View Full Version : TE or NPA/APC

05-28-2003, 02:39 AM
I\'ve been using AE and SOE gel for a 1 week now. Only managed to test it on this girl i just knew. I\'m not sure if its the mones or her interest level but we ended up making out on the 2nd date.

Anyways, i\'m thinking of getting some none for more OMPH! Been reading good stuff abt both TE or NPA/APC. I live in a freaking hot humid climate so i\'m afraid this may worsen the cat piss smell. I\'ll prob go for the one that is more resilient to heat.



05-28-2003, 02:46 AM
Note that it\'s TE/NPA or APC. TE and NPA are the same thing, but in different intensities.
In terms of the praise they get, TE/NPA take the cake, so most people will probably tell you to go ahead with one of those. TE is probably a better choice given better smell and more manageable concentration.
On a personal level though, I haven\'t had much sucess with NPA. My target reacts very badly to a1, so if that is in fact the secret ingredient, then the cause is clear. So I use apc to spice up some AE.