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View Full Version : How safe is this?

05-14-2003, 07:44 AM
First of all, I don\'t mean to burst any bubbles or alarm anyone here, and this may be needless worry if you\'re the type to dwell on stuff like this,
so don\'t read on I guess if this question scares ya. As a biochem student and a two-time cancer survivor though,
I have to ask and hear peoples thoughts on this.

What are the short term and long term safety points on using such highly concentrated chemicals as these?
Do we even really know the long term effects yet? For instance, there are a ton of different chemicals when
left on the skin are absorbed into the bloodstream and can wreak havoc on the body. For instance (and I\'m not neccessarily
equating pheramones to these class of chemicals), chems such as liquid mercury, lead, nitro glycerin when absorbed into
the bloodstream by any means can cause anything from headaches and nausea to kidney failure and cancer.

It seems that the main active ingredients in all of these products are androgen steroid hormone based chemicals (Androstenol, androstenone, and androsterone). Androgens
are the hormones found mainly in males that cause the secondary sexual characteristics to develope during puberty such as body hair growth, deeping of the voice, and penis
enlargement. Now, for all I know, this might cause positive side effects (one day you just wake up and notice you have a circus-freak-large dick /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif who knows!?). But for
the most part, anything that upsets the body\'s natural homeostatic balance is considered a bad thing.

Ok, now I\'m done yapping on this subject, now discuss!



05-14-2003, 08:05 AM
Seems like people prefer to avoid this subject. Good points raised though. I hope someone has some answers. is there a doctor in the house? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

05-14-2003, 08:31 AM
I think who wrote this post made an extreme valid point. It seems logic to me that the abusive use of these kind of products may bring some kind of side effects. Not now, not in a few months or years, but many years from now it can bring some problems, if used in an unresponsible way. That\'s why I agree with those who say people should make breaks when using pheromones (like Bruce and others said once). Use it wisely!!

05-14-2003, 09:07 AM


We have people on this Forum , using pheromones for 4-5 years on an almost daily basis ..and only thing they report is that they feel better and better...hair grows back stronger , people tend to bulk up.....nobody yet died from pheros or got struck down by some freaky illness.
Only if u have very sensitive skin u might get rashes ! Thats it... Besides that u might get depressions from too much -none and -headaches from too much -nol.....so don\'t overdose crazily unless u know what u are doing and can deal with it. Absolutely NONE of the topically applied pheros get absorbed and soak into your bloodstream..thats bullshit - we had this discussion so many times...somebody make it a sticky ( PHEROS DON\'T AFFECT YOUR HEALTH ) !

05-14-2003, 10:30 AM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />


We have people on this Forum , using pheromones for 4-5 years on an almost daily basis ..and only thing they report is that they feel better and better...hair grows back stronger , people tend to bulk up.....nobody yet died from pheros or got struck down by some freaky illness.
Only if u have very sensitive skin u might get rashes ! Thats it... Besides that u might get depressions from too much -none and -headaches from too much -nol.....so don\'t overdose crazily unless u know what u are doing and can deal with it. Absolutely NONE of the topically applied pheros get absorbed and soak into your bloodstream..thats bullshit - we had this discussion so many times...somebody make it a sticky ( PHEROS DON\'T AFFECT YOUR HEALTH ) !

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

You are talking about 4-5 years!! That\'s nothing in our physiology!! Do u have any idea of how many years are needed for something to eventually appear? A lot more than 4-5. A lot more!!

I give you a clear example (proved by science and that noone can deny). If you start smoking today, probably you won\'t have any problems related to that 5 years from now. Even 10, 15 years from now. And I believe you won\'t tell me that smoking is not bad for your health.

So, although these products are used topically (they don\'t achieve your bloodstream), they should not be used unwisely. I give you another example. Products like NPA or TE must increase your blood pressure (eventually), as they prepare yourself to sexual intercourse. I´m asking... does this continued action towards our blood pressure will have any effect on it (in a long term)?

It\'s important for you to understand that I am not saying that this WILL CAUSE US PROBLEMS IN THE FUTURE!! I \'m telling that eventually this can\'t be considered like anything totally impossible to happen.

And noone can say that this won\'t bring any problems based in the information that several ppl have already used them for 5 years and nothing happened. That\'s nothing! 5 years mean nothing in this matter!

But of course these products have their advantages, noone can deny. They just have to be used wisely, IMHO!

05-14-2003, 10:43 AM
This clipping was part of a publication on CNN and lots of other major news agencies. Read the whole story at:
* MSN Health - Pheromones: Potential Participants in Your Sex Life (\"http://content.health.msn.com/content/article/11/1687_50041\") or
* CNN - Pheromones: Potential participants in your sex life - June 25, 1999 (\"http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/women/9906/25/sexuality.scent/\")

</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
Despite the gap in our knowledge, these remarkable studies about pheromones and menstrual cycles have brought to light the idea that pheromones could be used as fertility treatments for couples who want to conceive, or as contraceptives for those who don\'t. And couples who are having sexual problems could use pheromones combined with traditional therapy to enhance desire. It\'s also possible, some researchers say, that pheromones could be a mood enhancer, alleviating depression and stress. And the most far-reaching hypothesis so far is that pheromone treatment could control prostate activity in men to reduce the risk of cancer.

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

This is news of 1999, has anyone seen an update on it? Bruce maybe?

05-14-2003, 10:51 AM
\"Despite the gap in our knowledge, these remarkable studies about pheromones and menstrual cycles have brought to light the idea that pheromones could be used as fertility treatments for couples who want to conceive, or as contraceptives for those who don\'t. And couples who are having sexual problems could use pheromones combined with traditional therapy to enhance desire.\"

This does not surprise me. The pheromones may of course have several advantages in this specifical area. They are used there.

That information about the prostate cancer I would like to see an article about it, because I find it very interesting.

05-14-2003, 10:57 AM

You raise some valid questions. The biggest problem to getting solid answers is the short period that a small group (mostly us) have been haphazardly playing with them. Even if half of us developed some weird new malady, that wouldn\'t prove much beyond the need for more research.

05-14-2003, 11:06 AM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

You raise some valid questions. The biggest problem to getting solid answers is the short period that a small group (mostly us) have been haphazardly playing with them. Even if half of us developed some weird new malady, that wouldn\'t prove much beyond the need for more research.

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">


05-14-2003, 11:42 AM
Even if the pheromone compounds were fully absorbed by the skin it would\'nt matter because the amount of mone\'s we use per application is extremly small (around .015MG-.060MG). There\'s like 100 times more natural androsterone floating around your body than a few applications. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

05-14-2003, 11:51 AM
It is a small amount but that doesn\'t prove much either. Do you happen to know how much LSD it actually takes to cause you to hallucinate? That can push some people over the edge into insanity? It\'s about 25 micrograms. Or the amount of heroin that actually binds with the receptors in the brain to make you high? The amounts are miniscule.

I am not saying that mones are comparable. We just don\'t know enough to make blanket statements about it. A friend of mine in high school was taking a lot of LSD and it actually brought on epilepsy. He is still taking Dilantin for it.

05-14-2003, 11:53 AM
Yeah , exactly ! Stop the troublemaking ! If these \"pheros\" kill me in 10 years...I wouldn\'t mind lol. Atleast I could say I truly LIVED ! TE users know what I mean /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Ok now seriously...they will not kill anybody ! Bodybuilders inject much bigger amounts of andros directly in their bloodstream , and still live somehow.

LOOK at Arnold Schwarzenegger : Still alive ! And what a happy camper he is /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
I\'m looking forward to Terminator 3. Will be a cool flick without doubt ! Hard 2 compte against all the matrix and lord of the rings movies though...

05-14-2003, 12:05 PM
Matrix 2: Reloaded will rock!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

05-14-2003, 12:09 PM
Yeah if you are into computer games , get your hands on the PC version or x-box...its worth your time believe me. It actually contains exclusive movies by the original cat and the original voice-over by Reeves and others...

05-14-2003, 06:51 PM
I remember hearing about steroids one time and how if a guy takes steroids, there\'s more testosterone in his body. Because of this, his body stops producing testosterone altogether because there\'s more than enough needed. So when a guy stops taking steroids, and since his body stopped producing testosterone, female characteristics start to develop.

So with pheromones, does this sort of idea apply? Our body naturally produces pheromones as well. If we currently use synthetic pheromone products now, and then stop using them, will our body stop creating pheromones?

05-14-2003, 07:49 PM
I believe different. when we sweat we excrete pheromones. By the way, Steroids will usually not shut your own Testosterone production down unless it is prolonged use. That is why smart bodybuilders cycle their prohormones and steroids, so that they don\'t slow down too much or stop there own test production. a normal cycle is 4 weeks on and 2 weeks off. This allows the body to return to it\'s normal production. I believe it would be a good idea for the wearer of pheromones to take a few days off of pheromones every 2 weeks perhaps. 2 weeks on 3 days off.