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View Full Version : Rogue Male and Musk Oil ??

02-05-2003, 12:52 PM
Good day y\'all.

Would be thankfull if someone could answer 2 questions:

1. I seem to be wasting a lot of RM and don\'t know if I am applying it correctly. There is no dab. People advise to apply 2 dabs, but how? Now I just smudge RM over 3 different parts using my finger.

2. How should I best use my Musk Oil? So far I have not even opened the bottle. How much should I apply? There is a dab but it is also easy to suck in too much of it.

Thanx and cheers!

02-05-2003, 12:56 PM
click this link and read up of applications.
http://www.love-scent.com/reference/pmc05/index.html (\"http://www.love-scent.com/reference/pmc05/index.html\")

02-05-2003, 01:18 PM
to dab means to put your finger on the mouth of the bottle, hold it upside down (make shure you hold tight for you wont spill it everywhere), flip it back up and apply whatever is on your finger whatever body part you were going to apply.