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View Full Version : Allergic?

06-24-2001, 06:09 PM
I recently purchased the \'new\' phermone additive. I happened to have a bottle of realm men and I gave a few squirts of that on first, then just because I wanted to see what would happen, I placed 2-3 drops of the additive straight from the bottle onto my shirt.
I cant smell the additive at all, but I assume some people can. I didnt notice anything weird, perhaps a slight buzz which was to be expected.
When my wife got near me she slowly started choking and after a while refused to be near me until I showered. I\'m wondering if its normal for too much PA to cause difficulty breathing? I sure hope not. Sheesh maybe she is allergic to the stuff.
Today I tried a REALLY low mixture of PA and cologne (like 1/20) to see what would happen. I havent had a chance to expose her to it yet, but we\'ll see...
Something else, I did notice a slight irritation in breathing for a short time as well, but it quickly went away. - Are you guys applying near your face or nose or farther away? Has anyone else experienced any discomfort at breathing Pheros? Even in low concentrations? thx-

06-24-2001, 06:09 PM
Hi Bill,
There was some talk about a similar reaction from Andro 4.2 quite a while ago, but that is the only product that I have heard any reaction to. I contacted the manufacturer and they say they have been making the same formula for 12 years without a single algeric reaction reported, and the two bottles of the stuff that the customer sent back were both drained and filled with plain rubbing alcohol, so I thought maybe it was a fake report for the most part. There are plenty of alergies in the world though, and a lot of women have alergies to various kinds of make up and cologne, so it is entirely possible. Have you tried the Realm by itself? It could be the Realm and not the PA.

Whichever one it is, it might be a good idea not to use that product around your wife. Even if it is an alergy to something entirely natural and normally healthy like flowers or soy products, it can cause a nasty reaction.

All the Best,

06-24-2001, 06:09 PM
yeah - Im not going to use the realm for a while at least not until the bad memory is gone . What I did do is mix the PA with a different normal cologne in a very weak amount. I\'ll let you know how it turns out. Its probably the realm though as I had her smell the bottle (no fear there of discovery it looks like a normal cologne bottle heh) and she expressed her dislike of it. We\'ll see...