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View Full Version : First post and an experiment

07-14-2003, 03:21 PM
Hi. This is my first post. I\'ve been using the mones for a few months now (tried APC, NPA/m and /w, TE, and AE.) I didn\'t particularly have any hits that were interesting in target or method. That is until last week. I decided to take a nearly empty bottle of AE (definitely OD level though) to a restaurant and leave it open but hidden to see what would happen. The first thing I noticed is the fragrance OD that filled the area within only a couple of minutes. The waitress was very polite and attentive (but every good waitress is and every waitress should be.) The hit I could confirm was the woman across the aisle (probably 8 to 10 feet away.) She was probably mid-20\'s and quite attractive. At first, she was playing with her pinned back hair, tossing it every once in a while. Then, she let her hair down and went into overdrive hair flip mode. She also got quite playful, sucking on a pacifier. Did I mention she had a young baby? And that there were two guys with her, one who I figure was her significant other? Suffice it to say, I didn\'t make a pass. But she did look around for the source of the odor (obviously too much phera with a huge side of mone does make it hard for that radar to lock on.) So that is my story...

to be continued...
