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View Full Version : SARS VIRUS - could it pose a threat

04-01-2003, 05:00 PM
This virus that has come out of china, could it pose a problem if it spreads to far, i guess it will spread dispite health authorities attempting to control its spread, anyone with a medical focus can also comment.
Apparently it is a virus that could be related to the common cold.
Symptoms include temp above 40C, dry throat and dry cough, possible headaches, diarehhia.
Spread by ? body fluids, sewage, can survive outside the body for up to 3 hours (doorknobs, taps any large public area would allow it to spread) being highly contagious presents a possible worldwide epidemic with a 4% deathrate so far.

04-01-2003, 05:24 PM
It can definitely pose a threat, and efforts to contain it have left much to be desired.

A passenger jet coming from Asia was just held under quarantine in San Jose, California for a few hours because it appeared to have 4 people with SARS on it, including 2 of the crew. So all of these people are breathing the same air on this plane for like a dozen hours, an infected stewardess or two are going around handing people food & stuff... and all but the 4 suspected cases were then told that they could take off, but to get medical attention if they started showing symptoms. So now we\'ve got maybe a hundred or more people who are very likely exposed wandering all around the San Francisco Bay Area. Great, just great.

04-01-2003, 05:31 PM
I mean why would u allow all those people just to run amok in san francisco bay area, some of those are going on to other cities.

The efforts need a more desirable nature and more focused research efforts. U think all those people are going to get medical attention if they get something, they soon be dead rather than at a doctors infecting more people, well at least the drug companies might benefit with new drugs etc to combat this virus or disease.