View Full Version : OD Testing-Day #1 Results

05-07-2003, 01:59 PM
Cliffs at the bottom if you\'re too lazy

Today I decided I was going to do an OD test run. I\'ve only been using -mones for about a week now, and studying them for about 3. Following a couple what seemed to be hits last week, and nothing really this week, the purpose of this experimentation was set out to do the following for me:

1. Determine and show the effects on ME (the wearer) from OD\'s on mass quantaties of not only -none, but also -rone and -nol.
2. Determine and show the effects on others around me.
3. Give me some insight as to whether -mones really work or not, as I am not sure that the hits I encountered could be contributed to -mones or whether they were random and could have been achieved w/o the use of -mones.

Me: 19, caucasian, 165pds, 5\'9\" tall. Dark brown hair, I\'d consider myself a 7.5/8 looks wise, backed by opinions of friends. Since my weight loss of about 25 pds (Used to be 185-190 ~6months ago), I have boosted my confidence levels considerably and have had much more success with women. Just to give you guys a look at what the test subject was, this is me:

http://www.we-todd-did-racing.com/wetoddimage.wtdr/i=wOTMwODM2czQxM2RmZDMxeTU0MQ%3D%3D (\"http://www.we-todd-did-racing.com/wetoddimage.wtdr/i=wOTMwODM2czQxM2RmZDMxeTU0MQ%3D%3D\")
(Copy/paste URL in new window to see pic)
Doing my supermodel pose :P

Now that is over, lets get down to what I applied, when, where, and what I did.

This morning, about 11:30am (After getting to work and coming home for lunch), I applied the following:

AE/m- 3 Dabs, 1 on each side and 1 in the middle of my neck
TE- 1 small spray in to the palm of my left hand, and rubbed on forehead/front of hair
APC- 2 dabs on the sides of my face

At this point, I should be good still. This was done at 11:30, and I went back to work. I then proceeded (within 1hr of putting everything on) to go to Ace Hardware where this really cute girl works. Never seen her before, but I knew she worked there. No reaction of the the ordinary. I observed all the guys around me, nothing. I then went back to my shop, and worked until about 2:30 at which point I got off and got ready to head up to the college. Before leaving, I applied the following:

AE/m- 7 dabs/drops, yes..7. 2 split between my wrists, 2 on the sides of my neck, 1 on the middle of my neck, and 2 on my face (1 on each side).
NPA- 1 drop, directly under my chin.

So right now I\'m wearing a total of:

AE/m-10 drops, heavy concentration on my head area and a little on my wrists
APC-2 dabs, on my face
TE-1 spray, on my forehead/front of hair
NPA-1 drop, right under my chin

10AE/m+1SprayTE+1NPA+2APC=Should have been a huge OD, I didn\'t want to take my chances. If I was going to OD, I was going to OD!

Went to school. About 5 mins after putting everything one, I got lightheaded and it felt like I was out of it. I then got really pissed of at everything, and I mean everything. Light would change red and I would get pissed, crappy song on the radio came on I would get pissed...small stuff made me mad. I felt like I was the sh*t though, and was cocky. I started to get a headache too, but it never really came on and the feeling went away. Just before I got to school I started feeling tired and laxadasical (sp?). Got there, and walked around the main lobby area. A few girls, 1 looked at me as I went by, but just for a second (A normal glance, nothing held, nothing that -mones would have helped with), the other 3-4 didn\'t notice me. I went up to a couple guys, all of them acted normal. Nobody avoided me, talked to me, said anything really...just like a normal day at school. I left school around 4, and went to the mall on my way home. While there I went in to a couple stores that I saw girls shopping in. One was a store similar to Pacific Sunwear. When I walked in, 2 girls together on the right both looked up and looked right at me, but went back to what they were doing. Nobody really paid any attention to me other than that, it was like a normal day. I stood close to a couple of them, and they just continued shopping, no eye contact, no glances..etc. It seemed as if I had nothing on and that nobody knew anything.

So after today, I\'m kind of confused. I\'m thinking 1 or more of the following happened:

1. The first batch of mones wore off, and I didn\'t really OD by the time I got to the mall.
2. Just the 1 trial wasn\'t enough to determine, and I should test this elsewhere where I know more of a concentration of people closer together will be.
3. I should use more -mones (I.E. 3-4 drops of NPA + like 4 of AE/m) to be sure I am OD\'ing.

Anyone have any suggestions/comments as to what I should be looking for? I thought that the girls would probably be friendlier to me and the guys would feel threatened and want to get away from me, but this didn\'t seem the case anywhere I went. It was like I didn\'t have anything at all on...

Right now this is my arsenal to work with if anyone wants to suggest anything: AE/m, TE, NPA, APC, 1 SoE Gel pack, RfM cologne, Roll-On Bottle, Atomizer.


Cliffs: I put on 10 drops of AE/m, 1 drop NPA, 1 spray TE, 2 dabs APC on me...go out. Notice nothing. Think I need to try again. That\'s it, read the whole thing if u want more :P

05-07-2003, 02:17 PM
Man.....this is exactly what my post was about when i did the \"IS IT AN OD IF NO ONE NOTICES\" thread.

I know exactly how you feel....you are wearing a ton of mones, you won\'t at least a negative reaction....not people not reacting at all. I don\'t understand it either, but if you read the thread, someone hypothesized it is like if someone wears so much cologne, the whole room smells, and you can\'t find or notice the source.

05-07-2003, 02:17 PM
I loved reading your post Jon, Its good to see a phero-bro (corny and I know it HA) sticking his neck out there for that sake of booty science. Once again I have to quote my arising theory (insults anyone?). Its the \"Tallmacky Pheromone Theory of Indifference.\" Basically when you put on all those -mones which could easily be 500x times or more the amount a normal man could produce in one day, what did you expect, I am guessing there is a limit that anyone can perceive a significant amount of pheros on one person. Instead of making the girls look at you, you just created a feeling in the room not even related to you.

I bet if you just took a normal shower tomorrow, I am guess you would get some substantial hits.

thanks for plug monesrule, the original post is HERE (\"http://www.server2.love-scent.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB5&Number=71511&Forum=UB B5&Words=IS%20IT%20AN%20OD&Match=Entire%20Phrase&S earchpage=0&Limit=25&Old=3months&Main=71457&Search =true#Post71511\")

05-07-2003, 02:19 PM
Rofl, this is crazyness.

What about if I take a shower now and go out tonight (I\'ve been wearing them for a week straight), think I\'ll have good results?

05-07-2003, 02:21 PM
I think you should try that, I am more then willing to bet that your hits will interest you. If I am wrong then well I will sell my testicules to science. I just have a feeling about this.

05-07-2003, 02:24 PM
Alright, I\'m going to go try this tonight. I\'ll go grab a shower, and make sure I wash really well where I put -mones on over the past week or so.

Toss on some Acqua Di Gio or Ralph Lauren, and head up to my friends house then go up to the mall (There\'s like 3 within 30 miles of anywhere around here) and see what I get. I\'ll also try a couple other spots (The local Publix..EVERY cashier there is like 19, and hot, that\'s also where my girl works but she\'s not working tonight..I\'ll try there, along with Blockbuster)...where I know the environment will be a little more enclosed and see waht kind of reactions I get from there. I\'m also going to check out my friends and see how they respond.


05-07-2003, 02:27 PM
cool Jon, this should be interesting and thanks for going out and trying this, its only source for which I can see if indeed I am on to something (which I think I am).

good luck

05-07-2003, 06:17 PM
Whelp, I ended up not doing ANYTHING tonight. I went over to my friends house, then we jumped in the 4x4 and played in the woods for a little bit. Trying again tomorrow.

Anyone else want to give me some hints as far as what to look for, ways to do it, etc?