View Full Version : The Blowback Effect

05-29-2003, 05:51 AM
Just something I think I\'ve been noticing....If you are wearing mones and end up in bed with a woman, your mones end up spread all over both of you, what with all the contact and sweating and so forth...so it would be wise to temper your reaction to her in your mind with the knowledge that she\'s wearing a decent dose of mones herself...she may *not* be as fun and easy to talk to, or as sexy as you are first inclined to think..the upside is that it definitely enhances the encounter (a lot) to have a partner with a decent amount of nol and stuff on her. Kissing a woman with mones all over her face can be intense (how did they get there? use your imagination a little..) The downside is if you\'re not expecting it you may get carried away by the moment...which should be kept in mind if the encounter is just for the moment...

additional thought: if it\'s not just for the moment, then having her walk around with your mones all over her for the rest of the day will probably prolong the apres-sex glow feeling for her, but it will also intensify the \"just-been-done\" aura that may draw other guys in her direction, where they will get further drawn in by the second hand mones.

05-29-2003, 08:43 AM
Do you have an experience to share where this happenned?

Because my thinking is... when you\'re in bed with someone, you\'re both getting your mones all mixed up and spread around all over each other anyway.... I mean the natural ones...

catch my drift? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

05-29-2003, 09:01 AM
Agreed, they all get mixed up...but at a much lower concentration than the ones that get added to the mix.

I\'ve had a couple of encounters where the whole experience just seemed more intense than usual lately...I started trying to figure out what might be the reason for what appears to be a consistent pattern of increased mutual enjoyment across several different partners. My guess is the extra pheros slopping around. I *know* that the quality of comments has gone up. I get a lot more \"best ever\" and \"felt so right\" comments now than a year ago, and other factors seem to have remained the same. Of course, it could be just my imagination, but I\'m leaning toward thinking the mones have a hand in it too

05-29-2003, 09:46 AM
I use them mostly for sex now, especialy if there\'s two women. APC works wonders in bed and it smells nice.