View Full Version : Could my girlfriend reject me+mones?

03-19-2003, 09:24 AM
Ok she\'s not actually my girlfriend, she\'s my ex. We broke up about a month ago. I got a \"it\'s not you, it\'s me\" but in this case it was authentic.
I want to get back together. We still see each other almost every day, and when we\'re together we hold hands, hug and kiss each other on the cheeks. To be honest I think she likes me more now than when we were together.
So I figure she needs a couple boosts. The most important is psychological, which i\'m working on. But I figured some pheromones could help me out. I ordered some AE and PI, which should be getting in tomorrow.
My question is: could this backfire on me? Things are so great right now that I\'d hate something to ruin it. Has anyone had any experiences where someone who is attracted to them, rejects them if they\'re wearing pheromones? Is this at all a risk? I\'m can live with \"no results\", I just don\'t want \"negative results\".

Also should I use AE and PI together? Or just one? We\'re both 25, in southern europe.

03-19-2003, 12:40 PM
I have never heard of a story or someone saying that their once interested lover is not attractive to them after the pheromones. The scent of pheromones are not like a perfume/cologne were a woman would have a concious like or dislike. Instead its etched into every woman\'s mind to view one with a higher concentration of pheromones as genetically more superior, better looking, sexually attractive, and so on. When your girlfriend \"smells\" the AE/PI she will have no concious decision whether she likes it or not, her subconcious will pick up on this and she will not know, she may act more sexual and so on around you but she either is not aware of it or is quite aware of it and just excuses it as you being really sexy and so on. I can\'t possible seeing this backfire with you. Lets say in the rare case that somehow she did not like your phero\'s (very unlikely) then you could simply take a shower and so on its not permanent by any means.

I think you should try the AE/M first the strong smell of -none is dimmed down quite a bit and the combination of the 3 phero\'s is magic. Though I would be looking for the strongest sexual response as a first test and would definitely want to try the PI out.

03-19-2003, 12:44 PM
Ok folks tell me if im taking the wrong line here.

She is probably just using u for the sex without the need to be committed to u - first guy comes along asks her out you will be ignored until she is single again. Now if you are ok with being used just for sex and not a committed relationship then thats fine, if not dump her ass and go use the pheromones to find someone else.
There is always a negative risk with this stuff, but give it a try and see what happens. I think youre in denial at the moment that she \"loves u\" she loves the continued sex while she waits for another guy to come along.
Id use DD#1 (SOE&NPA) in a 7:3 ratio.

03-19-2003, 03:38 PM
It ain\'t like that. There\'s no sex going on here. I am sure she likes me even more now, but it could be the more relaxed atmosphere there exists now and possibly the fact that she feels she doesn\'t fully have me like before.

In any case, you mention \"negative risk\". What\'s the negative risk? She always seeks me for tranquil aura, which calms her a lot. Could this characteristic of mine change with the mones?

03-19-2003, 04:05 PM
Ok so shes not youre girlfriend/lover/bonk buddy.
Shes a friend who you were in a relationship with, she decided it was her - she wants someone else you arent being seen as a long term partner and will be shafted along when she finds another more \"superior man\" in her mind. (probably someone uglier, skinner but richer or just with a better mouth)
Negative risk is it could drive her off, or she will get horny for someone else and you will miss out. (the social circle hookup effect)
If you want \"calm\" her try a1 = heres the link http://love-scent.com/kits/extra/order.html. (\"http://love-scent.com/kits/extra/order.html.\")

Or you could try SOE which will get her chatty.

03-19-2003, 04:16 PM
i say go with AE/m. it is my fav product here. I don\'t think it can hurt only help. And don\'t put so much on it offends her.

A good idea would be to cover it with a cologne you (if you are getting the old version) KNOW she likes/loves so that by continuing to inhale the colgne because she likes it she will get a good whiff of the mones.

03-19-2003, 04:20 PM
\"Negative risk is it could drive her off, or she will get horny for someone else and you will miss out. (the social circle hookup effect)\"

I forgot about that effect, the pheromones might be telling her that your a great sexy guy but if you don\'t act it and Joe Shmoe hanging around you does she might fall for him instead of you. The only way to counter this is by acting \"Alpha\" (acting like a macho man) or just put on the pheromones when your alone with her and when your in public places just put enough on that she has to get close to smell them.

03-19-2003, 08:40 PM
Yeah its a big one, you know where other guys manovre or attempt to move in and distract u, i counter this with either alpha or on purpose wear pheromones around people i know and just act un interested just to see who hooks up and its an interesting game one can play to pass the day lol.

The social circle hookup effect, comes into play often enough.
An interesting phenomeon. Actually those relationships are usually quick as she breaks up with him again, then comes back after u after she realises she has made a \"mistake\"