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View Full Version : A burnt or acrid smell

07-29-2003, 02:38 PM
I went out with A woman I\'ve been dating for quite A while Saturday night. I\'ve seen it recommended by many, including Bruce to wear the products every other day rather then every day so during the 5,6 weeks I\'ve been using Pheromones it\'s worked out that I havn\'t worn them around her much. I\'d put on 2 drops of AE + 1 of PI the night before, with no sign that they had done anything so I decided to add 2 more drops of AE. It had been about 24 hours since the previous application.
About 6 hours later she got her nose really close to the exact spot I applied them to, along with the same cologne I always use, and immediately complained of A burnt or acrid smell that was by no means A turn on. She told me she had never smelled anything like it on me before and wondered if I\'d changed my cologne, which I hadn\'t. The next day I asked her if she could still smell it on me, which she could.
I must say that this was the most definitive evidence so far that pheromones work, unfortunately in this case they worked to make me smell bad which A skunk could do cheaper if only I could get the little guy in the bottle.
Has anyone else had such complaints from using AE and if so what do you recommend to make this obvious minus into A plus?

07-29-2003, 05:07 PM
I\'ve found that some women hate the smell of -none, so that could be what she smelled. Women actually seem to like the smell of -rone, though I don\'t find that it does me any good when I try it.

I recommend using pre-moistened alcohol pads for removing pheros. You can get a big box of them in a drug store for about $2.50 or so.