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04-27-2003, 05:45 PM
www.mindmodulations.com (\"http://www.mindmodulations.com\")

An excerpt from my journal concerning the delivery of \'Proteus\' by this company today:

</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
I got this really weird thing in the mail. It\'s like a light-sound stimulation system, it like hypnotizes you and puts you in different moods. There are like glasses and headphones. I had two settings on, Creativity Enhancement and Composure. It really [bad word] up my mind. During Composure, I kept having these hallucinations of little planes and raindrops. I like felt like I was going up on a plane. I fell asleep later on and it was like the weirdest thing. I had a dream about colors. It was about how trees and grass change colors to compliment the weather ([bad word] up eh?). It had a song to go along with it too. It was like childrens music. It was like \"Colors compliment eachother, colors compliment, they do!\" Who needs drugs when you have the Mind Modulations system?

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

I think this is a definite thing to check out, for all you who like to experiment with personal mind-states. Your personal mood plays an important part when it comes to other peoples reactions towards you of course.

04-27-2003, 05:48 PM
Nothing better than hallucinations /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif!

Edit: lol, for real nothing better. I once achieved a hallucinogenic, multi-orgasmic state by taking 3000mg of ST. Johns Wort before bed. It was crazy /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif, I remember falling through a dark abyss while having sexual intercourse with the woman I loved. I had about 60-70 orgasms (I counted), I was able have orgasms on command. It was pure bliss, It only lasted 14-15 minutes but it felt like hours have passed. I don\'t recommend anyone to try this (it gave me a wierd flu-like reaction the next day, similar to a withdrawl from an Anti-depressant) Though, It only took me 2 days to fully recover, but I think it was worth it /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

04-27-2003, 06:50 PM
bsxs, glad you are enjoying the system, it sure can affect your mood and perceptions. Try the random setting, and try using some of your favorite music along with it too, can get pretty interesting. And just wait until you start programing your own sessions, great fun.

04-27-2003, 07:27 PM
Oh yeah it\'s great so far, thanks for recommending this to me!

04-27-2003, 07:35 PM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
Oh yeah it\'s great so far, thanks for recommending this to me!

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

oh you\'re very welcome. keep me posted on your experiments.

04-27-2003, 08:30 PM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
bsxs, glad you are enjoying the system, it sure can affect your mood and perceptions. Try the random setting, and try using some of your favorite music along with it too, can get pretty interesting. And just wait until you start programing your own sessions, great fun.

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

Any stories of your own to share about using this? I\'m very interested, but can\'t justify $200 for something I have no way of trying beforehand &amp; haven\'t even read much feedback on.

How long have you been using this? I wondered if the results change over time... in a positive or negative way.

Bsxs, Hope you keep us updated. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

04-27-2003, 08:53 PM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
www.mindmodulations.com (\"http://www.mindmodulations.com\")

I think this is a definite thing to check out, for all you who like to experiment with personal mind-states. Your personal mood plays an important part when it comes to other peoples reactions towards you of course.

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

Wow, I was just finished reading all of their website &amp; now really want to try this out. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Do you think your experience was a true hallucination or a theta-wave brain state (like when you\'re half-asleep/half-awake and your brain starts coming up with all sorts of waky stuff as if you\'re dreaming)?

Based on what I read, I\'m guessing this doesn\'t really make you hallucinate, what it can do is put you into a dreaming-awake state. But this is just a guess, I\'ve not tried it.

For instance, if someone had walked up and slapped you (or probably even just started talking to you) while you were seeing this stuff, you probably would have snapped out of it. Is that correct?

Hope you guys don\'t mind my questions, I\'m studying psychology &amp; am very interested in altered states. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

04-27-2003, 09:45 PM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
Any stories of your own to share about using this? I\'m very interested, but can\'t justify $200 for something I have no way of trying beforehand &amp; haven\'t even read much feedback on.

How long have you been using this? I wondered if the results change over time... in a positive or negative way.

Bsxs, Hope you keep us updated. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

Tantalus747, and all:

I have been using the Proteus light and sound machine from www.mindmodulations.com (\"http://www.mindmodulations.com\") (made by www.syneticsystems.com/) (\"http://www.syneticsystems.com/\") for almost two years, and it is really amazing. It is designed to help you alter your state of mind by producing a wide range of light and sound frequencies that your brain then synchs up with and moves into the different states of consciousness associated with those certain frequencies. I am always finding new uses for it.

I use it quite often to help me fall asleep more easily and guide my dreams if I so choose. With dreams I find myself being able to have very vivid dreams that I can easily recall and even control at times. I also use it in along with music sometimes in order to more fully experience the music. Using this machine at certain frequencies has helped me to calm down more easily in times of stress, and even study better for tests by helping me to concentrate and focus and learn and recall more easily. One of the programs included with the proteus is called \"Relax before exams,\" and it helps me do exactly that. At somewhat higher frequencies I\'ve used the proteus to help feel more awake and energized sometimes as well.

You mentioned wondering if the results of using this device have changed over time in any way. From my experience, consistent use of this device has only improved it\'s effect. In fact the whole science of this is meant to work by training your brain to certain frequencies, so that with consistent use your brain will be more likely to operate around those frequencies and be more receptive to certain states of consciousness.

In order to tie all of this in with the \"science of attraction,\" remember that improving your own mood is often one of the first steps in been seen as more attractive. Who is going to be attracted to someone in a bad mood? That said, this thread probably belongs more so in the health forum, but I can\'t do anything about that.

Again, the possibilities with this device are pretty much endless. The pre-programed sessions are great, and the ease at which you can program new sessions using whatever frequencies you desire to create whatever effects you desire leave a lot of room for experimentation. And no, I don\'t work for these guys or anything, I just find it pretty interesting that such a thing even exists.

Feel free to ask any other questions.

04-27-2003, 10:12 PM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

Wow, I was just finished reading all of their website &amp; now really want to try this out. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Do you think your experience was a true hallucination or a theta-wave brain state (like when you\'re half-asleep/half-awake and your brain starts coming up with all sorts of waky stuff as if you\'re dreaming)?

Based on what I read, I\'m guessing this doesn\'t really make you hallucinate, what it can do is put you into a dreaming-awake state. But this is just a guess, I\'ve not tried it.

For instance, if someone had walked up and slapped you (or probably even just started talking to you) while you were seeing this stuff, you probably would have snapped out of it. Is that correct?

Hope you guys don\'t mind my questions, I\'m studying psychology &amp; am very interested in altered states. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">


I can\'t speak for Bsxs, but from my own experience I will say that yes you are correct, it is not a true hallucination but actually a theta brain state, which as you said is sort of dreaming/awake. Your description of half-asleep/half awake is very accurate, that is exactly one of the kinds of states that I have been able to acheive with the Proteus. I have personally had people walk in the room and start talking to me while I was in one of these Proteus sessions in a theta state, and I was very easily snapped out of it, able to function normally. A delta or even a low theta can be a different story as these frequency ranges are more likely to put your brain into a sleep state. For an interesting more detailed explanation of how some of these frequencies correspond to different brainstates you should check out http://www.lunarsight.com/freq.htm (\"http://www.lunarsight.com/freq.htm\") but be aware that the information there comes from a variety of sources. I often use that page as a guide for exploring new frequencies with the Proteus.

I don\'t mind your questions at all, please ask more! I\'ve always been interested in these sorts of things myself. Let me know if you decide to try it out for yourself, always good to have more insights.

04-28-2003, 01:24 AM
Hi all,

I am a Hypnotist and these machines are a very good way to learn self hypnosis and get the results you want.

Some places actually have clients come in for a session with a real live Hypnotist and then
let them come in during the week to re-inforce their results with the use of a light and sound machine.

If you were to imagine a weight lifting workout using heavy weight with the coaching of a professional trainor
and then following up with some Callisthenics at home on your own before the next scheduled gym session.

They are NOT necessary and if you want you can get a few $5.95 books that have a LOT of great info :
\"Self Hypnotism\" Leslie LeCron
and Jose Silva\'s \"Silva Mind\"

And these will get you
great results IF and only if you read them,
and DO the DRILLS!!!

So are you willing to practice some simple and relaxing excercises for about 30 days in a row?
OR do you want to get a fast, easy way that will allow you to slip into different states of mind
( which you will be able to access again without the machine after enough conditioning )

05-03-2003, 01:31 PM
I\'ve just got the Proteus in the mail today. I will write more about it later, but one thing I noticed was that this stuff makes me fall asleep! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif (No, I wasn\'t using the Sleep mode, but Relaxation and Well-being...)

Is it better to program your own session and use it than to use pre-programmed ones?

05-05-2003, 11:47 PM

Any more experiences report? I really like to hear more about the combo set. Anybody tried them all?


05-06-2003, 01:05 PM
I brought it into school, everybody loved it. It got a LOT of attention. Everybody thought it was so freaky. My friend brought in some techno to play with it. I put on the random setting. After a little everybody felt very relaxed who used it and were like shocked. It was kinda like a rave club with the flashing lights and the techno music. It really takes you away to a different place. I forgot where I was for a second when I was using it.

Conclusion: Works well with techno music on random setting.

05-06-2003, 01:52 PM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
I brought it into school, everybody loved it. It got a LOT of attention. Everybody thought it was so freaky. My friend brought in some techno to play with it. I put on the random setting. After a little everybody felt very relaxed who used it and were like shocked. It was kinda like a rave club with the flashing lights and the techno music. It really takes you away to a different place. I forgot where I was for a second when I was using it.

Conclusion: Works well with techno music on random setting.

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">


Nice to hear that you and your friends are enjoying the proteus. Yeah the random setting along with some music can get pretty interesting. Sounds like you are having similar experiences with it that I\'ve had, that\'s cool.

A word of caution tho...as with pheromones, don\'t let the cat out of the bag. Imagine if everyone and their mother started using all these things, well before you know it in comes the government and sees people having a good time and says oh we can\'t have any of that, then its byebye to everything, sound familiar?

And by the way in case you didn\'t notice, there IS a warning on the proteus that says it shouldn\'t be used by anyone who has epilepsy (the flashing lights could trigger an episode) for that reason alone it probably isn\'t a good idea to be passing it around in school.

Sorry for being a downer but I figured a few words of caution were in order. Now don\'t let that stop you from having from and experimenting and keeping us updated!

05-06-2003, 03:32 PM
Lol yup I know what you mean. Hey since you know about these things, are there any other products that you found very useful? You\'ve made some good suggestions to me in the past. For instance I\'m a vocalist and I might need something to prepare my voice.

06-08-2004, 09:16 PM
nbnbtc how are you using the

proteus to guide dreams? I mostly use proteus' default programs for relaxation.

Another device I've been

playing with more recently is the bt-7. also good for relaxation, but once in a while I have these badass vivid

visions (while lying down with eyes closed).

I guess the best and simplest and cheapest tripout I learned to

do during long bus rides. While riding I'm not comfortable enough to fall asleep but too bored to stay awake. So I

end up in that half awake/sleep dream state, in which I can control the content or just let it flow.

06-09-2004, 05:45 PM
nbnbtc how are

you using the proteus to guide dreams? I mostly use proteus' default programs for relaxation.


device I've been playing with more recently is the bt-7. also good for relaxation, but once in a while I have these

badass vivid visions (while lying down with eyes closed).

I guess the best and simplest and cheapest tripout

I learned to do during long bus rides. While riding I'm not comfortable enough to fall asleep but too bored to stay

awake. So I end up in that half awake/sleep dream state, in which I can control the content or just let it


Thomas, any of the Visualization or Relaxation programs that come with the Proteus work good

for lucid/vivid dreams, #15 was a favorite for a while. I also used a stand-alone frequency of 3.9 HZ for guiding

dreams quite a bit.

I've never used a cranial stimulation device like the bt-7 that you mentioned, but it

sounds interesting. Do you use it together with the Proteus? I'd be curious to hear more about your experiences

with the Proteus and other relaxation devices, I don't know of many people that use it, we should compare notes.

06-09-2004, 07:08 PM
Has anybody here tried the nova

goggles for lucid dreaming with results?

06-09-2004, 07:54 PM
There is a ces device designed

to work with the proteus, called "the oasis". I went for the bt-7 only because it was significantly cheaper at a

time I was skeptical of CES. I havn't tried the bt-7 at the same time as the proteus more than twice, just no

interest in doing so. I would only notice what would be expected from the proteus alone. I'll have to give it more

trials before I can give a full report on that.

I've been using the proteus probably bi-weekly over the

past three years. Almost always when I use the proteus I usually lie down and let the program run, after about two

minutes i usually stop being aware of anything;

with relaxation programs I come back down with a clear head

and relaxed body, some time while the unit is still on (so it cannot be more than 5 minutes later).


visualization and creativity programs I usually only hear stream of conscience stuff on and off. I usually don't

see mental pictures, just hear sounds and voices.

I havn't done more than a few sessions with the

energizing, or learning programs.

Have you been to the proteus support site? there is a message board there.

Not much comparing of experineces/what works and doesnt, but alot of programming and mode advice. Why did you go

with the proteus over the orion? Have you tried the thoughtstream with the proteus? I used the thoughtstream about

twice before throwing it aside after it stopped working. I took it apart and resoddered a wire to the electrode, but

the electronics were so simple inside that I got upset about having paid 200.00 for it. I'm going to give that a

few more trials. By claims the thought stream can control the proteus to tailor the session to your mind


Similar to the effects of the proteus are hemi-sync and holo-sync, I have pretty amazing results with

stuff by dr. jeffrey thompson. I've downloaded most of this stuff as audio files. Most recently I've been playing

around with the brainwave generator www.bwgen.com i think is the site. The program can create audiostrobe

sessions compatible with the proteus. You might really like that as someone who tests various frequencies.


havn't tried the nova goggles. Those are the lucid dreaming aid right? I figured that dream journals and

preperation etc..., even looping cd track method (brainwave mind voyages) would work just as well, and be more cost

effective. But I would also be interested in hearing form someone who has tried them.

06-10-2004, 06:05 PM

have you done much

with learning program #19 "relax before exams"? I found this one particularly useful for relaxed yet alert states

and improved memory, as most straight bursts of 10hz tend to be. At one time I was using the proteus several times a

day, and I must say my GPA did get higher.

As for the proteus forum, last time I checked there it was a

barren wasteland. Whats the link again? I can't find it off the main site. Back when I was researching the proteus

I decided it was worth the extra cash to get something that was totally programable, and I'm glad I did, I don't

think it would be as fun with only one color either. In fact I recently picked up the blue/red goggles just for the

change in color and I am quite pleased with them, was getting a bit tired of the green/red. I did purchase a

thoughtstream thinking it would be cool to use with the proteus, and it was ok, but the sensor broke fairly quickly

and I never bothered doing much else with it. The proteus itself is far more impressing.

It's funny that you

mentioned not being aware of anything when using some of the protues programs, because more often than not I find

myself being hyper-aware, but still in a relaxed state.

I've played around with brainwave generator a bit,

have you purchased any of the audiostrobe cds? Always wondered if they would be worth it. I did get some

"hypno-peripheral processing" cds from elixa.com that are pretty interesting when used with the proteus tho.

I've never tried nova goggles either, but from what I've read it is probably just as easy to train

yourself to be more aware in your dreams than to have that device try and cue you.

As for CES tho I am

pretty skeptical of that too, do you find it to be as effective as the proteus or more so? I did purchase an orgone

zapper recently on a whim, ever try one of those?

06-13-2004, 08:06 PM
http://www.proteus-support.org There are quite a few messages, but for some reason I havn't found a way

to just randomly browse posts. Did you get the sample audiostrobe cd? I havn't bought any audiostrobe titles other

than the sampler. I havn't used the sampler often, I prefer the default programs. But when I first started using

the proteus I did change states faster with a/s than with the defaults.
I didn't like the way I feel after using

"relax before exams", I'm not sure how to describe the feeling.

Most recently I've been using the proteus

to become more sexually openminded by listening to gay erotic stories converted to speech and put on an mp3 cd,

while running visualization or relaxation programs. I can't really say what related results may be attributable to

the proteus had.

Orgone is too far out there for me, despite William Burroughs (an author whose adventures

fascinate me) testimonials that orgone boxs are great sex toys.
I'm not even completely sure what to be looking

for with CES. the manual is so vague. I did read of a few studies confirming that CES does have some benefical

effects. I didn't bother to check the study for validity at the time.