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View Full Version : How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

02-25-2003, 06:42 AM
Sorry about stupid question, but how should I know my type?
If there is some signs of been -nol?
I am pretty small(158 cm, dark hear, Europoid,low perspirative, 65 kg, ave. body build..), quiet and shy person. Like \"concervative-provocative style\", consider myself as good taste. Usually, does not get any \"hits\" with or without pherromones.
Does it seems like -nol person type?
In which direction should I move (-none?)?
How should I move, 2drops of PI/m does not seems have any reactions at all ether on me, ether on peoples arround me.
Same vith NPA.
I would, and I will continue searching \"my\" notch in pherro contens, I know, it works, but how should I work it up?
I am 30 y.o., but looks at 23-25. People see me as a nice, shy, respectfull person, but \"childish\".
There is so much written about this on forum, so if You bored to answer, do not do it. Althou, I would very appreciate any responce..
Yours, Bubu.

02-25-2003, 07:49 AM
You, my friend, are a NOL person in my humble opinion. That description of yourself is exactly what mine was a number of years back. NOL could very well be your best friend, buddy. I wouldn\'t recommend NONE if you\'re a loner. At least not just yet. Cuddles /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

02-25-2003, 07:58 AM
Really? I\'d have pegged him as a man in need of -none, to give more \"alpha male\" instead of \'childish\'.

02-25-2003, 07:59 AM
.<< People see me as a nice, shy, respectfull person, but \"childish\".>>

Wouldn\'t this mean he should add some None to make himself more manly?

02-25-2003, 08:04 AM
Yes, axactly this I was trying to do with -none, thanks, Elana!

02-25-2003, 08:07 AM
Thanks, Cuddlebear!
What that means, loner? I am always smiling, running arround, optimistic kind.
Do You mean, for hits I do NOT need -none?
I just shy to start conversation, hit on someone, be more \"active2 if You know, what I mean..

02-25-2003, 08:21 AM
TBiRD said to me try PI/m , AE, SOE and NPA as standalone. I tryed, but did not find any difference. Maybe I wasn\'t looking too hard /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif. But I was using them just only 2 weeks, and just on the work. I am programmer, in our group there is only men. I was two times in caffeterias with my friends, but two times does not counts, as I understood.
There is I will try pherromones more, much more time than two weeks, just say, if there will be any break-out?

02-25-2003, 08:21 AM
We\'re all different, but your profile is an exact match of what mine was pre-NOL. It made all the difference in the world. NONE tends to scare people off if you are a person who keeps to himself. Once you become more of a conversationalist and people are relaxed, then you might introduce the NONE. My response to your original post was based entirely on my own experience. NONE seems to be better once your target is relaxed. Otherwise they might flee. That is my experience. Repeatedly. Cuddles /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

02-25-2003, 08:22 AM
I think that your trying -none first was the right thing to do, and I wouldn\'t give up on it. Some -nol might be worth trying in the mix, since you\'re not that old and look younger.

I suspect, though, that you\'re having to fight things in both your own head and other people\'s. People who know you will be slow to change how they think of you, and if one is of shy/quiet nature, it makes it really hard to overcome. It can be kind of a catch-22, like the way women sometimes are flirtatious with guys who already have girlfriends/spouses, or trying to find a job when you\'re unemployed. People mentally put you into a little box, which takes a lot of confidence to break out of... but how do you summon that confidence?

In school, I always felt pegged as nerdy, and low on the food chain. In fact, as I later discovered, many people (females included) didn\'t really buy into that at all, but such was my self-image. I didn\'t really break out of it until my mid-late 30s, when a high protein diet and a few hundred hours of weightlifting did the trick. At that point I broke out of my trap, and started daring to do things like wear spandex... and even to flirt with this pretty coed 20 years younger than me! It was a very significant change in how I viewed myself, and forced other people to change their views accordingly. I married that pretty coed a year later. And, once this process got going, it snowballed... I went from marginally employed to making a shamefully large amount of money, because I dared try for jobs that I wouldn\'t have before. By the time my 25th high school reunion rolled around, I was feeling more like a rock star than a quiet geek, and women (who had showed no interest in me 30 years before) were throwing themselves at me... even in front of their husbands!!! Sorry to run on a bit with all this, I\'m just trying to encourage you a little. :-) You *can* break out of social ruts!

Anyway, my suggestion is to think about what you can do to help the pheromones work. Something which will make you notice what a stud you really are, so that other people will start noticing it too.

02-25-2003, 08:35 AM
Thanks, Cuddlebear!
That was helpfull, I will try alone SOE too.
I am opened for experiments, so If someone have another suggestion, I will be very thankful!

02-25-2003, 08:44 AM
Thanks, MadDoctor!
That I should try too.
Yes, I know, that a pherromones just only a \"tool\", just only a li-itle plus, and the rest 95 percent that plain me.. I have a period just now, in which i changing quite a lot. So, pherromones, thanks for Bruce, helping me in my selfimage, that I trying to build from that mess of complexes.

02-25-2003, 10:07 AM
Thanks for all, who answered!
So, because:
1. Pherromones does not MAKE Your better person, they help to SEE You as better person,
2. Pheromones DOES works,
3. Pherromones not a \"Magic possion\", just a enhancer,
4.Pherromones work is individual, and there no \"one size\" or one \"formula\" to all individes,

I consider this:
1. Possibility to use -nol product ONLY to \"break the ise\", then work slow up on -none if needed. With this I need to be more \"active\" ant at least, start the conversation (in a pub) or be active in conversation vith people that allredy know me.
This should work.
2. Possibility to use -none ONLY to low down \"childish\" effect, and higer my heigh (158 cm..). This with be more \"active\" and at least start conversations, etc. And, do not be so shy, be more selfconfident. -none will help with this to me. Be happy, smiling, funny, if high dose of -none is used (no OD).
This should work.
3. Use one of the mixes, like 2drpPI/m:4drpAE, or 3drpAE, etc. starting from low doses, working way up.
As usual, be happy, smile, active , etc.
This should work.
4. Look at the mirror and realize that I am so cool! That anyone , that meet me, should feel good and happy with and arround me. AE should help with it.
It should work!

So, in all possibilities I am the winner, thanks to Bruce, franki, TBiRD, Elana, Cuddlebear , Mad Doctor and many-many others, who helped me.. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

Am I right?
Am I?

02-25-2003, 10:25 AM
try not to \"act\". Traits of confidence, etc are differnt then being confident. Come to peace with you physicallity and stand by however you choose to be personality wise -- just question your decisions first, and if they make sense, then you do not need to second guess yourself.

Furthermore, do not ever be intimidated by the beauty that a woman can have. Many men feel inferior because of this. However, her looks have nothing to do with whether you on her level. One thing has nothing to do with the other. Whether you are good enough for her depends on whether you truly believe you are -- that really is the criteria that women unconsciously use. There are too many little non-verbal ques that we communicate with regard to how we feel about ourself to fake confidence. We all subsciously read these non-verbal ques in other people, and that is how we get our \"feel for a person, vibe\"

The only way you will get anywhere is with self-acceptance. Once you have that, rejection won\'t bother you, it will just be bad taste or stupidity on the other person\'s part.

Be at peace with how god made you and the paths you choose to take. Love yourself and know that you are a mate worth having. You don\'t entirely think that now, and thousands of yeras of evolution has brought females in a direction where they learned that the most successful males/best genes are more likely to believe in themselves, so therefore they look at how you believe in yourself so that they can have a good mate.

02-25-2003, 11:03 AM
Thanks, bjf for a nice words.
So here is body lanquage and selfconfidence meets..

02-25-2003, 11:25 AM
Has anyone read this book?

Body Language Secrets:A Guide to Courtship and Dating

I have found it to be invaluable. It makes approaching women much easier because you already know they are interested.

02-25-2003, 12:09 PM
I personnaly does not have one, but I was interested a while ago, and did some research. But found not so much..
Thanks for hint!

02-25-2003, 03:55 PM
Mad Doctor, I believe you are COMPLETELY WRONG! The visual corex in the brain ALWAYS OUTRULES the PHEROMONES!

In your case, you changed INTO the none guy.

If this skinny basterd goes and gets none it will do NOTHING because people will see him as a nerd, but pheromones say no, and it is outruled. Basically, pheromones can only enhance what you already have, and that\'s the mix you want...Unless you get a mix with everything in it...One of htem pheromones will be yours!

No, instead, he should 1. Eat more...

2. Start doing pushups.

First mistake, skinny people start to eat more, do not gain weight. If you lift, it forces the energy to go to your MUSCLES.

Second mistake, skinny people are used to being skinny! So they do CARDIO! No cardio, unless you have already gotten the muscle you want, you don\'t need it. Plus, you\'re not doing it now anyway, why get even THINNER!

See, me, on the other hand. I pretty much produce no nol whatever. If you do not piss me off, I am nice, however, first impression with me will ALWAYS = rone and none! Hands down! If you look at me, you do not see, conversationalist..You see, I better not piss this guy off. And when someone DOES talk to me, they are jittery (this is without even wearing mones, however, I do wear axe instead of deodorant, work out, and take dhea...)


02-25-2003, 03:56 PM
It WON\'T WORK....If you are small, and you are wearing none, they will just ignore it.


02-25-2003, 04:00 PM
# 4. Outgoing girls tend to like outgoing guys...

Shy girls tend to like shy guys.

Dont\' change what you are (other than bettering yourself, start lifting, treat people nicer, get smarter, etc...)

But instead, look for someone that is more like you,u and use pheros that are like you. Not only will they be MORE ATTRACTED to you, but it will also work out better, between you two.

You know, the only problem hooking up wiht a shy girl. You are shy, you will not go and talk to her. She is too. If you go and talk to her, you\'re no longer shy, ARE YOU! lol

Perhaps if you run tnto them or something? I don\'t know.

But, don\'t try to be something you\'re not, it won\'t work. Trust me. I\'ve now given up on it. I\'m not an outgoing person. Basically, girls are just like guys, without the testosterone dude. Not all of them are all talkative and sh**.


02-25-2003, 06:12 PM
> Mad Doctor, I believe you are COMPLETELY WRONG! The visual corex

I think you missed my point, which was primarily that if one\'s self image can be a very limiting factor. Even if you\'re quite decent looking, if you don\'t feel it, you will lack self-confidence and be too shy to get very far. Nothing to do with the visual cortex! The guy\'s of average build, but kind of short. Big deal! Lots of alpha males have been of less than average height! He\'s the same height as Adolf Hitler who, however horrible, was still an EXTREMELY alpha male.

Try opening your mind a little.

02-25-2003, 06:16 PM
I\'d concur with those who recommend -nol products with a little -none thrown in. If you are very shy/loner etc. the -nol will make you a little more at ease/relaxed in social situations and make others more relaxed around you. But I also find that a little (and I stress \"a little \" ) -none helps to make you feel internally more confident - but too much -none for a quiet person will shut you up even more and put you in a bad mood which is not conducive to making folks/ladies relaxed around you.

But ultimately you have to confront the internal issues dealing with your shyness etc. If you don\'t like an attitude/behaviour in yourself, confront it and face the fears - it\'s not easy, but using all the pheros in the world won\'t make a difference if you don\'t adopt the attitude you desire and resolve to do it. Lots of good books/articles on this in bookstores and online. I have a couple of ebooks etc. If you want any PM me.

02-25-2003, 06:17 PM
\"If you look at me, you do not see, conversationalist..You see, I better not piss this guy off.\"
LMAO, i\'ve never met a person i worried about like that..no true alpha male would.

02-25-2003, 11:45 PM
Thanks again to everyone!
But, I propably misswrite myself.
1.I am very positive, optimistic person.
People, who knows me, describe me as nice, smart, good taste, optimistic, childish, fine, VERY SHY, respectful, good listener.
There couple of bad sides of mine, for exemple: If I want something, I MUST to get it now. etc.
2. I believe that I am mature, responsible guy.
3. The very problem is to start to know people, like: to start conversation first, that is my shyines comming forvard.
4. I am 158 cm in heigh (which is small), but weight 65 kg, I believe, maskuline body. I\'m not fat, I\'m not skinny. I had training in dzu-do. So there nothing wrong with my figure, at least my close friends says.
5. I still have no big selfimage and selfconfidence, there my shyiness comes from.
6. If there some people that thinks I am misjudging myself, that I think, I\'m too pretty for all this \"girls\", or I think too good about myself,- maybe. I had a conversations about this with my friends, they say I werent wrong.
7. I am not a LONER! Of course, when I moved to new city for work, there weren\'t friends of mine, so in a pub I sitting usually alone. But, having my glass of wine, smiling, smiling at the people around me. If somebody will talk to me, I will talk back. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

8. Please, write more about Yours opinions!

PS I am respectfull to all you people, that you just wrote, Thanks for this. Don\'t be scarred to write more, I will not get mad /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif In fact, I want so much opinions I can get, TRUTH IS OUT THERE.

Yours, Bubu.

PPS. I will aprecciate, if FTR, TBiRD, franki, cuddybear, Elana will say something too..

02-26-2003, 05:34 AM
Good post MadDocter, people really should realise that they can change, and let go and get on with it! /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

02-26-2003, 05:37 AM
Marv you have missed an important point.

I do strongly agree with your point about \"-none pretenders\", small guys who are also weak minded wearing -none will do nothing at all.

However, to get big is not the only way to stop being a -none pretender. I\'m sure many people know of smaller guys (not looking too alpha) who are in fact quite alpha, they lead their group (not always a group of small guys either). This is because they have good self confidence.

02-26-2003, 05:39 AM
I like quiet guys who mind their own business. You sound to me like you\'re doing just fine. -nol really does make people chatty. Why wouldn\'t SOE be a good product for you? If you\'re going to use -none, I\'m with the guys, use just a little bit, and concentrate more on the -nol.

02-26-2003, 05:47 AM
Thanks, FTR,
It really gives me an good idea, where I am standing.
SOE is a really good product, I using it constantly. Would You reccomend more products?
If You talking about little -none, which ammount of, say, PI/m or NPA will be minimalistic good to use with, say, SOE?

02-26-2003, 05:52 AM
This is really a subject for the guys - they know more about it and can help you better.

02-26-2003, 05:56 AM
Sorry to interrupt You, CptKipling
but I\'m not consider myself a weak minded. I am not trying
to be a -none pretender, or be \"bigger\". I trying to make people see me less \"childish\" and more serious. I am talking about this \"first impression\" that I radiate around me.
Thanks for answer, You maked Your point clear. THis is helping me a lot.

02-26-2003, 05:59 AM
Hi Bubu...CptKipling wasn\'t referring to you. It was just a general comment. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

02-26-2003, 06:03 AM
Sorry Bubu i wasnt saying you were weak minded, I was using that as an example to illustrate the fact that working out is not the only way to stop being a -none pretender.

You might want to try SOE, or maybe AE. I\'m thinking that naybe -rone would help you, but you will probably like some -none.

If you buy those two you could experiment with either 2:1, 1:1 or 1:2 (SOE:AE)

02-26-2003, 06:30 AM
Sorry, If I sounded angry, I wasn\'t. Your example are good.
Thanks for this.
My point of view is maching in some way Yours.
OK, SOE and AE I allredy have, I will try.

02-26-2003, 06:34 AM
OK, next evaluation:
So, here is more clean plan, PLEASE, CORRECT me if I wrong!

1.I\'ll have to use SOE only to see, if it helps to start the conversation and conversate more relaxed as for me, as for \"opponent\".
**Question is , Who must to be an iniciator of conversation in a place I don\'t know anyone, me or \"she\".
2. Us I would feel more relaxed with the time (after x numbers of \"conversations\"), and I will project my selfconfidence and relaxation on another people, I would possible use small ammount of -none to have more male aura. As I said, I have good body build, just the size is \"small\". Trying in this not to put too much of -none for not to \"skare\" people.
2.1. Work on myself in order to change my mind from \"too shy\" to \"little shy\". Or \"normal\" Gentelman.
3. Not to have loner look. (CE effect i can NOT express on my face, just my face muscles could not do it /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif )
4. Be more arround people, and experiment, experiment and once more experiment !

5. Sorry, I would not eat more. I am programmer, but normal weight programmer.
6.I am not trying to have \"macho\" impression, I would not like this by myself.

Am I right now?

02-26-2003, 06:57 AM
Yes that sounds about righ, basically feel good about yourself and project it, others will have a lot of respect for you for doing that.

You might want to try putting SOE on your wrists, so that the strongger -nol is what people will first sense, but after the ice is broken and they get a little closer, the -none/rone effects them.

02-26-2003, 07:13 AM
Maybe hereis your problem. When u talk to people, you are focusing too much on not offending people and being polite? From this forum, that is evident. That mght come off to women as you seeking their attention. I.e. YOU looking up to them. For the mos part, attraction usually occurs when 2 people feel that they are on each other\'s l;evel, or if a person feels that someone is on a higher level. When I say level, I guess I mean status, or more so, quality of mate (DNA, status in scoiety, etc). IF a person sees someone looking up to them, then they think, hey , I this person is below my equal, I can do better and attract even better DNA, etc.

What I am trying to say is do not apologize for voicing your opions and saying what you htink. That does not include being inappropriate, but I think given the fact that you are so respectful now, you won\'t cross the inappropriate point.

When you talk to people, try to keep in your head that you are \"not worried about pleasing them or offending them. you are there because your uniqueness adds something. You don\'t have to go shooting that off to people, but shoot it off to yourself.

Also, when you walk, from now on, keep your back straight, and hold your head up high. Feel empowered with yourself.

02-26-2003, 07:22 AM
bfg just made a good point, whether it is valid to this particular situation or not, everyone take note.

02-26-2003, 07:24 AM
Yes, You are right, bjf!
My friends sometimes tired of me to be so polite. They say so. While ago I couldn\'t do anything with it, that was my problem. Just only now I\'m starting to knock out from this shell.
Often, when people make me a little favor, I will not forget it for a long time.. Sometimes it was looks like I was trying to \"s*ck it up\" to them. But it was not in my opinion, I just was happy, that people helping me.
Thanks for responce!

02-26-2003, 09:43 AM
class Phero
void PutPhero( drop _none, drop _nol, drop _rone);
void LeavePhero_at_Home(void);
drop _none, _nol, _rone;
boolean is_OverDose, is_stinks;
void BeCool();
void BeFunny();
void GoHome();

Just kidding! Long working day..

02-26-2003, 10:01 AM
if people seldom are the ones to start conversation with you and usually cant give you eye contact for long when you talk to them face to face (they look down in nervousness)then you probably produce too much none naturally and scare everyone off...I have this very problem...girls always tell me that they are attracted to me and that I inspire a sexual response in them but usually the intimidating factor that it caries outweighs the sexual feelings...

02-26-2003, 10:28 AM
That\'s when you just shut up and kiss them. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

02-26-2003, 10:36 AM
No, usually I and my \"opponent\" have good eye contacts. not for long, not short, open postures, pretty relaxed. But problem is to start the conversation. Problem is to make this first eye contact, which is leads to conversation, i suppose. I will not sit by my own vith my glass of wine, and STEARE to someone in order to wait her responce.
Or would I?

02-26-2003, 10:42 AM
Dear FTR.
I would not kiss the girl, without having \"permission\" in some way. That is not apopriate. Not nice to girl. I will not do something to girl to be sad.

02-26-2003, 10:44 AM
don\'t stare, she will feel it. but keep her in you perphieral vision, etc, and glance over if there are moments where u think she will make eye contact.

if you 2 make eye contact for 2 seconds, then give a nice hello smile acknowldeging the situation.

don\'t go over right away, but eventually happen to be there, or with more eye contact she will be quing you to come talk to her.

Then simply ask, How are you? don\'t come off as needy, etcjust talk to her and charm her like yo would have to in a business setting. Hopefully with that mentality, your mind is less likey to go blank.

Also, don\'t forget, most of the time for any guy, there will not be interrest. 1 out of 10 is good.

02-26-2003, 10:54 AM
Dear FTR.
I would not kiss the girl, without having \"permission\" in some way. That is not apopriate. Not nice to girl. I will not do something to girl to be sad. >>>>

This was a joke. I would say, lighten up and work on finding comedy in things more too.

02-26-2003, 10:55 AM
Thanks for fine lesson, bjf!
I , by myself, did not had much practice in such things, and was too shy to ask somebody else. I will try to do so, thanks for picturing it out!
Althou, it will take mach brave from me to do such thing. But I will try! After while it will come naturally, if I try. Say, after 8 times? That\'s two month (8 Saturdays). 1 of 10? We will say,1 of 20. So, arround 100-120 persones in a pub, 40 % is a female, 20% (Stockholm) from 40% is \"available\". Will not take long time to find someone, doesn\'t it?

I am sure, I am Optimistic..

Where is SOE role in it?

02-26-2003, 10:59 AM
\"Say, after 8 times? That\'s two month (8 Saturdays). 1 of 10?\"

They say it takes 21 constant days to change a behavior. Don\'t just try it on Saturdays in a pub, work on it EVERY DAY, EVERYWHERE!!

02-26-2003, 11:04 AM
sometimes it feels like there is two kind of pheromone users: one, who applyes 4 drops PI/m, 20 drops of AE, plus 120\" of SOE, and gets hits, and ones, who make it smarter, playing with microdoses of pherromones, making eye contacts, were real gentelments,roses and stuff, smouth talkers, and get hits.
Well, I will say, that I such kind of person, that would like to \"play\" with pherro, make \"fine\" moves, changing myself in something better for getting hits and NOT look at pherromones as a \"atacking device\".
Thanks that all of You made me realize it!

Am I right this time?

02-26-2003, 11:05 AM
Yes, thank You, Mtnjim, I work on this constantly.
It IS hard work.

02-26-2003, 12:22 PM
In my opinion this guy needs a combo. None + Nol. I kind of fit his description, so this is what I suggest and has woked for me.

2-3 drops PI, heavy in none
1 drop with a Nol product
Cover it up with a good cologne, the trick here is they must smell the frangrance and like it, so they sniff everything up well.

With this Combo I had done very well in the female department, both with younger and older girls. In fact if you come across a girl who is in her cycle she will go nuts! You will Get DIHL.

02-26-2003, 01:27 PM
I will try this one too, may-be later.. (2:3 PI/m:AE). But in my opinion, DIHL is a sign of OD.. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif And -none OD little-bit embarassing.

Somebody correct if I am wrong?

02-26-2003, 01:29 PM
No, DIHL is not a sign of OD, it\'s usually a sign of interest ...

02-26-2003, 01:34 PM
Thanks, Cuddlebear, but 2 PI/m + 4 AE spreaded wrists/neck/jaws was not giving me DIHL from the girls, beside, I can smell -none and -nol in pretty small ammounts, and this was stinky even to me..

Sall I try it more times than one, without make another people to hate me?

02-26-2003, 01:38 PM
FTR, if You see this post, would You stub me with some object, if I would stink 2 PI/m arround You ??

02-26-2003, 02:02 PM
You asked me to write something to , so here I am.

First : you are already being helped by smart people so u really should follow their advices.

Second : The advices they gave are pretty good. Now its up to you to go out an start testing.

Third : I do agree that u need -none + -nol maybe some rone.
2 drops PI + few Soe swipes should do the trick. If still no results , consider applying on clothing instead of your skin.

Fourth (and most important of all ) : You don\'t need to worry about yourself as much as u do ! Seriously stop it.
Your idea of trying to better yourself is good , but don\'t overdo it. Enjoy life as it is , be more open to people. Also talk to people (strangers) at bars. WHAT do you have to loose ??? Nothing !!!!!! Absolutely nothing , there is no need to worry at all. People like people who like people ! SOunds weird , but its true. Nobody will be offended if u walk up to them , and say \"Hi whats up\" or \"Can I drink a beer with u\". Add pheros to that and u get that special \"foot in the door\" or \"edge\" that u need. Be open minded, if u fail with a person , then in 99% its not your fault. On to the next women/man. You seem to be a very nice person , judging from your posts so I don\'t think u should have any trouble making new friends , if u only show your true (not the shy) self more often !

Good luck dude. + Go out and test whenever u can.

02-26-2003, 02:10 PM
Thank You, TBiRD!
As usual You very strict and good aviser!
I will go and try, and fall, stand up again, fall again, but I will get to the point when I could say \"been there, done this! \".

I am HAPPY, that there is guys like You.

02-26-2003, 02:20 PM
I must thank everybody, who gave me helpfull hand, when I needed it!
You are really incredible people, i just hope, I could be one of You.

This two days, reading answers, was changing me from Stranger to Newbie, not just only on this forum, but also in Pherromones!

I am more entusiastic about this than ever, and I think, I will have much fun going from the point of \"chaotic applying\" to \"I know what I am doing\".

Allso, using this opportunity, I thank Bruce and James V Kohl for giving me chance.

Love You, Guys and Girls, VERY YOURS, AB (Bubu)

02-26-2003, 02:26 PM
\"it will take mach brave from me to do such thing. But I will try! \"

You\'ve got the right attitude. You\'ll do well.

Pats on the back from FTR

02-26-2003, 02:43 PM
Pats on <font color=red> FTR\'s </font color=red> back from TBiRD /ubbthreads/images/icons/blush.gif /ubbthreads/images/icons/blush.gif /ubbthreads/images/icons/blush.gif

ooops !

02-26-2003, 05:35 PM
Go get your testosterone levels checked. You may have low testosterone levels.

I am not referring as to pheromones...And you can build an impressive body without much testosterone. However, testosterone makes you feel strong, like you can do anything, competent, leader.

You seem to be more for a lack of a better word, \"feminine\". you do not take control. You want others to take control over you. This usually works fine if you are a woman, but if you are a guy, the woman is going to expect you to say the right thing, make the first move, etc...

No harm in getting your levels checked though.


02-26-2003, 05:40 PM
Do this:

Meet one new woman every single day.

Go up to one woman AT LEAST in a day..If you meet three in one day, that doens\'t let you off the hook for the next day (this is not coming from me, something I read, and is EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE FOR CONFIDENCE.)

Go up to the woman/girl...

Hey, I\'m (so-and-so)... You shake her hand like you\'re SUPOSED TO shake a woman\'s hand. You pur your thumb over the top of her hand.and shake it lightly.

She will than either say her name or say nothing at all....Either way, if she says nothing, you do nothing else, if she says her name, you ask her how it\'s going.....After that, do whateve ryou want, talk, or don\'t talk....

Do this, every day....

Before long you\'ll be ablet to talk with teh greatest confidence.

But, yeah, always put the hand out, 99.999% of the time you will get it shaken back. And light contact shows that you are an open person.


02-26-2003, 05:46 PM
looool @ \"You seem to be more for a lack of a better word, \"feminine\". you do not take control. You want others to take control over you. This usually works fine if you are a woman, but if you are a guy, the woman is going to expect you to say the right thing, make the first move, etc... \"

You forgot to add NEVER DO SOMETHING ILLEGAL , if you end up in jail , you might get the \"You are my bitch now\" from da big bouncer guys in there.
No offense /ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif

Hell , maybe he could use his skills to his advantage in a jail. maybe he would convert all the ruff-guys into talkative friendly people. (Wouldn\'t try it though)


02-26-2003, 05:48 PM
Yeah but what if they have a bf or husband it could get very embarrassing. The best advice get a job where u come into contact with beautiful women ripe for pillaging, plundering and raping. That would be a hairdresser, you can make her look good, charge her $$$$ for it then ask for her number hook up and bonk her stupid.

02-26-2003, 05:53 PM
Women just refuse to take control, unless they have high testostrone levels.
Dont do anything illegal but if a guy is weak women stay away, they dont do it conscisouly but on an emotional level they feel like you arent protective of them and wont submitt so you can use youre dick to penetrate them.

02-26-2003, 05:53 PM
I don\'t believe that introducing yourself is embarassing, as, you are doing just that, introducing yourself. You can introduce yourself to either sex it you want. I only say to introduce yourself to women is because thier power of intmidation over you will be gone once you realize they don\'t have any power over you at all.

When they look at you weird when you ask them out or something, you can just be like...Are you sick or something? You don\'t look like you\'re feeling too well, etc. lol


02-26-2003, 05:55 PM
I just prefer to not do it cold, i work social networking to the max, locate the 10 women and go for the kill with pheros in tail. SOE will increase the indicence of women intiating conversations that much has been proven

02-26-2003, 05:56 PM
Yeah, I didn\'t see where the hell they got that he would somehow go to jail. Feeling confident if different from raping someone....

After a certain amount of testosterone it does nothing for aggression. Only juts builds more muscle. That\'s because I think you have to have the body at its high right ratio.


02-26-2003, 11:56 PM
Thanks, marv14yag!
I had resently checked my testosterone, it was awerage, in a middle.
Thanks for the right words, and strict answer, I will see, what I can do with my \"feminine\" side. I will try to take more control over situations.
I think, You got the point of my shyiness.

02-27-2003, 12:03 AM
Thanks again, marv14yag!
This is a good advice, to come to girl every day. You descried it so clearly, that I pictured it in my mind and I will do it! Hurra! /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif) now I know hov to do IT!

02-27-2003, 12:12 AM
Thanks, Wacher, But I think marv14yag have a point!
I do anything illegal just introducing myself to person with a nice smile. In a matter of fact, If I will start the conversation from \"How-you-doin\" (\"Friends\" comedy serial)I will banked off quiklier, isn\'t it?

02-27-2003, 06:27 AM
You know, as cheesy and well-known as that opening line is, if you do it purposefully like Joey does it on Friends, you will get a laugh. And a laugh is a good way to start a conversation. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

Good luck!

02-27-2003, 06:40 AM
Don\'t do it as a joke. Seriously ask, How are you? with a slight smile so you don\'t seem like an ultra srious guy and you seem friendly. Anyone with common courtesy will ask you the same. By her asking you a question, then it will not seem out-of-bounds to have a converstation with her.

If she doesn\'t ask how are you, just says \"fine\" \"good\" etc, Then that can mean she doesn\'t want to talk to you, is shy, is caught off guard.

02-27-2003, 06:47 AM
I don\'t mean to do it as a joke, I just mean do a Joey impression when he asks. I think that line is recognized worldwide now, because of Friends. He can be seriously asking the question, but ask it in that way. Shows he\'s got a sense of humor and making a girl laugh is almost always a good way to make a good first impression. Just make sure she laughs at what he said and not at YOU.
But you\'re right, bjf. If she doesn\'t do much more than politely say \"fine\", then don\'t persue the conversation. And Bubu, if your coworkers/friends aren\'t used to you being outgoing, realize it will take a few days for them to get used to it. I don\'t think it will be a bad reaction, however. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

02-27-2003, 07:11 AM
sorry, i never saw friends. If he is asking seriously, maybe because his character is funny or something and he is jsut a goofball. Goofballs can say anything repitively, and it will be funny.

It may be the most well-known line in the world, but not nearly enough guys use it. Instead they are trying to think of some romantic or unique compliment in their head or thinking of those dumb lines in general. In the end, it will all come out as, \"you are so full of sh--t\". You might as well not try and hide your intentions, and be plain them. How are you means I am here to talk to you. At least that is upfront, and at least the person seems comfortable with the fact that they have the right to talk to you.

02-27-2003, 07:17 AM
Ahhh, ok. Let me explain.
Joey on Friends is very Italian, a goofball, and not necessarily the sharpest knife in the drawer. BUT, whenever he sees a pretty girl, all he has to do is say \"How you doin?\" is his Brooklyn accent, and the woman falls for him instantly. It\'s kind of a running joke. So when you ask a girl that, while doing the Joey impression, it\'s a joke, but it\'s also a bit of a come-on if you want it to be, because people recognize where it\'s from.

02-27-2003, 09:01 AM
Thanks both bjf and Sexyredhead!
As I understood, I must to \"open\" line with good taste, not too serious, like \"Good evening, my name is ..., I work as.. I was born in..\", but not too familiare like \"c\'mon, baby, woud\' Ya sleep wis me?\". I should find something better, with my own fantasy, open question, not offencive, not too neutral, maybe with sence of humor (good humor, I mean..)
PS. If I will cach something heavy with my face after I had said my line, so I will know, that was not the right one.. No big deal, next one will be better..

02-27-2003, 09:55 AM
ahh... i get it. sounds like it would be funny -- insuiniating that she should instantly fall for you. Problem is, if the woman doesn\'t get i you sound like an ass. Other problem is, a lot of peole talk like that, so a friend fans wouldn\'t necessarily get it. I am in NY so people don\'t associate that with joey. I believe you said you were in the bible belt, so i guess TV would basically be the only place you would hear that.

02-27-2003, 10:01 AM
Anybody who\'s a fan of the television show, Friends, which has been on for years and has a very big following, knows about Joey\'s leering \"How YOU doin\' \" opening line. The thing is, Joey\'s dumb as a box of rocks and about as subtle as a train wreck -- but he\'s so very goodlooking it doesn\'t matter. That\'s the reason it\'s funny. Joey could say anything and the women would respond, is the idea.

02-27-2003, 10:02 AM
Hello to everyone!
OK, folks, there is new evaluation:

Following from:
1. testosterone level checked, slightly down, allmost average.
2. Because I have good smell to -none, applyed NPA and PI/m new to back of my both hands (separatelly), an don a pappet tissue. 12 hours: no change, just PI/m changed fragrance, but -none smells same (actually, more, because there was not fragrance left). After night following, papper still smels, skin have just trace of -none.
3. Have good lessons from You, guys, and I had recieved some books about selfconfidence and \"dating knowlege\", Open postures, eyes, hands and stuff.

I will try:

Every, or allmost every day:

1. First using SOE on my cloth/hair make my confidence level higher. + Aqua di Gio.
This will change allso my social (I\'m not so social now) life, I believe, thats good.
2. Than, moving SOE - SOE+NPA - AE - AE+PI/m - AE+PI/m(extended on -none) - PI/m will see the right ammount and right mix for me, using on clothes/hair.
3. Extend behaviour even more moving to \" Nice, stylish, good looking, and confident guy wih good taste and good maners that can protect as a stone wall\" using most right mix of pherromones.
4. Establish best ammount, places, mix, opportunities for this mix, slightly moving from side to side, applying to skin/hair/clothes.
5 I will be complete with myself finally.
6. Try some more..

Yes, it is hard and long way to go, but I will make it, no matter how disappointed I will be on the way.. I know, that I make it complex and too mathematically strict, but I think it will work for me. I know that it is no shortcuts in pherromone use, It is just a tool, remember? I must to be perfect in using tools for make something good.

So, really, that is not cut-and-try technology in applying pherromones, this is hard work on myself first of all. Pherromones will help me.


Yours, Bubu.

02-27-2003, 10:08 AM
In Sweden, allmost everyone will recognise it, You are right, FTR!

02-27-2003, 02:20 PM
See, when you say average. That\'s out of people who are obese and really skinny. Most fit people are usually in the high-normal, even without any supplements.

DHEA maybe could help? Well, that only puts your levels to the max, if you don\'t have much of a max it won\'t do nothing.....That\'s what I was saying before.....I think the ones witth the HIGHEST natural levels of testosterone would benefit MOST. Because if you are 50, your max goes down. Only if it\'s because of daily stress, overtraining is it going to help....


I know I got high test levels, I have not got them tested, however the way I feel/act, etc would CLEARLY show it....

(You should hear me in the weighroom....When I lift, I\'m not human anymore....At least, not for 30 or 40 minutes anyway!)


02-27-2003, 02:26 PM
You know, it doens\'t matter what you say. You could have the best line in the WORLD but if someoen doesn\'t like you, or doens\'t think you look good, or you don\'t say it right, or you\'re not funny, it WON\'T MATTER.

I suggest doing just like I said, just introduce yourself to a new woman every day......

If you believe there is an opening for a conversation, go ahead, rememeber, your goal should not be to f*** the girl or be her friend, but just get to know them (and than f** them....)


02-27-2003, 02:33 PM
i think introducing yourself to a new woman everyday is an extremely difficult thing for the most confident person. Defintely not something someone shy could realistly do. The awkward results will even further crush his confidence

02-27-2003, 02:37 PM
You have to just make your mind up, put your head down, and do it. Whether you\'re \"crushed\" or not. It feels goddawful but the fact is, you still wake up the next day. If you keep doing it, you can push past your fear. It\'s very hard work, but you can. People think I\'m warm and friendly and outgoing. I have to push myself SO HARD and that\'s after years of practice and purposely putting myself through exercises like the one Bart is talking about. Make a rule for yourself and just do it. It doesn\'t matter how you feel. It matters what you do. Keep doing it and have faith you will see results and you will.

The beauty part of it is this: once you get past some of the fear (it may never all go away, but some of it will), you will have so much compassion for other people who are shy that you won\'t sit around being shy anymore. Does that make sense? You\'ll be known as warm and friendly because when you see the shy person, you\'ll know their stomach is clutching and they\'ve got spots in front of their eyes and they can\'t hear themselves think and their pulse is pounding, and you\'ll go over to them and say hello. And they will love you. Male or female. You\'ll be f*cking charming. /ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif

So do it. Do what Bart said. That\'s good advice.

P.S. Look, not to harp on it, but ... think about this. It\'s the people in your life that make your life worthwhile. It\'s how you interact with people. You can be smart, be rich, be famous ... there are smart, rich, famous people who are lonely. So people skills can make a huge difference in your quality of life. It\'s worth a huge effort to acquire those people skills. It\'s worth putting yourself through some misery for if you have to. Because there\'s nothing else that will substitute for loving relationships with other people. which is a determining factor in your happiness in this little bit of life you get here.

02-27-2003, 03:51 PM
Well, bjf says it would be ackward.

This is coming from an introvert (most of the time...Depends on how them imbalanced brain chemicals are, lol)...

Think about it in your mind though, for a second...

What is wrong with introducing yourself to someoene? A lot of times you don\'t have to do anything people will introduce themselves. I remember when I had changed classes, and people were like, high, I\'m so and so, (shake the hand....Different shake for guys v.s. girls) and I\'m like, I\'m Bart.....ETc...They ask something else. I mean, you don\'t even HAVE to ask anything.

99% of girls, or if you are a girl, guys....Will not make you feel uncomfortable by you introducing yourself. So long as your intuition is (immidately) not to try to gain a partener.

Perhaps you can even start out with the same sex if you feel more confortable.

Me, personally, depending on pheromon levels, stress levels, hormone levels, brain chemicals. Sometimes I\'ll be VERY friendly, COMPLETELY confident, not testosterone confident, but just confident in general and I\'ll just turn to the person next to me and start talking to them. Say like, hey, what\'s up. Or, if they are shy....Why don\'t you talk much....It doesn\'t matter what you say...

Coming from someone who should KNOW....

2 things.

1. People VERY MUCH enjoy it when you start talking to them! I think everyone basically wants human interaction unless 2.

2. You ask them something they feel uncomfortable talking about.
If you are talking to someoene who has something wrong with them or something DON\'T ASK THEM ABOUT IT...Not even if you are trying to be nice about it. You should pretend as though there is NOTHING wrong with them, because in all reality; THERE ISN\'T, they are just REGULAR PEOPLE! Everyone\'s different. Also, when you talk to people, don\'t quiz them, if they feel reluctant to talk, you don\'t have to talk.....

In fact, perhaps this dude thinks it is embarassing because he beleives he will have to talk, you don\'t, just introduce yourself...Walk away even if you want to, lol

Another exercise (although, probably not one most people would do) be BOLD!

I remember, I didn\'t like some girl....But I\'d figure, she was hot, I should ask her out....I was afraid to. I don\'t like being afraid to (Now, you have to remember, there is a DIFFERENCE from being afraid and knowing when not to say something, if the girl smiles when she says know (not in a SADISTICAL WAY) you were flattering but no because of whatever reason, however if she makes you look stupid you can comeback with someone (get into that later) but basically that was probably a time when you shouldn\'t have said anything)...

No, I\'m not referring to my recent dilemma....A while ago....

Girl\'s at my bustop....She gets off....I just plain out, these were my exact words, \"Hey, let me get your number.\" She smiled and said, \"I have a boyfriend.\" Which, she does, lol

Just an example.....

Now, as for the comeback: If a girl looks at you like you are dirt or as if she is amazed YOU a (to her: a lowlife scum) is asking her out....You can comeback with:

When she looks at you wierd, like you are funny be like, are you feeling alirght? You look sick or something.

Or, if she says something like....My boyfriend is 2 times what you are (not exact words, but idea), you can say something like...Maybe, but I bet I could please you twice as well though too.

Now, there is the small kid.... REALLY SMALL, but he looks exactly like howard stern with the hair, and skinny ( a little short for Howard Stern....Howard Stern is very tall)....

Anyway, he will get girls before me! I\'ll tell you that RIGHT NOW! Doing just like I said...

Girl asked him like...You\'ve probably never been with any girls (in fact trying to demean him as being a loser) He replies with: Come outside with me, and I bet I can hit a homerun.

Dues 5 times his size...Someone messes with them, that b**** don\'t put up with it! Sure he\'ll get his a** kicked, but it\'s the PRINCIPAL MAN!

Actually, it works out well.....He\'s small, so he can get in close with the girls (un-obtrusive) but SOMEHOW seems to have the testosterone levels of somoene 10 times his size.

I believe this to be because of a ratio of free testosteorne v.s. total testosterone.


I\'m done.


02-27-2003, 06:13 PM
That was so good I can\'t stand it.

love you Bart


02-28-2003, 12:33 AM
Thanks Bart!
Now I feel like I am gaining some knowledge from You.

Beside starting tecniques, can You look at my plan evaluation, that came couple of posts away? What Do You think?

I had tryed to do this thing, that You told me, to walk to girl, and introduce myself. It was on my working place, in lunchroom. I work as test programs developer in a factory, but wi have this sell department, so we does not holding contacts so much, because this is two separate buildings, just lunchroom is shared. So, there is pretty much women in this sell dep, that I might been seen, but wasn\'t familiar with. So, I thought that this a good start, I did came to girl, she is couple inches taller than I am /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif, and introdused myself, as You told. I said (in swedesh)\"Hi, I am Alexei, I saw Youu here so many times, but did not get any chance to talk to You (like \"we working in the same company, we should know about eac other\"), so, where is Your building is? (like I would not knew it allredy.:))
I did not felt unconfy, ether do she is. I had SOE on me thou. So, everything was fine, I\'ll hold forward..

My body build is good, I say to You, not skinny, I have pretty good musculature tonus, sporty kind.

What do You think?

02-28-2003, 09:42 AM
\"High Five\" Guy!!!

02-28-2003, 10:00 AM
But it is only start, I hope!

02-28-2003, 11:18 AM
I\'m a little surprised nobody talks about Pheromax. After over 1 year trying PI/m and later SOE with NO hits at all, I\'ve started to try Pheromax. I can clearly tell there are hits. Nothing to do with these guys that say they go to bars and girls leave their boyfriends and go straight to them etc. But definitely I notice a change in attitude in many women. Somehow they are more friendly and I\'ve been told quite consistently how beautiful I am etc.

I wonder if Pheromax has not been tested by many people and that\'s why no one has nothing to say or because it only works for me (¿?).

I\'d encourage you guys and specially Bubu to test it.

02-28-2003, 11:38 AM
Thanks to You, I had allredy tested it. But, with this 2 ml I could not test it long enough.

I really think, that -none and -nol are the same in all products, It just ballance between Your chemical signature and that pherromone content and ammount that You put on , is counts. And not which product You will use. Now, if PI/m and SOE would not be good products, do You think Bruce would sell it for such long? Read the posts, there enough evidences, that they work.

Another hand, I still think about pherromones as just only \"foot in a door\", the step must be done by person. I mean, I am who will get hits, my maners, style, confidence, way to talk and to walk, but pherro just helping to other see this things clearly.


02-28-2003, 11:40 AM
Don\'t have any doubt it\'s you who have to do it.

That\'s why I was teasing at these guys that say that girls everywhere fall on to them desperate for sex when they wear mones.

02-28-2003, 11:48 AM
Thanks, Manolo!
Thank You for good words and good advise! I will test it again soon, If I woult not find my \"mix\". Beside, I just making first steps in changing myself, so may-be this is too early to know how it will work. Actually, today I was found something interesting in 1PI/m:3AE + 7\"SOE. We will see.

PS. to sad, bjf or cuddlebear did not saw my last posts..

02-28-2003, 03:17 PM
I read it. We are all very proud of your performance!

02-28-2003, 04:30 PM
Forget a PLAN! SCREW A PLAN!!! Just be casual about it.


Ask a girl out only because you want to.

Here is an exercise to be spontanious. You may think ADD people are retarded. Which, they may be, but they are fun, and above all SPONTAIOUS!

Example... Just be sitting there...And for NO REASON AT ALL say something you normally wouldn\'t say, ask someone something, do something.

Do a 180 or something. And usual the person will be like, huh, what the f***? Where did that come from?

I\'ll give you an example: Some kid I know...Probably got ADD or something, I don\'t know....He\'ll end up getting more girls. Why? Because, he flirts. Not only that. He\'ll end up having more physical contact than most people, because this person makes the women feel \"comfortable\" about it.

No joke, dude got pansed in gym...He\'s like, so, I don\'t care....And just was walking around the gym in boxers...Or, will act gay in class to a substitute...Or, mess with a girl (flirting) and f** grab her ass or something, he\'s like, what, it\'s just an ass.

Not saying you should do that. Just, it\'s more of a spontanious thing.

I mean, don\'t make a plan to ask a girl out, or just talk to people, just do it spontaniously.


03-01-2003, 01:22 AM
Thanks again, Bart!
Thou in Sweden people more calmed, more chill, it can be consider as \"too much\", but I will think about this, yea.
You are very clever.

Of course, asking girl is spontaneous and casual, going somewhere is casual too. Plan is about how to implement this in bigger time slot. If I say \" try SOE, move to SOE+AE\", that is\'nt two days, that is more, actually, this is a time I will get adequate result. You, f.e. would not stop go to gym just because You dont see any results in a first few days? So, this PLAN is not about to get girl, PLAN is about to study, how to USE myself with pherromones.

Oh, well, what a h**k, I will listen to You, You helped me one allredy day..

03-01-2003, 01:25 AM
So, in the last, am I person who needs more -nol or -none?

Thank all of you for such nice conversation.
Yours, Alexei(Bubu)

03-01-2003, 01:52 AM
You need more none and nol than what you are naturally producing, to become more attractive.

\"How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?\"

Why bother with this question. Use both. They really seem to enhance each other.

Franki /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

03-01-2003, 04:12 AM
Thanks, franki!
As usual, Your answer is the answer, that I am need.

Now I have ideas and knowlege, so I am ready to \" go in \".

This particullary month was little crumpy and heavy for me.
My exGF, that was ex for a year now, was living in the same appartment with me. Sometimes it was depressing. She is a fine person, but still.. Now things is changing. She is moving.
........Next week.
Alexei (Bubu)

03-01-2003, 11:55 AM
&gt; You may think ADD people are retarded. Which, they may be...

This is totally off-topic, but I thought I\'d give you a little friendly advice on this subject.

My father-in-law has pretty bad ADD, but when he takes his medical boards, he has a 2-0 record for scoring as the #1 M.D. in his state. I wouldn\'t consider the average MD to seem retarded, and certainly not the best MD in the state.

My wife inherited his ADD. She is a National Merit Scholar with a 140 IQ, the most gifted computer programmer I\'ve ever met (and I\'ve been a computer scientist for 15 years), the sort of person who has never gotten below an \"A\" in calculus, and who usually breaks the grading curve.

Just thought I\'d point this out, lest one day you make a crack about ADD in front of your boss, or your prof, or something like that, only to find out that they themselves have ADD. Wouldn\'t be fun.

03-02-2003, 12:03 AM
I doubt bart was thinking about the total implications. I have too heard these stories and like all statistics or thought of as statistics there are those exceptions that must point to like the two you had given. Those with ADD are not effected at all with intelligence rather getting bored really quick and easily distracted. Hell if you are very intelligent how couldn\'t you get bored.

03-02-2003, 12:06 AM
Forget Anol and ANone go with ARONE and a1.

03-02-2003, 12:17 AM
Thanks, Wacher, I will try this one too.

03-02-2003, 12:25 AM
forget anol and anone? hahah yeah right! As of now anol and anone work pretty good though I hope to make another purchase soon and will be more then happy to test RONE which seems to be the sleeper hit. Watcher have you played with high RONE yet?

03-02-2003, 12:28 AM
Ive played with straight Arone and it came across as me coming off in eyes of others as more dependable and musculine. Similar to WAGG.

03-02-2003, 11:09 AM
How do you find high -rone in clubs? Does it get attention from the ladies??

03-02-2003, 04:32 PM
High rone = someone who smokes.

The rone comes on in the clothes from the cigarettes containing the androsterone.

But, if it is true that androsterone will cause you to calm, than a-rone people would seem to be the sweet talkers.

These would be the guy that gets in the face of another girl and sweet talks her, and ends up f*** her later that night. That is a-rone.

A-none is the dude that smaks the girl on the ass and fingers her right there, they end up f**** later that night.

A-nol is the guy that is cracking jokes and laughing, and uses his humor about a women\'s sexuality to end up getting her in the end also.

A-dienone would be the one that all the ladies feel comfortbable around. Not sexual, not even leadership. They feel comfortable around them. They just end up f*** anyways. There is no conversation, rather seems to just be, yeah, let\'s f***.

I think that covers it.

Your own phermones, especially, if you have more testosteorone would include a bit of all that. But from what others have said, it makes you appear to be more protective, bigger, pretty much just a really good combination of all the other pheros.


03-02-2003, 04:35 PM
good post bart had me laughing a bit

03-02-2003, 07:16 PM
Very interesting and informative post marv14yag. I never knew this about -rone. SOE is a very interesting phero product actually - never had any DIHL, and sometimes I think it is having no effect when the strangest hits will happen with women going all dreamy and mushy around me - even this one lady at work who is known as the office sourpuss - always frowning/bitching about something gets all weird around me ever since I started wearing SOE and actually came onto me last week which was very suprising since most days before this she could barely muster the energy to answer hello to me when I said \"hi\" to her.

03-02-2003, 07:45 PM
Yeah proteus I have worn SOE by itself and it seems to have weird effects on the queen bitches, you know the girl that is always bitching whining and rude etc... Maybe it is just more noticible in them who knows. A girl who sits behind me who is pretty bitchy and rude likes to hit my chair and take my pen etc... not really flirty either. The day I was wearing SOE see was laughing at my scummy $hity jokes, trying to get my attention she must have said my name like 4 times in all for no real reason but for me to pay attention to her and asking me questions that no one cares about like if so and so is doing this.

03-02-2003, 08:23 PM
&lt;&lt;A girl who sits behind me who is pretty bitchy and rude likes to hit my chair and take my pen etc... not really flirty either.&gt;&gt;

I\'m confused. Are you saying that isn\'t a hit?? Pheromones or not. Bitchy, but it seems you have pushed buttons there somehow.

03-02-2003, 08:25 PM
Oh I was that that before I was wearing SOE this is how she acted but that is how she acted around just about anyone with the kind of apathey behavior like pushing my chair just for fun not really talking etc... When I was wearing the SOE I noticed alot of change in her behavior

03-02-2003, 08:32 PM
Before SoE or after SoE, i was just wondering why you hadn\'t made a move already anyway. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

03-02-2003, 08:34 PM
Ohh I got ya, as of now she has a boyfriend as it is not exactly top quality this guy looks like a very ugly cartoon ahahha. Anyhow she used to be kind of tom boyish and do not find her very attractive maybe a bj if she is lucky.

03-02-2003, 08:39 PM
Make friends, she probably has some cute friends. /ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif

I hear ya anyway. She\'s probably hot in bed. The tomboy-ish ones tend to be. It seems to me.

03-02-2003, 08:44 PM
ditto on that bundy, in fact she does never really thought about that.

03-03-2003, 07:05 AM
Thats some damn good advise, especially from Bart, good work guys.

03-03-2003, 11:19 AM
Yea, I think so too. But, life is not just f***ng (ref. Bart), or maybe I am wrong?