View Full Version : Wow, Less is more!

04-09-2003, 11:42 AM
I always heard \"less is more\" since the first time I read Bruce\'s guide up to now. For some reason I never really believed that at all I thought it was like most things logic the more I put on the greater and longer the effect (no, I don\'t think that basic). I was using around 5 drops of AE/M (sometimes 6) and sometimes wore a spray of PE. I was getting reactions from people though not that great as I did in the past. I decided today to only wear 2 drops of AE/m one on the inner collar of my shirt the other on top of my head in my hair.

Wow, I got a much better reaction, though it seemed that girls had to get closer then usual (like 5 maybe 10 feet)it was much much more effective, It seemed every girl that got close to me in school showed atleast some signs of attractions. It was a just a great phero day. I\'m not sure why less actually works better maybe before my pherobomb was so strong it was just over the whole room and singliing one person out would seem pointless to a girl when she felt it in the whole room. I really don\'t have much of an idea why but I\'m sure one of ya guys do.

P.S. Has anyone left their AE bottle open when applying with the dropper, I guess one day I was using it too long and it evaporated a bit, has this happen to any of ya\' guys?

(For some reason I cannot spell at all today or make sense of everything I type heh)

04-09-2003, 02:09 PM
the \"less is more\" phrase Applies to products that have Anone in them..like AE. So 2-3 drops should be the ideal dosage so that you want OD on Anone. AE also goes great with SOE around 2-3 inches of it usually. you should try 3 drops of AE one day and see how it goes. By the way what does your AE/m smell like?

04-09-2003, 04:13 PM
tallmacky: You may say that again: less is better. As you, I used to wear 5 drops of AE at college. Well I had some buying signals from some girls but at the same time a lot of strange stuff was happening around me: My roommate stopped to talk to me without no reason, and the guy decided to stop to share anything with me including toilet paper! My hostmother (I am an international student in CA) that normally 2 times a week used to show up on my room, stopped to show up (good for me, now I do not have to organize my room every single day). At my Political Science class there a chair in front of me and I started to see everyday girls that normally used to sit on the other corner of the classroom fight to seat on that chair (a consequence of the social circle hook-up theory).
Now I learned the lesson... at least I can say that I saw already OD signs and now I am sure that pheromones work. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

04-09-2003, 04:17 PM
I think everyone OD\'s on there first time with mone\'s cause I know I have /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif , but the good thing is that you learn from your mistakes and come up with something even better /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

04-09-2003, 04:45 PM
Phanton: do you know what happens if we OD with Anol?? I know by life experience ( /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif)that when we OD with Anone you see people getting nervous with you. What about Anol? What happens since it is the friend-phero??

04-09-2003, 04:51 PM
Funny that you mention that because today I accidentally OD on PPA/w (4 Dabs of PPA/w with 2 drops of AE/m). It was kind of weird, everyone was SUPER nice to me, trying to help me in anyway possible. Though everyone was sniffling and sneezing, it was kind of funny though cause it seemed like I was the only one that was\'nt, also if I use anything more than 2 dabs of PPA/w the scent becomes too overpowering and it screws up my whole Angel/m cologne scent /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif.