View Full Version : ASIANS Vs BLACKS

05-04-2003, 04:46 AM
im going out tonight to a club which will be predominantly full of blacks cos itll be rnb and hip hop night. with regards to mone usage, because blacks rrelease more -none naturally, will i find it more difficult to attract women (caucasian)as a result, strengthened more cos my asian background results in me releasing less mones naturally? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif

im planing on using ae + soe tongiht, any suggestions for dosages given the above situation? (im 18, 5 11, 70kgs)

05-04-2003, 05:52 AM
Your subject makes it sound like there is some new war going on hahaha. First of all you are going to a club bro and all you are going to be rollin on is AE and SOE? Screw that drop some NPA/TE in the mix especially if you want more sexual hits/attention.

I don\'t care if asians or blacks or whites or any of the other hundreds of different ethnic groups produce more or less none then another, it really makes no difference at all. Pheromone usuage as been taken to an uneeded point. Everyone in that club just took a hot shower, and put on some fresh hip clothes, with no pheromone additive, my point is there phero-signature is virtually nonexistent compared to yours when you are rockin\' the -mones. 4 Drops of AE make your signo 100x times stronger then anyone elses (or more).

Just to the basic thinking, don\'t over think the situation, you are going out to a night club full of women who are there for a reason, you want to be viewed as sexually attractive but also easy to speak to with a cool personality. Ummm if you had some TE I would suggest you go with TE and SOE but if you don\'t leave the SOE at home and go just for AE (5 drops) as the mix compliments most well.

PS. You sound like a smart guy Oxford U. and all hehe.

05-05-2003, 04:34 PM
thanks for the advice, only ive just checked it now after going out cos i forgot, soz /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif

what i did put on in the club was around 2 drops ae + about 9\" soe, which is maybe a bit over the top, i was kinda testing really. i put a bit of ae on my shirt on the chest area + under my chin. the soe was all over the place, ears, neck pulse points, shirt, wrist and back of hands.

i didd notice somethings outta the ordinary like more looks etc but i get that anyways, so i cant necessarily attribute that to mones. what i would say however was that two chicks were acting v strange around me (in a good way), which i think was the mones cos i was cunningly waving my hands around in their direction to test out responses to the soe on my back hand, test showing the +ve response

however i couldnt move in for any kills cos of other factors, (namely my idiotic friend scaring them away) /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

i think next time i will use more ae + ill think about that te, but maybe not just yet cos only been using mones for 6 weeks, so ill give them a bit more time until buying more

05-06-2003, 02:37 AM
sounds pretty good, I would upped the AE and dropped that much of SOE, maybe 4\". I don\'t think you will be let down with NPA/TE, yeah sure its best to try all your products seperatly at first so that sounds cool too.

05-11-2003, 05:44 PM
ive ordered npa. isnt te the same as npa, their characteristics look the same on the l-s products table?

05-11-2003, 07:14 PM
Yes TE and NPA are the same, sometimes I don\'t include them both when I am giving an example, I hate putting TE/NPA my apologizes. The only difference is in the concentration of NPA which is 4x times that of TE. In the end you get the same thing though, nothing to worry about.