View Full Version : Wagg - giving pheromones one last chance

03-31-2003, 06:05 AM
I just got my first delivery of Wagg. So far I have tried soe, npa, pi(m), pi(w) rouge male and apc both one at a time and in several differerent mixes. I have tried every kind of application (cloth, hair, skin, reapplying, not reapplying).

The sucess rate so far has been very limited.. only a couple of hits for about 10 months of use.. So if WAGG has as limited effect for me as the other pheromones I will not use pheromones in the future.

The only pheromone that has had a consistent effect on me is overdosing none. If I do I usally (not always) end up irritated or pissed off. I have not yet found any good or consistent effect on other people.

Oh, well. I will try AE(m)+WAGGfor a few weeks, then PI(m)+WAGG, then PI(m)+PI(w)+WAGG.

The smell of WAGG is bit disapointing since it smells just alcohol. It is better for mixing of course, but SOE (even though having no effect for me) at least smells great.

I will report back if I get any hits.

03-31-2003, 08:00 AM
return all of them and try perfect 10.

03-31-2003, 10:53 AM
try wagg along with some PI/m. It did the trick for me...girls looked at me like if I was a rock star or something..really cool...give it a whirl and tell us how it goes for you...

03-31-2003, 12:03 PM
Hey Ironration, good luck with the WAGG. If you\'re a \'leader of the pack\' or \'lone wolf\' type, it should work for you.

But what I find is that the way these things work is to make girls more receptive to what you already do. So if you can talk to them and can be relaxed and confident and funny, the -mones just make them respond better to you than they would otherwise. You won\'t necessarily get any \'hits\' as in girls approaching you themselves (I don\'t... well almost never...).

So if nothing\'s working for you, it could be that you need to work on your technique!

BTW, WAGG actually has a pretty definite smell if you can smell it. It\'s been described as \"clean sweat\". I\'ve found that with my mix (which is WAGG plus some essential oils plus a tiny bit of copulin), most girls that I have smell it say \"mm... smells good\" but a couple say \"hey, that smells like sweat!\".

Anyway, good luck with the WAGG and let us know what happens.

03-31-2003, 04:31 PM
If you tell us data about yourself, your relationship with women, and your phero use, we might help.