View Full Version : Pheromol Factor: Party Pheromone

06-24-2001, 10:18 PM
One night recently I put some PF on before I went out. Usually I really regulate the number of drops but this time I was in a hurry and so I just kind of let the dropper splash. And I felt like I put on too much because I saw all these drops on my shirt from the couple of shakes I did (~8 separate drops maybe?). But I went out anyway.

Well, I noticed the party effect of PF. First of all, I usually feel better when it\'s on, but this time it was like everything I said was funny, to men and women, and the women were very nice and attentive. Good product--I wonder why they discontinued it.

06-24-2001, 10:18 PM
I think you\'re right about PF. This week, I went to a bar/restaurant and plonked myself right beside the area where the waitresses go to pick up their drinks. I was wearing PF, and I noticed that as they picked up their drinks, with each exposure to the PF, they were becoming much more relaxed and sociable. About a half hour in, I noticed that they were hanging around, despite having no drink orders, just chatting with each other. Of course, they were also flirting with me.

pheromone user