View Full Version : That's what I used so far

06-24-2001, 10:04 PM
I feel kinda nerves using my credit card online, so, I called a local sex shop and they said that they have a 2 phero products: Yes and Beaux Guest.
I bought both. And used them both, but I don\'t think there were any positive effect at all. I don\'t know if it is possible, but it seemed like was more negotive effect.
I don\'t know much about pheros, this is my first post here, but have anyone tried any of those products? Did the work for anyone?
Thank you in advance.

06-24-2001, 10:04 PM
ive never heard of beaux guest, but i\'ve heard that Yes doesnt contain too much pheromones, although some people love it and bruce says some guys buy it by the handful. i\'d suggest something a bit stronger. if you want to see good solid results then you\'ll have to bite the bullet and go for some of the high content products like Primal Instinct, Attraction, Andro4.2, etc.

About the nervousness w/ your credit card online, it\'s actually much much safer to use your credit card online than it is to give it to some waiter you\'ve never seen before and let him disappear for ten minutes with it, but people are totally comfortable doing that. when you use your card online the information is transferred via SSL, Secure Socket Layer (correct me if i\'m wrong on that acronym expansion), which is totally safe and reliable.

06-24-2001, 10:04 PM
It may sound like a paid advertisement, but right here is a safe, trustworthy man to buy from. He makes regular posts in this forum, and i\'ve never gotten anything but a speedy shipment. That depends on where you live in relation to Colorado, USA. Bruce is a great businessman. You are perfectly safe ordering right here, and especially with the money back guarantee!

06-24-2001, 10:05 PM
I second that.
My shipment arrived at Canada customs 5 days after the order was placed. Than the gestapo like customs tore it apart and finally I received it.
If it weren’t for the overzealous customs I am sure I would have gotten it much sooner than I did.

I only wish all e-businesses adhered to this level of professionalism that Bruce delivers everyday.


I work in the networking field specializing in security. I setup and maintain company wide PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) servers.
Let me assure you, it is much safer to do send out credit card numbers and other confidential material through the internet provided it is well encrypted.
Most important question that people tend to assume best case scenerio is the question whether the e-shop is reputable and does it follow stringent privacy guidelines.
This is in a nutshell what SSL does:
The company (Bruce) has two sets of keys, one public one private. Through SSL handshaking your browser gets the public key, with which it encrypts anything that is keyed in to the online form. Than the server (Bruce) gets your browser response and it knows it will be encrypted using its own public key, so now it uses the private key to decrypt the communication.
So you see the credit card information can (and probably does due to Big Brother monitoring bs) be intercepted at various points on the internet but the decrypting of it would take literally thousands of years at current processing speeds. Even if you don’t have 128bit encryption installed with your browser 56bit is still way too powerful to be cracked by any server farm your local computer nerd could setup at school.
Are there backdoors to this type of security? Maybe, but it is unlikely because very talented and smart mathematicians around the world still cannot figure out a fast way to factor a product of 2 prime numbers..
A prime number is a number into which no other number can divide without leaving a remainder. For example, 7 and 19 are primes, but not 9 or 20, because they can be divided by 3 and 4 or 5, respectively. Two very large prime numbers, when multiplied together, form an even larger number whose factors cannot be deduced without a great deal of time and effort. An extremely simple example would be multiplying 7 and 19 to get 133. Obviously a number this small (133) would be factored in an instant (7 and 19) by a powerful computer, but how about when the product number is 309 digits long? This is a non-trivial task for even the largest super-computer today.
So as you may have guessed already the public key consists of the product (133) while the private key contains both prime numbers.
Anyways I could go on forever…

06-24-2001, 10:05 PM
If you don´t want to pay via credit card you can also use mailorder,fax and telephone (but that would be expensive if you´re not in the states!)
And I´ve never heard of Beaux Guest either but I´m also knew to pheros , what is it supposed to contain,I take it the stuff is for men only.
