View Full Version : Field report 2

05-09-2003, 06:41 AM
Field report 2:

Monday: Used 2 WKM#1 drops + 1 WAGG drop. Was in good mood the whole day even though I screwed up at work. No hit.

Tuesday: The same as Monday (except no screw up).

Wednesday: 4 WKM#1 drops + 1 WAGG drop. Was still in good mood, now three days in a row! That is highly unusual for being me. I felt confident and relaxed. I had my eyes examined and may got have got a hit from the woman doing it (she touched my arm while laughing a couple of times). Still, could just be part of her professional behaviour.

Thursday: Same dose as Wednesday. I was depressed for no apparent reason, did not talk much to anyone at work. Low self-confidence and irritated, but I could not pinpoint the reason. I speculate that it could be a none overdose, I did not take a shower and had mones left from yesterday, both on me and on my clothes.

Friday: Took a long shower and changed clothes to get rid of old pheromones. Used 3 WKM#1 drops and 1 WAGG drop. Did a follow up examination on my eyes. Different girl this time. Nothing that could be interprets as a hit. My mood was ok, much better then yesterday, but not as good as Monday-Wednesday.