View Full Version : Spiked Cards

05-06-2003, 03:19 AM
Idea: dunno if anyones ever posted anything about this, but check it: if you have a pen-pal or long distance gf or something along those lines and you send a card or gift with some pheros on it, will it:
1. evoke the same feelings as seeing you in person?
2. last the 2-3 day trip through the postal system?
3. if someone else is around, will the pheros work in favor of them? that would suck. hahaa
just wondering.

05-06-2003, 07:35 AM
There have been some posts on this in the past. I do not remember the results of the \"experiments\", however.

If you do a search on \"letters\" you might be able to find some information on it.

I think most of the people were using some type of -NOL product, but can\'t remember exactly.

I used chem. set -NOL for my graduate school applications. I thought, \'why not? Can\'t hurt\'. I havn\'t heard from any of the schools I applied to yet. But I applied in March. So it will be a while before I hear.

05-06-2003, 09:37 AM
You have to use an alcohol product, otherwise it leaves stains. However, if you mix a more oily product with water you will be able to \"mist\" it on, but make sure you dont do a full spray!!! Spray from a hight and let it settle on the card/letter.