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View Full Version : Deer in headlights look

06-24-2001, 05:57 PM
I noticed on one of the other posts that someone (forget who) referred to a \'deer in the headlights\' look from a woman while he was using pheromones.

I\'ve seen this look about five times in a few months of using pheromones (never had it happen before). Otherwise, most women just seem more friendly and talkative around me, more smiles, etc.

But I\'m just wondering...is this \'headlights\' look happening to anyone on a daily basis? I\'m constantly experimenting with different products/amounts/application spots, so my results aren\'t too consistent. Plus, I know that pheros can have dramatically different effects on women during different points in their monthly cycle.

So, has anyone perfected their own pheromone usage so this headlights look is happening regularly?


06-24-2001, 05:57 PM
those 5 times when u\'ve witnessed the \"DIHL\" looks, how did the women act? i probly have had seen some myself but were too careless to notice.

in pheromones we trust.

06-24-2001, 05:58 PM
It\'s a look that\'s pretty hard to mistake for something else -- just this full-on gaze with eyes wide, almost like she\'s seen a movie star or some incredible piece of candy (LOL). In one case, a girl even got a big goofy grin (kind of funny to think about, as she was really attractive and the ice-princess type). Every time this has happened, it\'s taken me completely by surprise! But wow, is it ever good for the \'ol self esteem...

06-24-2001, 05:58 PM
Yes especially with something like attraction which gives the kangaroo in the headlights look (im an aussie) same thing just as they are about to be hit on the road, but yes it is a stupid look, its like as you say that you are the hottest thing that they have ever seen and they dont know how to act, well that is the power of the phero of course, i like the a727 attraction combo better

06-24-2001, 05:58 PM
Yes it continues the animal that is about to be hit by a car on a country road looking stunned into the headlights of the car that is coming towards it and another thing or another analogy to use is that of a woman whom is seeing the god of a man she hasnt seen before, you know see god and you are dumbstruck or being a nervous teenager about to lose her virginity and yep that is about it the oh god you are the sexiest thing that i have ever ever seen lol just a thought everyone