View Full Version : Suggestion....shopping page

02-14-2003, 10:21 AM
Bruce- Since many of us spend so much time here, maybe you should consider setting up a page with online stores that you can get commission from. For instance....we may talk about a book from Amazon.com in the woman\'s forum. If someone wants to purchase the book, they should be able to shop Amazon through Love-Scent giving you a bit of money back. I would be more than happy to patronize Love-Scent for items other than Pheromones, and I am sure that the rest of the Love-Scent gang feels the same way.

02-14-2003, 10:35 AM
That\'s a good idea, Bruce. Why not get something in return for putting up with us (besides your pheromone sales).

02-14-2003, 10:38 AM
We can start listing some of the stores that we frequent, and we can all tell each other when there are sales. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gifAlmost all online stores have affiliate programs.

02-14-2003, 10:47 AM
I\'d use it.

Just like trying to find that stupid triangle bra, that nobody is the world makes without an underwire anymore.

02-27-2003, 07:49 AM
I just noticed your message here. The thought is much appreicated. Maybe I should do something like that. Set up a commission-based shopping directory. I used to have an Amazon/Love Scent pheromone book store, but Amazon is so chincy on the commissions that it was getting frustrating. There are some very good affiliate programs out there though (we have a good one at Love Scent, BTW), so your idea is a very good one. I could have an alphabetized list of products all linked to various affiliate programs.

02-27-2003, 08:03 AM
Perfume/cologne stores are a must. Some sites like fatwallet have there forums set up so that if anyone types in the name of a store that is on there affiliate list, it automatically turns it into the affiliate link.

02-27-2003, 09:53 AM
Dang! That is sweet. How the heck do they do that?