. T for the party, as an aside,

don\'t dress as Mr. T, or Spongebob squarepants, or kermit the frog and expect to get laid at a halloween party.)

Anyway, I think I screwed up the next part, and have been kicking myself for a while now over it. I was really drunk

and couldn\'t read the street signs. When our friend left, I thought we were at her house and I was supposed to

leave to, but we were a block away from her place. She said something like, \"Well, I hope I don\'t get mugged or

killed or something going to my place.\" She was really trying to keep me there. I screwed up and didn\'t get

what she was saying. We embraced and I ended up walking home with the guy friend and I didn\'t figure out what a

dumbass I was until the next morning when it dawned on me. I wasn\'t looking to \"score\" with her, but I did

have a nice plan to plant two of my vampire fangs on her neck as a goodbye kiss. Of course I chickened out when we

are saying our goodbyes in front of our very drunk and obnoxious friend.

I\'m hoping someone throws another

halloween party this week. I want another shot at planting my fangs on her. I\'m guessing she likes me. I saw her

the next morning and we chatted for a couple minutes before class. She seemed really happy and into me (the previous

night I met her roommate unbeknownst to me who asked me what I thought of her, and I told her she was \"awesome and

the I love every minute I spend with her.\" so I\'m assuming that got back to her.)

take care,